Fall DBG Plant Sale

Englewood, CO(Zone 5b)

This year it's scheduled for September 20.
I know, I know, that's 2 months away, but I like to plan ahead ;-)

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

If nobody else has his heart set on hosting we would love to have you all here, again! If we need to step down so others can have the opportunity, we will surely understand. Just let me know!

Denver, CO

(Rubbing my hands is pure botanical avarice already)
More Helianthemums!

Diane; thanks for those Japanese Anemone; do they go dormant in the summer?

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Kenton, you lost them:( They are going great guns here, now! I will try to find you a small one so it will make the transplant in the fall....

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

sounds like a plan. I will bring tools and shovels and heavy loppers this time!

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

peekin in ^_^ what are you COians lopping? Is there a lopping party as well as the DBG sale? I've already talked my DH into attending in 2009 whooo hooo!!!. Strange but the word "broncos" got him all excited tee hee.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

you must see Diane's back yard to get the humor...

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Dahlia, I converted a third of our backyard into a wheelchair accessible garden about 7 yrs. ago. Our oldest has many health troubles and I have lupus--btwn the two of us, time goes by without getting everything done in that garden many summers. The gang here came to have lunch and swap plants with us after the DBG sale last fall and they rallied to help us. GJ lopped lilac bushes and the redbud tree, others helped to divide my perennial plants (and I was so happy to see the divisions given loving homes)...it was just a HOOT! My yard was all the better for the help, no one left empty-handed and the day was a total success :) You just gotta join us for a terrific time--any chance you can come THIS year?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well thanks so much for explaining it to a newbie DBGer mtnmama. It's just plain sensible to pack loppers then when road tripping to the DBG fall sale IMHO. Just talked to Moo & E tonight (my beluved parents) and unfortunately their visit is happening at the same time as the DBG sale. Please keep us posted on all your fun and frolics. I WILL be there in 2009!!!! Thanks for the invite. I'm holding you to it for a year LOL

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Guys, I would love to come, but that is the day of my digital photography class that I already paid for. I want to learn all the stuff Roybird is learning. Phooey. I miss all the fun again!

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

we will post pictures!

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

This is bad news. Bad news, indeed.

Denver, CO

Diane; I've got at least two Japanese anemones with leaves yet. The trip over the mountain is hard on all of us somedays...
Photos of the fun; now that is just cruel, given the circumstances...

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Time to bump this thread up to the top (to make others aware that we are planning a get together)! There are some new folks on the forum and we want them to come!!!

Is it too early to start a trading thread?

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

not too early at all!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Oh yay! Thanks for posting the reminder Trisha. When you posted about the spring one, it seemed early but flew by.

EEGADS! I just looked, and my roommate from college is getting married at 2 that day in Denver. Well, I guess I can come for the early morning activities and might have to get dressed at Diane's house before I scat. Hehe ya know what that means...my DH has to come! Lol, I know he enjoys y'alls company, but I can't say that he loves walking slowly around the sale or the gardens. I think if she can, I will caravan with Karen (Colorado_Karen) so we'll be bringing someone new! Might have to bring my friend Sarah also.
Do you think lunch/ lopping will happen before 1:30?

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

I'm new to DG this summer & I'd love to come meet you all if I can. So I need details: where to go, what to bring, etc.

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Hooray! Lisabees is coming, too! Artn, we were pretty-much here for lunch by 12:30 P.M., last year (some had gone to GJ's but were here by 1:00 P.M.). Time depends on how long we are at DBG (8:00-10:30 or 11:00 A.M. is plenty of time for me). We will make it work for you at this end! And Sarah and Karen...YIPPEE!! When we get closer to the date I'll send exact directions by dmail (I'm near the 136th Ave. exit off of I-25).

Here is the list, so far:
greenjay (2)
Mtnmama (5)
Art_n_garden (2 + Sarah?)
Colorado_Karen (2)
Marwood0 (tentative)

If there's going to be more than one of you, please let us know? I'll keep a running tally for lunch--the more the merrier!

This message was edited Aug 8, 2008 8:17 PM

This message was edited Aug 24, 2008 6:31 PM

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Holy cow, I've had an unbelievable week! Yesyesyes I'll be there and prolly my DH too!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I am so jealous. I am hoping they don't have enough people for my class to make. Then I can come too. It is in the hands of fate. I would love to see all you DG'rs again and meet the new people. Trading plants is so much fun! So is eating Mt. Mama's excellent sloppy joes.

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

I will try to be there, though I don't know about the kid situation yet. I'll have all four boys that weekend! Please put me down as tentative... uh oh someone's screaming gotta go

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Hi Marlon!
Glad you found the thread :) Sure hope you will be able to join in the fun!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

We do have fun on this forum!

Denver, CO

(no message, but an ode to noises of squeeking excitement for coming festivities)


Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Squeaking excitement, huh? Chuckle. The day is approaching. Should we start deciding on what to bring for the luncheon?

We can do sloppy joes again--which would leave Al free to enjoy everyone more than if he barbequed. Is that OK with folks? If so, we'd need:
soft drinks and ice
salads &/or a veggie tray (potato salad? fruits or fruit salad???)
plates and plasticware
dessert (s)

Please let us know what you can bring?

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

Ah, so close but so far away! We will be doing the Denver Fly Fishing Retailer Show Sept. 14-16 but I will not still be there the 20th. Phoooey!!!

I am sure my non-gardening spouse would think it insane to stay four more days when we need to get back to our gallery. Sigh.

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

SO close, Mulch!! Sure wish you could stay. Let us know if you need any new plants for the garden--there is always so much people share!

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

Mtnmama, Thanks for the thought! At this point I am hoping to get tons of mulching done when I return from Denver as I have done none whatsoever while I have been expanding our wholesale line. I suspect new plants would be in trouble with me this fall, I need to just get the basics back under control before I resume adding plants.

Of course, we know if I was in Denver at the right time, new plants it would be!

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Chuckle--another time, then?

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Bumping this up. Will get driving directions off to folks early, next week. Still hoping to find volunteers to bring any of the following:
soft drinks and ice
salads &/or a veggie tray (potato salad? fruits or fruit salad???)
plates and plasticware
dessert (s)

In the past, some DBG members offered to get non-members into the sale. Will anybody (else) need to take advantage of this option?

Please know we are REALLY looking forward to seeing everyone on the 20th! It will be wonderful to talk plants, share ideas and just enjoy your company:)

Englewood, CO(Zone 5b)

I'll bring a fruit salad. Been working too crazy much, so I'm behind on getting my list of trades together. So far I know I have seedlings or plantlets of: Russian sage, desert four-o-clocks (Mirabilis multiflora), perennial gazanias.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

TrishG, don't work so hard!
I am sorry to be missing this, but I just wanted to tell you about something they usually have there that I have enjoyed -- colchicum "Waterlily". See it in Plant Files and be sure to read the comments:
Kenton ( JamesCo) and Greenjay talked me into this at an earlier DBG sale, later revealing neither of them grew it themselves. But their advice was excellent. I have several of these bulbs growing happily in my garden. They are beautiful in the fall with gorgeous flowers that start out white then turn bright pink. They will bloom right in the bag if you don't put them out soon enough. Then they die down and grow reasonably large glossy green leaves in the spring, which they use to feed the bulb for the next year.
They are very beautiful and surprisingly tolerant of erratic gardeners.
When I realized I would not make it to the sale this year, I ordered more from Brent and Becky's and they have now arrived. I also decided to try a new cultivar of same, "Violet Queen". I will let you know how it does.
I do hardily recommend Colchicum as a garden flower for fall, but don't plant them if you have toddlers. They are highly toxic. On the other hand, animals don't seem to find them the least bit interesting -- dogs, birds, etc. I just worry about small humans who don't come with as much instinct as animals do.
Here is a pathetic one of my pictures of them in my front yard. I could do better now. They are beautiful and surprisingly vigorous!

Thumbnail by pajaritomt
Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

I'll bring a salad to the gathering - with some of my home-grown veggies.
Trisha, I'd like your desert four o'clocks! I will try to post an updated list of what I have to trade tomorrow.

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

Regarding the poisonous plants and toddlers, so far mine tend to nibble on various leaves and plants now and then, but a nibble. They mostly chew on the mint, hops, mustard seeds, and berries. Most plants without some fruit-like growth or falling leaves they ignore. That means poisonous berries, like belladonna, must be grown with the utmost caution around them, but without a prominent fruit or seed, other plants don't seem to pose much risk so far. I have four boys, currently ages 4, 4, 2, and 1.

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

We've got sloppy joes and salads! Still looking for:
soft drinks and ice
plates and plasticware
dessert (s)

Marwood, let us know if we can count you in for the "doings," next week? This will be lots of fun!

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

Taekwondo test for the boys is that morning, I would really like to at least swing by. I can make lemon coconut macaroon cookies, would that be ok?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Crappola I can't stay silent any longer. I'm not only missing a fabby roundup, exchange and tour of DGB I'm now missing coconut maroon cookies. Drat life is just not fair sigh. Please keep posting/sharing friends. Those of us that can't make it would luv to be kept in the loop
( ok maybe I should have said ME is just dying to be kept in the loop ^_^)

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Cookies! Hooray! Please wish the boys luck with the test:)

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Yes, I want to be in the loop, too. I will really miss seeing you all again. Such a wonderful group, such a wonderful garden! Do send pictures and stories.

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