
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

You'll recognize him from here

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh love at first sight

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

DD's a happy camper now!!! This is the one who's worked at the vets since 15 yrs old.

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Such a bitty sweet boy

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sorry for the red software doesn't get it out well from animals and this was the only way I could get a pic of Amber beside him...sure he'll grow on her after a bit. Looks like Wolfie and Amber had a baby doesn't it?

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

In their younger days

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

No babies or puppies were hurt in the filming of this sequence

Thumbnail by Chantell
Lyndonville, NY

Oh my gosh, how cute! Did Chloe just get a kiss....from the baby? LOL

What breed is Chinook?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Chloe's been kissin' on him since she saw him (poor pup). You're gonna laugh, is APBT and they were unsure if the dad was the Shitzu or the Lab up the street. No question now...definitely Lab.

Verona, ON

Well Chantell I am in love - toss in the name Chinook and give me a pup and that is the end of that story.
Oh sure we have another Shitzu to love.... look out Izzy! Wonder if Chinook has the tongue that Izzy does - I am positive that is a Shitzy trait..... oh well maybe not.
Looking forward to puppy kisses.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, how wonderful that one of Java's pups went to your DD, Chantell! He'll be a great companion for Chloe, and vice versa! :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

another dog? Chantell what are we gonna do with you, LOL. how exciting and joyful.! Congrats!

(I found myself reading twice the ad asking for puppy raisers for guide dog traing LOL they grow on ya don't they)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chantell, those photos came out great! Chantell's daughter was adorable with the puppy this afternoon, y'all. At first she wouldn't talk at all, then she finally got out, "I love him." Awwwwwwwwwww.

And, Chantell, you tell her for me I don't understand why she's camera shy because she's beautiful, and I'm not just saying that to be nice either. Isn't she gorgeous, everybody

If Chinook needs a middle name, I found the word for bear in the Algonquian language. Most of the tribes in your area of Virginia were Algonquian. The word is (drumroll please) makwa.

I hope you all know I am thrilled to pieces that one of Java's babies is going to such a wonderful, loving home. And I'll get to see pictures as he grows!

Not to steal any of Chinook's thunder, but here's a photo of one of his brothers flying in the air after a googly eyed toy.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

And grabbing a quick snack when mama wandered in.

Thumbnail by hart
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Dianne - "Shitzy traits" I love it!!! Yes, I'll need to check out his tongue soon to see what we have....LOL

Jill - yes...Chloe may just love him to death...gotta be on pup and toddler patrol while both are awake.

Well Sally - it's like this..."Baby" isn't here since oldest DD moved back to VA (she was her dog) so we were down to "only" 2 dogs...LOL. Any who...this DD is gonna be 18 - as I said been working at the vets since she was 15 - gets an unbelievable discount (which I LOVE - not to mention the free samples of heartworm meds and frontline). So I told her...if YOU'RE taking on complete responsibility - you can have him. Then of course it was up to Diane who was sweet enough to say yes.

Diane - you really are a sweetie - thank you for the kind words re DD and blessing up with this little guy!! Chloe loves him....OMG...we've had to correct HER so she'd give him a break...too funny!!

This message was edited Jul 13, 2008 10:27 PM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Do I understand there was an unadvertised swap????

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL Happy - swap....ooopsss, I forgot to give something in exchange for the little man - do ya think Diane noticed? Diane and I are related now...we're "pupp-in-laws" LOL
Diane - going to have to mention Makwa to Michelle....he may have a change of names...I LOVE it!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Alrighty....due to Diane's (as always) wonderful research....his official name is now Makwa!!!

Lyndonville, NY

Pronuciation please? As in "Mack Wa" or "Mawk Wa"?

Thats gonna be fun for the baby to pronounce! LOL

AND YES, I definately see Shih-tzu in there. So many resemblances....

Izzy, my giant shih-tzu...agrees totally.

Thumbnail by DebbiesDaisy
Shenandoah Valley, VA

LOLOLOL! You all are cracking me up. Love the giant shihtzu. Is that tongue like a Black and Decker tape measure? Push a button and it whirrrs back into his head? Pull it out and it stretches across the yard?

I got plenty in exchange for that puppy Chantell, including being official pupatives with the entire Chantell clan.

I think it should be mock-wah. Sounds so exotic.

Happy, I have one more puppy unclaimed if you'd like to arrange a swap. LOL

Okay, here's the official pronunciation of Makwa:

Bear makwa muck-wah

This message was edited Jul 13, 2008 11:50 PM

Lyndonville, NY

Ohhh send me the puppy....Izzy can have a sibling! LOL

And ummm...the tongue goes in? Really? I looked for a button, and I have never found one. That tongue very rarely if EVER goes in that mouth.

Don't think I have ever taken a picture of her with it in either. Hmmmmmmmm

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

IZZY....look at you big girl!!! Did you get a "trim" - I thought your hair was longer - is that your summer "do"????? I think Izzy's breed should be noted as a Newfie-zu....what do ya think Miss Izzy? Ahhh what memories, Debbie....when she was so little and they "thought" a shitzu...I still laugh thinking about that!!!

Thanks for the pronunciation, Diane - we were sitting here trying it out different ways - DD and I both agreeing we wanted it to be the "right" way!!!

Don't remember if I mentioned to the rest of you the reason behind the name. APBT's are one of only a few breeds to originate in the US so I thought it only appropriate to give him a Native American name. Diane had been calling him Bear (which fit) but DD and I hadn't found "bear" in a Native American language had decided Chinook...until Diane came to the rescue.

This message was edited Jul 14, 2008 12:08 AM

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Do I understand there was an unadvertised swap????

Sneaky, sneaky - Diane and Chantell how you could possibly keep this from all of us? LOL What a wonderful surprise! Makwa stole my heart in the pictures Diane posted :) Chantell, your pictures are great - I especially love the 5th one! Wolfie and Amber in a perfect pose although they do have expressions like, "do we really HAVE to do this"? Makwa looks very proud of his new family and I agree with Diane, your daughter IS gorgeous :) I know we can count on you to post updates but I'll be looking for one of Chloe's "sniffer" smelling that puppy breath!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hart -- LOL -- this is one swap I'm lucky I didn't attend, given our current menagerie of 2 dogs and 2 cats, not to mention the additional two dogs belonging to my step-son who has been "temporarily" living with us for 4 years . . . .

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Chantell, what a cutie! Love the pics! Congratulations for the new pup, so this time we have a Shihtzu !LOL
He will grow up with Chloe, how cute!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Chloe's baby brother!

Lyndonville, NY

Now Chantell, and all of you.....can you honestly look at that face and NOT see the shih-tzu....I mean, even as a baby it is SO apparent. (gag).

And yes, Izzy had a shave down. She was looking very Newfie-tzu and double her size....til they shaved her! And the fleas were having a festival.

Now, look at this precious face....shih-tzu all the way....I don't know why I didn't take two...they were free! (OMG!)

Thumbnail by DebbiesDaisy
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Look at that sweet Izzy face...omg!!! Oh Debbie - when I think of all you went through with her....2???? I'm thinkin' better that you just went with one. We have a patient who went for 1 pup - ended up buying 3 of the litter...came by to show me....and as she opened the carrier and they kept coming out (think VW Bug at a circus w/clowns) - I said ....thought you said ONE?!?! LOL I can't even imagine house breaking more then one puppy. Believe it or not we've not had a real puppy (read: younger then 7 months) to train since 1999!
So Makwa - went to vets this AM - clean bill of health - vets fighting over who got to do his exam - needless to say my favorite that sees Amber got to his chart first...LOL. Our "little" boy weighs in on his 8 week bday at 8lbs 4 ozs....yep, I'd definitely say it was the lab making the "house call" and not the shitzu. Could you imagine a Pitzu though? Now that would be funny!! Nah...we like our Pitador just fine.

This message was edited Jul 14, 2008 11:02 AM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Just kidding, Happy. Debbie, the remaining puppy would make a nice match for Izzy. This is her below in a photo I took a couple of weeks ago. Too bad you don't live closer. We had a lady committed to taking her and then she wasn't able but I'm sure I'll be able to find a nice home for her.

The other puppy, the runt, isn't doing well. I took her to the vet the other day and he said she has neurological and probably some vision issues. She's very tiny - less than half the size of the other puppies - and hadn't been eating well. I separated her from the other puppies and have been hand feeding her.

Chantell, so glad Makwa got a clean bill of health. That's hilarious about the vets fighting over who gets to examine him.

This message was edited Jul 14, 2008 2:03 PM

Thumbnail by hart
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, she's a cutie! What a sweet face.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Aaawww! What a sweetie! He's one lucky dog to be joining your family!

Ginger sends lots of licks and approval. WOOF! WOOF!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahh Shirley - we've not seen any recent pics of Ginger - how's she doing?

Diane - that black one has pretty markings too - I'm sure you won't have any problems finding someone to love her!!

Lyndonville, NY

Now that little black & white lady has the same toe markings as Izzy....its meant to be! Lets see...we each drive 4 1/2 hours and meet in the middle! LOL

I think after what we just went through with "Uncle Fritz" DH would kill me right now. I already tried the "all I want for the B'day is a golden retriever" and he made some funny noise and rubbed his eyebrow....mumbling about excederine.



Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hmm... Frederick is just about in the middle, right?


Lyndonville, NY

Hehehe, I actually know where that is!

I used to live in Alexandria & Falls CHurch VA.....worked in DC....and had relatives in MD....they have since moved to Williamsburg VA.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ya'll are SO bad...I can understand DH saying that after Izzy's, the Shitzu that ate NY, earlier escapades.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I miss you all so much. Who is volunteering for the next swap (not me)?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Doc is having a get-together -- Aug 16, I think?

I want to have a fall swap here, but I need to pick a date. I guess I'd better get on that... :-)

Want to come up & pick blueberries tomorrow night? I'm going up to Glade Link farms, leaving here by 6 (New Midway is about 20 minutes from here, and the field is open until 8:30). I figure tomorrow is the time to go, before it gets really hot again. There's always a lovely breeze off the mountains in the evening there... pretty place.

OK, back on topic...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I could probably get to Frederick but I don't think it's exactly half way for Debbie.

I miss you all too. It was great to get to see Chantell yesterday.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL... I know, since it's about 3 hours for you, it must be more like 5 or 6 for her... but there would be overnight accommodations... and we'd make Eliot Kitten give up "his" room (the upstairs hall bath).

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