honey suckle vine

Montevideo, MN(Zone 4a)

Help! I`m going to my mom`s this sat. & we`re gonna trim up her honey suckle vine & I plan to bring back cuttings.First of all how do I get them going from cuttings? Then how do i keep them alive?
Thanks to all who can help ,

Mission, BC

Hi Jennifer
Honeysuckles are really easy to start. I robbed some cuttings from a neighbor and just plunked them in the ground, no rooting hormone (ran out) or anything. I didn't think that I would be successful but they are growing like a weed. As for keeping them on your trip home, try whatever method you can to keep the cut end moist, a wet paper towel wrapped around cut end and put in a ziplok bag should do it, or take some pots and plant them at your Moms. I once came home with a whole case of pop bottles crammed with cuttings.
Good luck

Montevideo, MN(Zone 4a)

TY SOO...MUCH CB !(I may bring back xtra to trade)

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