Apologies for usurping a thread...and our kid's improving

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Wanted to apologize (not thinking well, I'm sorry) for usurping a thread. Our DD is home and just got her PICC line pulled as an outpatient. Infection is not gone but is contained (we think) and she is slowly improving. The 14" incision site is healing beautifully. Thanks to everyone for your kind words and prayers.

Englewood, CO(Zone 5b)

So glad she's doing well! Tough on the whole family when one is so awfully sick :-(
Praying for continuous improvement until she's completely over this crud,

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

So happy to hear she's doing better

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I am glad she is doing better, but on the other thread you said you had lupus. I didn't know that and am so sorry for you. How long have you known you have it? That, too, can be a tough disease.

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Diagnosed six weeks after they took Maggie to save my life (after liver and kidneys shut down)...20 yrs. ago. It accounts for my exhaustion but I am blessed to be as well as I am. Maggie has suffered WAY more than I have.

There is swelling on M's right knee. It's new since the surgery (hernia in diaphragm/bowels crushing lungs/cut body nearly in half to fix it, surgery). Is this something that should worry us???

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Wow! You have had it tough for 20 years. Poor Maggie. What a hideous thing to have to go through. And frankly, if you are exhausted, it never shows. You always seem up and happy. We will continue to pray for both of you.

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Betty. Every new day is a gift and not a guarantee, right? :)

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Absolutely right. Thanks for reminding me of that.

Santa Fe, NM

Just saw this thread. Glad your daughter is doing better.

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Roybird. She has yet to be released from the care of the surgeon and Infectious Disease (they are supposed to call today with a date for another CT scan of the abcess/infection). We are pleased that she continues to make progress, though!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Glad to hear that she continues to make progress.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Me too. Thoughts and prayers.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

I am so glad I found this thread... and that your girl is better! I'm kinda new-agey, so am sending loving/healing waves in your general direction... :)

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Your prayers, thoughts and kind words are much appreciated. We had xrays and CT scan done today. Xray shows most of the lung has reinflated--good news. We won't know about the abcess/infection until the scan gets read. There is a long rehab anticipated but the worst is behind us, we think!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Constant thoughts and prayers mtnmama. Great to hear it's moving to the upslope now. Thanks for keeping us informed. We are worryworts. We care.

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