I need help to find out what is wrong with my nectarines

Annandale, VA

I had sprayed my nectarine tree every two weeks with fruit tree spray, the brand of the spray is Bonide. It is a concentrated liquid to disolve in water. However, I find every day that my nectarines are roting with a big brown spot. Do I need to spray with an insectiside. I thought this liquid that I am spraying had insecticide. If someone knows I would appreciate the help.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Brown rot. It is a major problem on all stone fruit. The chemical control is a fungicide. Not sure what the Bonide uses, but most orchard sprays will contain a fungicide. Most popular is Captan. In the old days orchardists used Copper Sulphate and suphur. Even using the chemical properly, good sanitation and cultural practices are essential. Pruning to insure good air circulation and the removal of all diseased or mummified fruits is absolutely necessary.

New Iberia, LA

The Bonide fruit tree spray contains Captin ,carbaryl and Malathion. I have mixed my own using those ingredients. It works fairly well for most pests.

Captan (CAS. No. 133-06-2) . . . . . 5.87%
Related derivatives . . 0.13%
Malathion (CAS. No. 121-75-5) .3.00%
Carbaryl (CAS. No. 63-25-2) . . 0.50%
TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00%

New Iberia, LA

I know the lesser peach bore can be seen by the fraz or sap on the trunk of the tree but is there a way to check for or early detect the peach bore that attacks below the soil? I am thinking that by the time you see sap at the soil level there is probably a serious infestation. Do you use the mothballs as a preventative or just for fumigation? I have been spraying the trunk and allowing Lorsban-4E to puddle under the tree trunk in September. No problems yet but it’s my most feared pest.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

They overwinter in the soil. I spray all summer but supposedly the ideal time to stop next years population is August. I do used endosulphan at that time. I also try to catch them when they emerge just as the peach buds swell but before any blossoms emerge. This was when the old folks used mothballs, I used to use Lindane, but now have to use endosulphan. I soak the trunk and the earth to the dripline.

New Iberia, LA

I had been spraying about a foot around the trunk but spraying out to the drip line makes sense. Is the endosulphan a licensed product? I have looked for it before without any luck.
Thanks Oldude

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Thiodan is the brand name most nurseries carry here.

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