Solomons Island

Hampton Roads, VA(Zone 7b)

Just wondering if anyone can recommend gardens, garden centers, parks--basically, anything related to plants, gardening, being outdoors--in this area of MD? I've checked out the Go Gardening section of DG and found Annmarie Garden, but there really aren't many reviews of the places listed. Suggestions anyone? Thanks!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sorry not me--maybe if this gets a bump

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Not familiar with this area so looked it up. Calvert Cliffs State Park in the area has nature trails. Did you do this search for garden centers/nurseries? Looks like both Homestead Gardens and Main Gardens are in the immediate area (Davidsonville)? I love the Go Gardening feature! Find the nurseries in the area and map out a whole day (or days!!) of places to visit :)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Red alert! Homestead and Main garden are both well worth a visit, but not what I'd call immediate area to Solomons--sorry! Check mapquesst but I think theyr'e about wo hours from Solomons. But I guess its all relative. If you plan to spend a full day in MD maybe you want to drive up by those two gardens and then go to Annapolis, historic city center, planty of scenry and eating, shopping.

If parks/nature/.bay beach, there's also Flag Ponds in Calvert Co and Battle Creek Cypress Swamp in Calvert. Calvert Co is getting pretty good money base these days from DC people. Try for a Calvert Co tourism guide or site.

And I do mean H and Main are well worth a visit. H is HUGE, Main is much smaller but had amazing neat stuff last year.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I'm not familiar with Solomons Island, where the heck is it? Go Gardening showed both Homestead and Main's as only being 6 miles away???

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Must be 6 miles from Solomons Island Road not the actual Island at the end of it LOL
SI is at the tip of Calvert Co in Southern MD--um- or Charles Co,.. well, way down there.

OK here ya go- Annmarie Garden
And the Wikipedia entry has a bunch of links at the end

This message was edited Jul 30, 2008 10:48 PM

Hampton Roads, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks so much, sally and rcn. Yes, Solomons is way down there. :) Turns out the Annmarie Garden was a stone's throw from our hotel. An interesting garden to be sure with all the sculptures situated amongst a native wooded landscape. I went early in the morning when it was shady and cool. A quiet and restful place...nice for birding too. I hope to visit Flag Ponds and Calvert Cliffs State Park on future visits.

I made it to Meadow Farms in Leonardtown. Of course, there were some "Charlie Brown" plants on the sale rack with my name on them. And then we made a couple more stops as we traveled from Solomons towards Annapolis, including Wentworth Nursery where I finally found a 'Hello Yellow' Asclepias.

We hope to spend a weekend in Annapolis at some point; it looks like a lovely place to visit. Actually, the entire peninsula was very scenic. I love MD's rolling hills...and yummy seafood! :)

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