I think I have....

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

trilliums!! Whilst hubbie was thinning out part of the woods we came across what I perceive to be trilliums. Three broad shaped leaves coming out of the soil. One had a dead stalk emerging from the middle (like a tulip) but shorter and the seed head remains, but no seed. Thank goodness I was with DH or else he would have tilled them up. And my neighbour has masses of wild Baptisia. My cultivated Baptisia looks almost identical except taller. Wildflowers are gems aren't they!


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

A lady of few words I see!!!....LOLOLOL!!

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Sounds like trilliums to me! I know you're in a much milder area than me, but here we have woods that are literally carpeted with trillium in the spring. We have at least three varieties: T. grandiflorum, T. erectus and T viride, in our woods even after the devestation wreaked by the former owners.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Kathleen I only found four plants and I don't think the builders were in this part of the land although it is quite close to the driveway so there's no telling. So does this mean that they will multiply. I hope I find more in the Spring on the heavily wooded area. Do you have carpet of the trilliums then?

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

In our woods, they are mostly along the bank above the creek, but there are woods not far from us where the T. grandiflorum do literally carpet the wood floor. It is a most impressive site in the middle of May. I am trying to start some seeds from the T. viride, I'll let you know how that goes.

Good morning'Still is here anyways,lol
I've been creating a "woodland setting"
under our beautiful sycamore'It sounds
like trilliums Louisa. Must be doing
something right as I discovered another
"friendly garden snake,with her little

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Louisa, one other note, you may have more than you think as they die down, especially in times of heat or dry periods.

Sis, I wish I had your snake. I had a good sized garter snake in my rock garden and I shooed her down one of the vole holes hoping she'd have a snack, but I'm afraid the voles chased her off! Nasty little rodents.

Thanks Kathleen,wish you did too,they're
wonderful and worth their weight in gold'
DH is getting better with them,I'm trying
to desensitive him. He now is looking for
them and does't turn as pale as before,Lol'
I'm trying to educate my "oldie goldie"
neighbors,not easy' Nearly wrecked my
truck missing one going to the post office
this week too,poor baby' Hope she came to
our place,lol'Get sooo tired of folks always
grabbing sprays or guns to kill everything'
Funny, they are the same folks who pay$
for "bug spraying services" Always griping
about mice coming into their places,lol'

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Kathleen - I will keep my eyes peeled next Spring and Sis, I hope to find a nice friendly snake and note your comments about people shooting everything in site...I find it very upsetting when killing is done for killing's sake!!

Me too'''

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

sis are yours poisonous snakes? i've never seen any in this country except for in zoos etc. i know we have a few species in the wild, they are protected. i would be scared as i have never been in contact with them before, but wouldn't kill them. we have bats in our roof (i think) we saw them swoop over our heads at dusk the other night, but wouldn't get rid of them!!

No Lil,they are plain garden snakes,not
poisonous nor are the Blacks,Bullheads,or
Gopher snakes we have here'

Only the Prairie Rattlers,Cottonmouths,
Corals,Water Moccasins,Water Rattlers'
Plus a few others'

We also enjoy the bats here too,Lil and
encourage them to stay'

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

maybe i could do with a few to eat all the slugs and snails!!! i'm sick of finding them!!

That's just what they do,I'm happy,lol'


Here's a link to reptiles which are native to the UK.


Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

We have copperheads here, which can kill a child or someones whose health is poor, plus moccasins and an occasional rattler. But we also have garter snakes, black snakes and other sweet ones. This spring when we were putting in the garden I REALLY messed up. I moved a rock and under it was a snake I had never seen before. I killed it first, then looked it up. It was a worm snake, innocent and a benefit and I had killed it. Gonna have to answer for that one!

Hi Sue' We've all done it so try not to think about it' A site called e nature.com is a handy reference for me,thought I'd mention it,helps me identify animals'My granny taught me something when small about copperheads' We always worked outside(farm)and went fishing in our spare time.Once we were fishing and the strangest scent,I'd never experienced,came near us,with a slight breeze.Almost instantly our dogs took after something we followed quickly.Gran knew already what it was,copperhead'It is a "musty scent" and once is all you need to remember what it is'I still remember,lol'

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Now I have never noticed that!! I did notice the rattlers smell like cucumber vines to me. I know no one else notices it, but it has saved me a hassel more than once. I first noticed it when we lived down in Texas. I grew up in Wisconsin where there are NO bad snakes. (Just big ones.)

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