TRADE LISTS for the fall gathering & DBG sale ;)

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Here's our thread; let the fun begin! OK--I've got these things to share. If you want some, let me know so I can dig it up?:

Ajuga reptans (disclaimer: No complaining when it takes over everywhere, please)
Chocolate mint
Pineapple mint
Evening Primrose (if it survives the transplanting)
Delosperma (Ice plant--YELLOW)
Physostegia Virginiana/obedient plant (white &/or lavender)
Kniphofia/torch lily (yours for the digging/dividing...I'll help!)
Lady's Mantle/Alchemilla (2 available)
Red Valerian/Jupiter's Beard
White Balloon Flower/Platycodon grandiflorus Alba (might have some blue, too)
Peony (white or pink bomb style)
Blue Star Willow Amsonia
Joe Pye Weed/ Eupatorium purpureum (please help me dig?)
Black-eyed Susan/Rudbeckia hirta
Gooseneck loosestrife/Lysmachia Clethroides
Hen & Chicks

I'm sure there are other things that need dividing but these are the ones that come to mind, now. Your turn!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

I have, let's see.
One or a few divisions of-
Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud (if that is easily transplantable, I have plenty)
Lily of the Valley
Waterlily 'Sulphurea'
Bishop's Weed
Parrot's Feather/Water Hyacinth (I know its late in the season by then)

I can bring cuttings of and/or might be able to root before then-
Night Blooming Cereus
Brugmansia 'Ecuador Pink'
Brugmansia 'Milk & Honey'
String of Bananas (Senecio radicans)
Leaves of named African Violets if anyone's interested
Glory Bower Vine
Persian Shield

I know it's not much, but let me know what I can bring up there.

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Sus, I'd like some of your clematis & yucca if nobody else speaks up for them.

Did you know that, if you heat the pond for your fish during winter, you can pot up some parrot's feather and sink it with your lilies? I did that this year and the pot survived the winter!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Hm! I had no idea. I'll get those 2 going for ya.

Laporte, CO(Zone 4b)

About when are we talking about? (As in it is a long drive to Denver for me) and I think all I am going to have this year is seeds- native wildflowers mostly. Does anyone want those or should I not worry about it this year?

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Sept. 20th, I think (please check the thread that TrishaG started with DBG in the header, to be sure). There is always someone who will be happy to take anything you bring, Kathy! Dry out those seeds and label 'em...then bring 'em along for the ride;) There are several here who excel at starting seeds!

After meeting up at the botanic gardens & touring the grounds (and buying plants offered there), we drive to someone's house for lunch and time together. (I get to have everyone here this time, and my whole family is looking forward to it)! After eating, we pass around whatever people have brought until everything finds a loving home. The reason we offer things and earmark them is pretty simple--so we know what to be certain to dig up ;) I've asked folks to bring crafts, garden decorations, birdhouses...anything to trade. So far, I'm the only one who saves copies of garden magazines to swap but you just never KNOW what others might enjoy. If you see something you would love to have...ask. If it's something I have and it's hard to dig up, come prepared to help dig and you will be able to take some home!

Anyway, you get the picture. I had never met anyone on the forum before the fall DBG sale, last year. My DH and I looked at each other afterward and agreed we felt like we'd just enjoyed the company of old friends. These are good people. I really hope you will join us!!

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

OK Here's my list for now - I might have more to add later:

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'
Sedum 'Dragon's Blood'
'Paprika' Yarrow
Russian sage
Salvia 'May Night'
Prairie coneflower
Lemon balm

All would be cuttings or divisions

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Oh please...Salvia May Night!! If nothing on my list looks good to you--let me know to look farther for my trade list?

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

OK, May Night for Mtnmama! There's plenty on your list that looks good to me - I'd love some kniphofia.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

many seeds (list changes daily!) including cosmos, crimson gaillardia, and some drought-tolerant annuals

divisions of sedum Vera Jameson, various daylilies, NOID iris, Victoria Falls Iris, Mother-of-Thyme (good for between pavers), NOID tall "stardust" colored lilies and some beautiful white lilies that (unfortunately) smell like Old Spice.

I detest Old Spice!

Looking for: hardy phlox, dahlias, lilies, coral bells, lamium, creeping jenny, and variegated sedum (any).

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Amy I can bring some creeping jenny if you want 'Aurea.' I might also have a bit of silver lamium (I think that's what it is) by then.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

I have an unusually large space to fill that needs more "light" from below. that would be wonderful!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

My plants are still too sparce to divide. But I do have some Colorado Blue Columbine seeds (!) from the very first plants I planted last fall. Oh! I should also have some Sweet Woodruff, as this stuff has gone a bit nuts.

My beds are still pretty barren, but they've come a long way... just wait til next year!

Thumbnail by Colorado_Karen
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Pathetic photo above taken last night (after 5 straight days of rain), followed by heroic blooming coreopsis (early sunrise) my DH won't let me commit for trade. (I'm pretty clear we'll have plenty to share after spreading this around.)

Thumbnail by Colorado_Karen
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Ohh Karen hasn't this rain been so nice!?! I have loved not watering and the cooler weather. Even had to put on a heavier blanket last! Love it. Say, we should actually get together soon. Ew, and just because I have to vent about it...I have to go to jury duty on Wednesday!! First real week of school, good timing... ick!

Amy I pulled up the Jenny tonight, and Diane I dug the Yuccas (OUCH!) and the clematis yesterday. Amy, if you are trying to get rid of those Old Spice white lilies and no one else wants them, I don't think I mind the smell, and I always love white lilies even if they smell like feet :)

Lisa and Kathy, I sure hope you guys can come!!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

I love it, Sus! It was soooo nice to be able to skip the watering routine. Lemme know when back to school settles down and I'm game! Re: jury duty... YUK! Our office is just down Cascade if you want to stop by after the 3 hour wait to get released at noon. (I just did that a couple months ago.)

Oh! My DH wore Old Spice when we were dating!!! I told him I loved Old Spice 'cause that's what my dad wore when I was kid and it made me feel all daughterly. A new bottle of Aqua di Gio appeared the next day, I kid you not. Okay, I kid you a little. I actually got him that for Xmas, but that made a better story... :)

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Hahah you're too funny. Aqua di Gio is my faaaaaavorite. Mmm, I gave it to DH when we were dating lol.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)


that is all.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

High fives, Susanne! And lol GJ... hehe!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Hehe funny ladies. What Amy, you and Herb weren't ever cologne traders? lol
So speaking of Bleh (and sorry way off topic, all of this..) I had to serve jury duty today instead of teach my second week of school and got chosen for a jury!! So I'll be out the rest of the week serving and I'm bummed. Bleh is right!

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Just a quick note--if you want something in particular from my list, please dmail me so I will hold it for you. We are talking about doing a yard sale (plants included) in early Sept. Not sure if yet if it will happen BUT if you want something...speak up by dmail!

If I get the kniphofia dug up--I'll hang onto some for Lisab., for sure.
Artn--what did you want for yucca and clematis?

Thumbnail by mtnmama
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Oh are you kidding? I owe you that and about 60 more plants. :)

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

bumping this list for updates--

10 trades Miss Willmott's Ghost (Eryngium) seeds

10+ trades black hollyhock seeds

cosmos seeds
may have seeds from Blackberry Lilies (
variegated sedum
chinese agastache (blue flowers, good for bees, very hardy)

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

This is my updated list of plants that I have for the swap:

several Sedums: 'Matrona', 'Autumn Joy', 'Dragon's Blood' & 'Baby tears'
'Paprika' Yarrow
Russian sage
Salvia 'May Night' - Mtnmama I know you want this, but I have lots...
Virginia Creeper
some NOID iris
Creeping Jenny
woolly veronica groundcover
Fragaria 'lipstick' (ornamental strawberry)
artemisia 'silver mound'
Lemon balm
common thyme
spider plant (house plant) offsets

Allium 'Purple Sensation'

If there's something on my list that you want, please let me know so I can be sure to bring it to the gathering.

I've looked over everybody's lists again & I see lots I'd love to have! I guess I'll Dmail those who have what I want. Is that how it's done, or should I just post it here?

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Either way will work, Lisabees. :)

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

Well OK, to save time I guess I'll just post here. Here's what I want that I haven't already mentioned:

Mtnmama, is your Ajuga by any chance 'Chocolate chip'? I would also like some yellow ice plant & white balloon flower if you still have those.

Artngarden, I'd love to have cuttings from your senecio & cereus, as well as Lily of the Valley (is that still around this late in the year?)

Greenjay, I would like some of your Vera Jameson, Mother of Thyme, agastache & lilies.

I'm really looking forward to meeting all of you - I'll be happy even if I go home with no plants at all :0).

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

LisaBees, you can have them--but the ajuga. It was not chocolate chip and a guy in Nebraska asked for it to cover his acreage (just imagine!). Choc. chip has smaller leaves (but is still invasive....).

I'll have other stuff available; you'll see:)

Englewood, CO(Zone 5b)

Here's a partial list of plants I'll have:
Russian sage
desert four-o-clock (Mirabilis multiflora)
perennial gazanias
Nasella tenuissima
Twinspur "Coral Canyon" (Diascia)
Partridge Feather (Tanacetum densum)
Greek oregano (the culinary type)

Greenjay, I'll see if I can find a couple of good starts of creeping jenny for you. If you have some more mother-of-thyme, I'd like some.

Diane (mtnmama): I'd like some of the white balloon flower
Suz: if you have another start of the clematis, I'd like one
lisabees: I'd like a liatris

I can't find the entry, but someone asked for some desert four-o-clock. I should have plenty, so just make sure to speak up to get some.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Englewood, CO(Zone 5b)

lisabees, I found your entry! Yes, I'll make sure you get some desert four-o-clocks.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Lisa, I can certainly bring the Bananas and Cereus. Glad someone piped up for the cereus, it is going nuts this year. Is showing bloom right now too! (Last time it bloomed was 4 years ago) Lol about the LOTV, it was around when I offered it, but now it is looking sorry with about 2 leaves left. Can I bring it to the spring RU for ya?

Trisha- I tried digging Diane some of the clematis about 3 weeks ago and it went caput. I offered to dig it for her in early Spring, when I think it might be more successful. I would love to get rid of some of it...but it doesn't look to be possible right now. Would that be ok with yours too if I bring it to the Spring RU?

Englewood, CO(Zone 5b)

Suz, spring would be just fine for clematis.

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