seed from EE

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry that I don't know for sure but I think it is Colocasia...hug leaves pointing upward.
It has bloomed multiple times to my great joy. Just today noticed that one of the blooms has curled open and there is a cluster of red seeds just a bit larger than BB's. Are these viable to plant? Have been sharing this giant beauty by cutting part of the bulb. The leaves are larger every year and it has lived here for 3 years.

It is actually several feet behind the crepe myrtle in a separate bed. Also lots taller since this picture was taken. Some leaves are 3 feet across and almost 4 feet tall now.


Thumbnail by LouC
Keaau, HI

The plant is a Cyrtosperma, Giant Swamp Taro. Maybe Cyrtosperma chamissonis.

The seeds will probably grow. You'll need to separate the seed from the fruit. You can do this by smashing the berries on a paper towel. Be careful not to get the sap on you as it is high in calcium oxalate.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks. How long may I wait to plant the seed? Should I harvest now or wait?

Keaau, HI

When the berries are red they are ripe and ready. If you are going to save them, separate them from the fleshy fruit part, wash them, dry them, and put them in an envelope or paper bag, then a plastic bag (ziplock), and place them in your refrigerator.
To start them, simply sow them in Pro-Mix BX or other peat-moss based growing medium.

Aloha, Dave

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

I have to differ with Metrosideros as that plant is definitely Alocasia. It could be A. odora but is probably A. x calidora. Based on my experience, the berries cannot be allowed to dry out and if the seeds are dried and stored, they will never germinate. They must be squeezed from the fresh berries, washed and planted right away.

Here's a link showing a plant similar to yours:

Aroidia Research

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I purchased the bulb at a local nursery some 3 years ago for $8. I have transplants growing in various parts of my garden. Yesterday I cut the stalk with the seed.

Sorry, that I will not be able to plant them this time. It is now 8:48 am here and I will be in surgery for spinal fusion by 1:00 pm. Now I know what to watch for in the future. I believe you are correct LariAnn.

Thank both of you for your help.


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