Webers half price sale

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I totally forgot about this and am late getting there myself, but Webers Nursery in Winchester is having their half price sale at the store starting today. Everything - plants, supplies, fertilizers, pond supplies, etc. is half price. They have very nice plants and a good selection of more unusual plants.

Here's the location if anyone wants to get there. It will be going on over the weekend and into next week.

Weber's Nursery‎ - more info »
937 Martinsburg Pike, Winchester, VA - (540) 662-4311‎


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Just got back a little ago. Okay, I'm in serious lust for the in the flower bed monster dark blue ceramic jar fountains - $100 on half price.

That needless to say didn't get a lot of pondering. Whew.

They have lots of roses, shrubs and trees, hostas, still oodles to pick from in the perennials in big pots and annuals and indoor plants. Plenty of herbs left. Most of them were in the greenhouse and I don't know if people knew to look there. Not a lot of equipment left in their pond shop and what was there was really expensive. I mean marked up so much that half price was maybe only really 25% or 30% off. But they had scads of water and bog plants, very nice sized ones.

When we got there in early afternoon, the perennials were looking pretty picked over but they were bringing in new truckloads all afternoon so the choices got much better.

Most of the perennials in big, big pots (2 gallon?) were $9.99-$12.99 so half price was around $5-$6.50. The fancy new coneflowers were more expensive - about $10 at the sale price. Many shrubs for around $6-$7. Trees were much more expensive but did they ever have some nice Japanese maples. I also loved a four-way cherry tree that had four different kinds of edible cherries grafted onto one tree.

They had some hardy hibiscus - very huge plants - and some nice astilbes. A few nice sedums in the larger pots but they were kind of scattered around.

You also had to kind of look for the quart pot perennials, which were only $2.50, but there were some. They have some of the fancier new heucheras in both the big pots and quart pots. Great price for those heucheras.

They still had plenty of garden tools and pots but the fertilizers in the big bags were going fast. They carry a lot of the Espoma fertilizers. I saw one lady buy 10 bags of the Plant Tone in the big bags.

I didn't look at the garden statues but I did see quite a few statue/spitters for ponds in the pond area.

Looked like they still had a good selection of vegetable plants.

We had a great day. I got a massive winterberry holly female and a male to pollinate it for a lot less than I would have paid for one in a quart pot when I priced them at various places last year. I also got a really cute little groundcover yellow evening primrose, a couple of potentillas, a Japanese iris and a Louisiana iris, a pot of bletilla, a leadwort, a coreopsis and a dwarf Norway spruce.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhggggh! (cry of elation and despair)

We'll be passing right through Winchester on Saturday. But the car is going to be really stuffed, because I've got a lot of other plants going down with us, and the cats are coming too.

Please tell me that everything will be so picked over by then that it won't even be worth my while to stop. LOL!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Critter, please do stop in. Even if you just get one or two plants, they're such nice plants and at such good prices. Sorry, I can't tell you everything will be picked over. They keep bringing in more plants from their other location where they grow the plants.

I just found out that the evening primrose I found is a hot new perennial. It's this one:

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I wish it weren't such a long drive . . . ..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


I'll see if I can convince Jim. It'll depend on whether or not we get away at a halfway reasonable hour Saturday... I'd better get up really early to water plants! (Yesterday's rain missed us -- can't count on God to water for me tomorrow, not unless it's raining in the morning!) I would like to find some of those new heucheras for my MIL... OK, I admit I wouldn't pass up 'Midnight Rose' for my own garden either, LOL.

now to print out that map... thanks!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I forgot to mention, straight back from the perennials there are some evergreens, miniature and regular size. There's the coolest "pine" trees back there. They have these really long, thick, soft needles that kind of droop. I looked at the name and it was something starting with an s, not anything I'd heard of before. They were about my height or a little less and a classic evergreen cone shape but with these cool needles. If you go straight back from the middle row of the perennials, going away from the greenhouses, you'll see them.

The coneflowers were nice too, nice big pots. They were more expensive but $10 is probably a great price considering the size and what other places as asking for these newer varieties. They were going fast but seemed to be coming back in when the trucks arrived at a pretty steady pace.

One thing that will help with the directions, when you come off of 81 at the Route 11 exit north of Winchester, go south on 11 just a little ways and then there's a place where you can either bear off to the left (route 11 business) or go straight ( route 37.) Be sure you bear to the left onto route 11 business. From there, it's just a little way down 11 on the right. You'll cross over some railroad tracks just before you get there.

Oh, by the way, we passed a place that sells topsoil on the right before you get to Webers and they had a sign out saying they have mushroom compost. That's handy to know.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hah! No way will we have room for a tree... why could this sale not be taking place during our return trip? We'd have room then, with all those shade plants from the co-op delivered! :-)

Just as well... I'm still trying to catch up on planting. Just taking a lunch break. Not sure whether to hope the rain holds off or brings a quick shower to soften the soil... :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I just thought you'd like to see it. It was really pretty. I didn't even look at the price but I'm sure it was expensive even at sale prices. It was a pretty big tree. LOL

When are you coming back? I'm sure the sale will be going on until at least next Thursday, probably longer.

It's looking like rain here too but nothing so far.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We'll be coming back either Friday or Saturday... :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You could stop on the way back, then. Might want to call and get their hours. You will love this place, especially with everything half price.

They really do have nice plants and are the only place around here other than the very expensive Fort Valley Nursery that carries some of the fancier new varieties of plants and some of the more unusual plants. Oh, if you like shade plants besides the hostas you might want to check for ligularias. They have humongous plants of those most of the time too. I like being able to get huge, full sized or close to it plants for less than what I'd pay for little pots elsewhere.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

"humongous" half price shade plants... LOL, if it weren't for the fact that there's more family than us visiting this week (eg, grandkids!), I'm thinking my MIL and I would be taking a little road trip... :-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Green with envy.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

We really need to organize a roadtrip for this sale next year. I just realized the coreopsis I got is another hot new perennial - Coreopsis Full Moon.

"After eight years of intensive breeding work with eight species of coreopsis, Darrell Probst is releasing the first plant in his Big Bang (TM) Series. 'Full Moon' PPAF is a showy hybrid with very large, canary yellow flowers that measure up to three inches across. They are held on well-branched stems atop a mound of healthy green, medium textured foliage. The plants are long blooming, from about midsummer into early fall. This is one of the taller kinds of coreopsis, so it is best situated towards the middle of the flower border."

Thumbnail by hart
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

darn, looks like we were about a week too soon to catch this sale :( Probably just as well, I think we're max'd out right now with what we spent at Baker's and what we still have to plant! Looks like you got some great plants hart! Coreopsis is one thing that's missing in our borders and 'Full Moon' is one I'll be looking for.

Read your description of the unique "pine" and thought this? Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris But then read your description again - the "long, thick, soft needles that kind of droop" made me think maybe this one? Weeping Threadleaf Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis 'Filiformis')
Whatever it is, sounds interesting :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I save my Christmas money every year from December until June for this sale. LOL I'm not sure when the sale ends. They sent me a postcard with the dates and I've misplaced it.

I found what it is on tree is on the second link you posted. I knew it wasn't a pine or anything I was familiar with and that the name started with s.

This is it, it's called Japanese umbrella pine, Sciadopitys verticillata better picture of what the apparently mature ones they're selling look like here

The color looked more like the top photo here and there's a good closeup of the needles here

None of the pictures do it justice - it was a stunning tree.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Duh, why didn't I think of that...a "cool pine" that starts with "S"! First saw this plant at New England Flower Show years ago but was too cold for it to grow in Maine garden. I was thrilled when I moved to VA to find Rick had several growing in the gardens here :) One is doing fantastic, the other is kind of hidden and much smaller. Love it so much I picked up a really nice specimen last fall at a 50% off sale! I don't have it planted yet but plans are for it to be located somewhere in the area of the stream project. I haven't planted anything in that area yet because I know I'll be making a huge mess digging for the stream and I definitely don't want to cause any harm to this new baby :)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Would the Sciadopitys verticillata be appropriate for a container? Apparently it is slow-growing.

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