Fall RU-Plants

Humansville, MO

i like ee could i get 1 or 2 from you

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Not sure what kind of EE I have. The leaves are around 4ft long and they are about 6-7 tall. They are just green. I will post a pict when I get a chance.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Gollllllllllly! My Thai Giant doesn't get that big! What are you doing to them? Nothin special, I bet... :) Happ, we're gonna miss you... Allan, just dig up the corm/bulb - leaves and all. Try to leave some leaves as they will turn brown as the corms feed off them... That's how I do it, some people just whack the leaves off and then dig. I'll bring a couple (or more if I have lots) too, (Elle we'll make sure you get some, might have to arm wrestle Pepper for them... ;)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I only need one bulb maybe 2 at the most.  lol.  I could be real mean and keep the ones I have now.  One of them is a rare one.  :~p

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I think I would like one EE is there are any available this late in the asking. The ones I have are strange looking and I have no idea if they have multiplied. I have them in pots so I can take them out tomorrow and see how they are doing. The bulbs will be very tiny compared to most EE bulbs. They are unusual varieties that PG raised the past couple years. These bulbs had been discarded because they didn't sprout like they should have. I happened to get all the soil that day and several weeks later I started seeing tiny sprouts in the container I had dumped the soil into. I don't even remember how many there were. Tomorrow will be a day of discovery. They are so pretty I hate to disturb them. lol.

I have lots of small hollyhock sprouts I am going to pot up. I will also have the seeds. I can bring some seeds from the only Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) that bloomed. I had several that sprouted but only got a few inches to a foot tall but never bloomed. I also have Mimosa seeds I will bring. I need to dig more blackberries for you, Dave. I have some in a square flat that seem to be doing well.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I got you covered Leaflady. Strange looking? I like strange looking... And Pepper....... maybe a pic of the rare one or a name??? Please? I didn't realize so many of us are into the ee's! I have a big bulb I didn't get 'buried' this year! Let me see what I can come up with... nothing rare, but some variety, maybe... ;) Oh, I'm so excited for the RU!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have Alocasia Metallica and Colocasia Chicago Harlequin. The Metallica is really cool looking. I might keep one bulb of it for me but the onther one doesn't have full leaves yet. Both are freebies I got last week.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

anybody want some rudbeckia goldsturm seedlings? I won't dig them up if they are not wanted. These are large seedlings will flower next year.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Ok, the really strange one only has 2 stalks of foliage so no divisions there. It is a waxy looking leaf about olive green but a bit darker. But there are enough of the lime green one to just bring a pot that is already planted and doing well. We can divide it on Sat so there will be less shock to them. Maybe someone will want to keep them going as house plants. That will leave me with a pot with 2 good shoots in it. I think there may be a small Caladium in that pot that is up for grabs. Remember, these bulbs are quite small. Maybe the size of a regular size marble at the most when they were pitched. But the ones they kept and planted weren't any larger. They just showed more signs of life. I have several caladiums of that color. I bought a bag of 20 mixed colors & I think there were 2 cultivars. I need to dig some of them because it will soon be time to do that anyway.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

My hand is up Lav! I'll take a few rudbeckia seedlings... Leaflady the small ones grow into big ones...I'll bring a few amorphaphallus bulbs, too, IF I remember... Pepper, you just got them and are willing to share?? You sweetie! We will sure have some great swapping going on!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

All of the plants I am bringing are freebies from work. Plants that they either had too many of or weren't good enough to keep there but good enought to go to new homes.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

That's great Pepper, nice PG lets you do that... and the puny needy ones sometimes turn into the best plants ever.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

These EE bulbs are never suppose to get very large. The EEs themselves only get about 3' tall if I remember correctly. Pepper may remember better than I do. I don't know the name of them.

I'll be bringing some horseradish roots that I dug this afternoon.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I think you have Lime Zinger. I managed to get one of those but it never did anything for me. :~(

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I will bring a box of ziplock snack baggies for dividing up seeds too. Oh and a marker.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I was gonna bring some brown lunch bags but that works too. :~)

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

That sounds good to me. I think I have some pill bottles saved up and some labels to put on them. I should still have a lot of those really small ziplock bags from years past. You could get them by the hundred at WM in the craft section back then. I did and still have lots if I can find them. I have the seeds from last fall in a tray and will bring them as well as this years seeds. .

Humansville, MO

i like some but all i got to trade is purple passion plant
and violet the purple kind

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I thought I posted this so no tellin what thread I posted on lol. My hubbie found a ton of old glass vials with lids so I am bringin them.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

elle, don't be concerned about not having a bunch of items to trade. Just be there and we will all be happy.

I have a perennial purple plant that I got from my friend Geraldine & finally got to root last summer. I am so thrilled to have it now that she is gone. Is yours a perennial? I know there are both tropical & perennials of this plant.

Humansville, MO

my purple passion is a house plant it grow all year long some have flower but my dose not

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

oh, glass vials sound great, I'm bringing some plastic coffee "cans" and peppermint candy containers for use by anyone, too...

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have some small lunch bags for bulbs if needed. That way we can separate them and label them correctly.

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