Greenhouses are closing their doors. Fuel costs are or will be double last year's expense. Plant liners and market packs of all annual flowers will have to greatly increase in cost and will even more in a short market. I certainly will need to learn or cut my vollume of use.

Some of you already know how to start these seed. Your windowsills and cold frames are an excellent way others of us would like to learn more about. Timing and coddling to transplant is not in my present book of experiences.

Suppliment your words with pix if at all possible. Lot's of us will appreciate help with seed starting where we can learn how to avoid almost certain major cost increases next spring.

I started this thread because even I know very little because I have been purchasing large numbers of the annuals and others too. How do you work with seed smaller than the pepper on your breakfast eggs?

I am somewhat a proffesional grower as I have a GH but I have not done many flowers. I will talk just seeds.

1st - you need space, light - either direct from outdoors or growing lights and heat.

2nd supplies - seed starter mix what ever you prefer ( I use Professional Micro Mix Seed & Plug Starter) Trays - You can use plastic seed trays or tin baking pans, pots or what ever you can get your hands on cheap. You can saran or cling wrap the tops to keep the moisture in if you so desire. You need some type of pots to move them up after the seedlings get started. Then of course planting soil, water and fertilizer.

3rd - you need seeds

I have learned that the tiny seeds such as poppies, canterbury bells etc the ones that are so small take a while to grow. I would allow at least 3 months for a plant to be planted in the ground. Marigolds is an easy grow as the seeds are bigger. They dont need 3 months so it depends on the plant.

As far as starting TINY seeds it depends on your patience and how many seeds you have. I have taken a toothpick dunked it in water and placed tiny seeds 1 by 1 by one in straight little rows. I have gone as far as counting them as I put them in. So an hour later I have planted one package. I have had several packages of seeds took them in my hand and throw them in. Some people will use a salt shaker or make some with tiny holes and sprinkle them.

I am fortunate as I have kitchen windows that face south and I start a bunch of seeds before they are moved to the Green House. If I did not have a GH I would be basically screwed for space. Seed trays can hold a ton of seedlings.

I transplant into peat pots as they go to the GH. I would be leary in the house with peat pots especially bigger ones. I would go plastic. They need less water.

First pic is in my kitchen in April. Mostly veggies but 2 trays of flowers. The 2nd pic. the ones with the covers are seeding and the rest are flowers mostly in 3" pots in the GH. With out measureing I would guess the benches are 12' by 4'

I have never used grow lights, so I am positive that some people have setups for that method.

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Now what was in the kitchen is potted up and in the GH

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oops wrong pic

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All flowers taken May 8th they are almost a month old.
Lupine on the left in plastic and canterbury bells on the right in 2" peat pots. You cant even see those! Way in the back MG's are sky rocketing.

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June 7th canterbury bells 6" tall. So they are basically 2 months olds seeded in the house and moved to the GH.

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NH is cold country. Do you run heat in May? I have a temporary green house or cold frames. How touchy are those smaller plants going to greenhouse early May? In May my facilities protect from frost only. That translated means some nights in the middle thirtys. I can handle about a dozen flats or large seed trays. That would likely be using three or four flats or seed trays up to transplant. The temporary green house sits on and is backed on one side by brick and solid block walls that add some thermal protection.

I can duplicate your inside the house set up. Have lots of Southeast windows to utilize.

Thanks..........I hope others chime in with their small seed plant set ups. It is evident that you have an experienced hand at what you do. About a third of your set up would more than meet my needs.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Great idea for a thread Dwaine.

Thanks Sherrie for the easy -to-understand directions. I, too, usually buy my annuals cuz I have trouble growing from seed. Wish I had more southern-facing windows. I have been inspired to try again. Probably more veggies too.

My 2nd year with GH. The seeds I started this year around April 10-15th. I like them in the GH by April 20th. Yes I need heat in GH. It stays from 50-60 degrees. This year I did not use much heat compared to last year arghhh. 700 for gas this year 500 for last year.

What a true NINNY I am ROTFLMAO go here and read. Its not that long of a thread but when I came to DG,s. Oh my gosh too wacky.

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Thanks for starting this, I tried seeds this spring to save money and made some fatal errors so it will be nice to be able to read through advice and ask questions.

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

That’s really impressive, a lot of good information.


I possibly already see where I messed up this spring. Don't know what I may or may not do to grab and use the time period April 15 - May 15. For my relatively small needs I do not see heating a greenhouse for a month. The bucks involved do not add up right.

Your in PA your different timing. Dont forget I sell. I made 1,500 this year and a free veggie garden.

If I did not have a GH - It probably would be done in the house. I would have layers of shelving in front of the kitchen windows, one way or the other.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi all. I saw your thread and thought I'd share this site. I grow both perennials and annuals from seed and this is my fav germination guide. Good articles too.

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)
FYI - The above is a link for a co-op going on now until 7/25 for pot, plugs, trays and germinations supplies.

It is called KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. The 2nd link up above is great for an Intermediate or one that is really ummmm reading and know. ? My theory KISS

Get the seeds and do what it says.
Get the plant in your zone and do what it says.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I will dig up some photos of my racks with lights for you tomorrow..... going to pass out for tonight

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