Luna Red Hardy Hibiscus

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I came across that one too ~ isn't it pretty!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Moby, my foliage is a lot different than Old Yella though, I have no foliage to speak of on mine and the picture in the plantfiles on the Old Yella has all kinds of foliage like on the other hibiscus that I have. Maybe it is Old Yella and just doesn't have any foilage I wish I knew someone that really had an old yella plant to talk to them about it to see how their foliage is for sure :) Maybe I'm just making this id too complicated lol

ardesia, that hibiscus is a pretty one and it has darker foliage too that's pretty, you can see it a little better in this picture, it says it has blue green foliage:

Oh, that one is a Rose of Sharon isn't it?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

That is pretty and Rose of Sharons are also hibiscus; there are so many and they are all so different.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I know Rose of Sharron are a hibiscus but they get so much bigger I just put them in a different catagory in my mind lol I have a Blue Bird Rose of Sharon that is blooming it's head off right now the blooms are so purdy, it's not even three feet tall yet.

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