July Blooms, Part V

Ottawa, IL(Zone 9a)

also might be saxorum, there nice to.

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

She was done blooming in early July and is now setting seed. Whoo Hoo!

Sinningia 'Peridot's Darth Vader'

Thumbnail by av_ocd_girl
Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

This has got to be my favorit strep.

Strep 'Guidlines'

Thumbnail by av_ocd_girl
Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

No....wait a minute...this is my favorite. It's just so little and cute and always covered in blooms.

'Mighty Mouse'

Thumbnail by av_ocd_girl
Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Kim - is it in the budget to compromise? They can get a dog, if you get a cat?

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

WOW, you have some VERY beautiful plants!
I love that Darth Vader! Awesome!
It looks like you grow quite a few gesneriads? That's super!
Welcome to the AV forum where we LOVE trading, pictures, and chatting. Make yourself at home. You will love it here :)


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I tried to order Guidelines from Lyndon Lyon and they were out of them...............really nice pictures . Of course Darth Vadar is everyone's favorite!

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Thanks Kim

I hope nobody minds that I just jumped right in without an intro. Should I post one? I always did on my Yahoo groups but not here on DG. I guess 'cause there's so many forums you'd be posting for days. LOL Yes I grew lots of everything....kinda scaled down now. Kept most all my Gessies but went from around 400 AVs down to around 30. Now it is fun again instead of feeling like a full time job. LOL I had 2 full knee replacements and started doing more outside gardening .... I collect daylilies ... something had to give. I still haven't learned that 'you can't do EVERYTHING'. I'll probably try until the day I die.

Gail - I used to live in Aransas Pass and worked at Rhaphis gardens in Gregory....small world!
I just took two big leaves off my Guidelines to share with my AV group that I'm headed to this morning. Dmail me your addy and I'll stick a chunk in an envelope for ya. : )


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Roxanne, how nice of you to send me a leaf!!!!

I cannot believe that you worked for Lynn McKamey..............I think she has shut down the operation now.......but not positive.......wouldn't you love to have her greenhouses??????????

I will dmail you and don't forget I have lots of streps so tell me what you are looking for and I might have it!

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

It' doesn't surprise me if they are shut down...
When I was there they grew a very limited variety of plants and seemed to just be treading water. This was 20 years ago. I wish I could have afforded some of those plants I worked on. I do have 1 Rhaphis palm. Once a year the manager would let us go to the 'dog pen' where we kept the ugly plants that were just hanging on and pick out one to take home. I have managed to keep one of them alive all these years. Although it never has thrived....still just hanging on. LOL


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I think the owner just didn't have interest in what she was doing............waaaay too much money and maybe not enough knowledge??????? don't know!

(Zone 1)

Good Morning Everyone!

Since we are into the Month of August I thought I would start a new thread: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/886312/

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Woah..I missed ALOT on here again I see..Absolutely Breathtaking Blooms Everyone! Susan those are cool looking plants..that Gloxinia Eroinoides is really different looking..neat!! Dimmer!! Great to see you having time to post again.I Love that Bristol's Seedling to death!! Brenda your sinns are gorgeous! I am loving them more and more! Gail..great blooms as always my dear! Sally I sure wish I could do well with Episcias..your cleopatra is stunning! Kim..I think just to make it fair you should get your kitty and they can have their puppy..lol..sounds like a good compromise to me : ) Roxy welcome to the av/gessie forum..those are some wonderful blooms you have there! I am sure I miised someone..lol..I always do but its unintentional..so many wonderful pics you all post and so little time this time of year for me to sit down and take them all in..Hope everyone us having a nice week!

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