Do Those Ponds Have Fishies??

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey y'all. I haven't been here in forever. Not just this forum, but DG. Please forgive me.

Anyhoooooo....DH has been working on putting in a mini "pond". It's cute. It has a little waterfall. It's a kit he picked up at Lowe's. He's been working on it whenever he has free time (which isn't often) and he's just about done with it.

My question is whether or not I can put some fish in it. I love fish. I've never had them out doors though. The "pond" part of it is about 35 gallons. It is above ground and he put small retaining wall stones around it. Now, I know in the summer they'll do fine and be all happy...that's great. But, what about in the winter? I don't want to hurt the fishies! Of course the pond part will have to have a pump to pump the water up to the waterfall, but will that save the fish? I don't know how all that works...especially since the whole thing is above ground. Should we look into getting a heater for it? Are we risking losing it if we don't drain it because of freezing anyway...I mean this thing is just plastic...heavy black plastic, but plastic is plastic.

I'd love to have some fish out there. I won't do it if they'd end up hurt or suffering, but I love all animals...furry, scaly, slimy, whatever. Ok, creepy crawlies aren't my favorites, but you get the idea, lol.

It gets to -20 here in the winter easily. The coldest I can remember is -60 and that was with wind chills. That was a one time thing. Our cars wouldn't start. But, as most of us Northern gardeners have noticed our winters have been warmer and warmer every year lately. I don't think I'm a zone 5 any more, I've been planting for zone 6 and so far haven't lost a thing. Ok, now I'm rambling. Back to our regularly scheduled fish pond program.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Heather, Above ground, plastic, -20º. I don't think I'd chance it.
My pond is in-ground, dug out and a pond liner. I keep the pump running all winter, with the waterfall running. There have been some winters where the pond has been completly iced over and I could see the waterfall still running under the ice. I have native fish from a farmers pond, bluegills, a few others and frogs, the frogs bury them selves in the muck at the bottom, and the fish go to the waterfall end of the pond.

My daughter had a small above ground pond and she bought some gold fish and wintered them in a aquarium in her house over winter. Just an idea for you.

Here is a picture of my pond.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Lady, your pond is gorgeous. I've read before that in and indoors aquarium goldfish should have 30 gallons. Yeah, believe it or not, that's what they need. I do have a 30 g aquarium set up, but there's a fish in there that's not goldfish-friendly right now. Isn't that how things always work out? lol! I guess it's an option after Mr. Unfriendly fish goes on to meet his maker...however long from now that is. Another option I didn't think of till now is keeping fish just for the summer and then releasing them into my DB's real pond in late fall before it gets too cold to freeze. His pond is a real pond and it's stream fed. But the fish can't get out. I don't know how he has it all set up...he's told me, but I don't remember. I'll see him for my nephew's b-day party in a few weeks and I'll have to question him then and look over the pond really may be an option. As long as the fish would be well off and have a good life, I don't care if I have to get new ones every year. Actually if they are in my DB's pond there may be a way of catching them without hurting long as they don't get too big for my rinky-dink pond.

Now, I do have frogs...or toads...or something out there that ribbits. S/He comes back every year. S/He is my little buddy. I have never figured out where it lives. I know the area, but not the exact spot. I wonder if there's anyplace around here where I can purchase some of those, that would be a blast to have more. I always look for my little buddy in the spring. That's one way I know the nights are getting warm enough to leave my indoor plants out. My dogs are always in awe of that little guy, but I never let them actually touch him/her. They can sniff, but no touching. They have yet to decide exactly what it is or what it wants. I'd love to have more!

I wonder what the dogs would think of fish? I hadn't even thought of that yet! So far they've left the huge "water bowl" alone, so no doggy slobber in it yet, that's a plus.

Ok, so anyone have any tips on keeping fish in a tiny little pond like this? How do you regulate the temp? Food? Plants for with the fish, etc?

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