Ultra Cheap Plant Shipping Method (Under $2)

Spooner, WI

Hey, Postal_blonde can only speak for herself. And I know a lot of very good, responsible USPS delivery personnel. However, as with any occupation, there are morons around us! It is, unfortunately, part of living in this world as a human being. People mess up & we pay for it.

I used to work customer service for a major mail-order company, and we used all 3 of the major delivery companies. There were idiots working at all of them, but the VAST majority of the packages got there in time. I think Postal is just giving recommendations for how to *BEST* ensure safe delivery. Unfortunately, there's no way to absolutely guarantee anything.

Life is fun, isn't it? :)

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

what postal blonde said i have heard almost every day of my life with my sister ....VERBATIM ....who is a postmaster in campbell tx. lol.

Spooner, WI

Well, at least their public relations training is consistent! And that coming from a government-run institution! lol

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

my older sister has a real good opinion of herself. snicker.

i am wondering if we need to leave this thread because if i get started telling postal jokes i would go on for awhile. they like my nonsense (at least they take my money every year) on daves but they ask me kindly not to chatter on a "how to" thread like this one. so i ain't stayin here. bye now. ha

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

it takes all kind of people to make the world go around.

Has anyone here sent plants overseas? Need to know how to do it.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

where to? and what?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

well funnyfarm........you go boy. personally i agree with everything you said about at&t. the bums. but i don't know if you got that on the right page or not.

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