August perennial suggestions

Glenwood, MD

I was hoping others could give me suggestions for perennials that bloom in the heat of the summer (end of July into August). I find that my garden is lacking blooms after the lilies (day, asiatic and oriental) finish blooming. We have a serious deer problem, so I have to be very careful what I plant since deer eat everything. For instance, this year I ripped out most of our phlox because the deer just devastate it and I was getting so frustrated. I have dahlias blooming now also, but once again, I have to keep them very close to the house due to the deer. I am planning to get another hydrangea that would bloom now.
Thanks for your help!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Here's what's going strong or getting ready to start blooming in my garden right now:

blackeyed susans
jupiter's beard
hardy hibiscus
tall phlox
Clara Curtis chrysanthemum
hardy ageratum

and not a perennial but the butterfly bushes are all blooming like crazy and covered in butterflies

Of the list above, the only thing the zillions of deer out here have eaten are the daylilies and they haven't bothered those since I interplanted oodles of garlic with them.

Glenwood, MD

Interesting how much difference a few hours south can make. My daylilies and crocosmia, are all finished up here!. I have blackeyed susans, coneflowers, heliopsis, dahlias and tall phlox blooming. However, as I said in my first email, the deer are such a problem here that most of my phlox, and blackeyed susans are first eaten by the deer. Then they tend to come back later and bloom smaller. I am trying Liquid Fence and hoping that this takes care of them. I have my dahlias up near the house now to keep them "safe!" Deer have even eaten my asters and I just bought 2 replacements today.

I'll look into your other suggestions! You really feel the garlic works??


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hart- show off!
no maybe it is just your different location. The Clara Curtis you gave me hasn't started here yet but is budding.
Lisaslove- the only thing I can add would be that garlic chives should be budding here soon, and deer probably don't like them. And scabiosa has been blooming for weeks and is sitll going strong, but I don't know about deer resistant.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm actually in a colder zone than you, Sally. But of course these are established plants.

My crocosmia and phlox have been blooming for a couple of weeks. The daylilies, coneflowers, blackeyed susans, most of what I listed above have been blooming for a while and will still be blooming for a while. The chrysanthemum and asters are just starting to bloom. The hardy ageratum hasn't started blooming yet. Of course it makes a difference too with the daylilies what varieties you've planted.

I've had the blackeyed susans for about 10 years, they're just a few feet from the daylily bed where the deer mowed down the plants over and over and the deer have never so much as nibbled on the blackeyed susans. Maybe it's the variety? These are Goldsturm. They haven't bothered anything in that bed.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

You didn't mention if you're looking for plants for shade or sun? August is usually the "transition" month around here - last of the Daylilies and Lilies, etc. but gearing up for the late summer into fall display of Asters, Turtleheads,
Toad Lilies,
Japanese Anemones,
and the gorgeous berries of Beautyberry,

One of my favorites in the garden with almost non-stop flowering from June through frost is Kalimeris integrifolia If you're looking for more color, there's also one with light blue flowers. The flowers on both are small but they completely cover the plant! Another long blooming plant that performs well for us is Veronica 'Royal Candles' Usually starts blooming in late May-early June, takes a break and starts its second flush of flowers by late July through September!

We normally don't have deer problems with any of these plants - although some years their appetites seem to change - last year they devastated my Hostas, this year they haven't touched them - go figure! LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, Hart covered most of my list, too. LOL
Although we have deer in the woods behind us they don't seem to bother my plants much. I still have Roses and a few later blooming Clematis, My Asters are getting ready but not there yet and several of my Sedums are blooming or getting ready to bloom. A few Daylilies, Tall Phlox,blackeyed susans, coneflowers, butterfly bushes and my really beautiful Crepe Myrtle.
Sally or Hart, Do you know what those plants are that Critter gave us at the swap at Hart's house? She called them Not Chocolate Daisies but then there was a discussion about them and they were something else? I still call them my "Not, Not Chocolate Daisies". Those things have been blooming all summer and show no signs of stopping.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Glenwood, MD

Thanks to all of you for your suggestions! Now I have to check all of these recommendations out and try to track down the plants!
Thanks to rcn48 for the hyperlinks for additional info on each plant!
Also, in answer to rcn's question, we mostly have sun but some part shade as well.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Holly, she said in another post it was heliopsis. I have one I planted as a small Bluestone plant last summer and it's been blooming all summer. It's Loraine Sunshine, the one with variegated leaves. The leaves do tend to get greener as the summer goes by but are absolutely gorgeous early in the spring and summer.

You can see some of it on the right in this photo.

Thumbnail by hart
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)
there's my journal entry HollyAnn
This plant desperately needs a good common name agreed on. It is tough and blooms like a champ all summer like you see. Mine is kind of lanky and floppy this year due to--rain, shade ?

Germantown, MD

Another good August bloomer for me is Obedient Plant - will soread like crazy though.

Goldenrod goes gangbusters this time of year too.

~ Amy

Glenwood, MD

Yes, I have grown Obedient plant in years past...but it's NOT very obedient! So I've pretty much gotten rid of it at this point! Thanks though!

Hampton Roads, VA(Zone 7b)

These have been great fragrant August bloomers for me, both in sun and shade.

Pleasant Valley, MD(Zone 6a)

Try the following:

Hardy Hibiscus
Achillea (though the deer may nibble this one)
Coreopsis 'zagreb'
Oregano 'Herranhausen'

Glenwood, MD

Georgie- Thanks for the additional suggestions! I have looked through Dave's plant files for most of them trying to decide what to add. list some of these as blooming now and mine have already finished (like the scabiosa, and nepeta). I deadheaded mine but they have not rebloomed. Are yours blooming from rebloom at this time or a first bloom?

I had never heard of Gaura and I love it! I will definitely have to look for that!

Thanks again!

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