More temptation!

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

oh my.. how can you even walk away.. I would be mezmorized and not be able to move away for weeks.. no chores would get done, family would starve...

how much cuteness can one person handle..

then there is the work.. how much clean-up time you got going?? I mean seems to me, I only had 30 and cleaned them daily and the second I had them back in thier feeties were a mess... while I am so very jealous.. I don't think I envy you.. yep thats my story..he he

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

they are just so cute. these are gonna be my babies. I do plan on selling off some, I will keep my favorites. And I talk to them and they look at me with that cocked head like yea I know what you mean. I do know that my post office people, Agnes and Paul they talk to them until I get there. They are spoiled before i get them.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

how terribly adobarble, once again... you got a lot more gray/blues than i did. i do hav ethe greenish ones too... but since i put my crested in with my assorted bantams, i dunno what is what!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

This is what I feel like at the end of the afternoon. Notice the one in the back hanging his head off the rail.

Thumbnail by luvs2garden2000
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yours is not nearly as cramped as mine, but rain forecast for the weekend has changed, so older ones are going back outside...

i have a PBR pullet who has always done that...

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)


Just got home from HD and bought all the stuff to build my own 'barn-style' chicken coop!!

So its official now ^_^ I get babie chicks!!!

♪♫♪ AnjL's doing the Happy Chickie Dance!! ♪♫♪

Lodi, United States

Oh Dear, AnjL! Another slave has fallen under the fatal spell of Chicken.... there is no turning back now, your life as you've known it is over. Chicken Fairy 1/Mankind 0. All hale Chicken!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

tee hee... just gotta find some chicks :o)

how long should I wait after I paint it? to put chicks in... lol!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

now paint is not goo dfor your chickens, so just paint the outside and leave the inside plain... then you can put them in IMMEDIATELY.... shall i call you next week if Ideal has another over hatch special???


londonderry, Australia

i lik the mixture of colours in your chicks luvs2garden u are lucky

Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

We have gotten what is called a 'barnyard special' a couple of times and we love seeing all the different kinds, how they change, all the guessing as to what they might be and then finding out for sure. I think it really makes it even more exciting. And no, the chicken fairy better not hit me up for any of the specials....we are into the heavy breeds. : )

Course, that said my DS is absolutely nutty over bantams! We were given a small bantam roo chick at the last auction we went to, and it is about all he has been able to talk about. Oh, boy!


londonderry, Australia

i dont know Christy sounds lik the chicken fairy might have a new customer


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

tell your son he just needs to loose a tooth!

Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

ummmmm, (tapping fingers)......ummmmm, (scratching head) ummmmm (wondering how to get out of this one?).....ummmmm.....oh wait, (snapping fingers) darn the luck, he lost a hole mess of teeth last year but has given them to the tooth fairy, and she REFUSES to give them back. I asked. REALLY! Sent her a fmail and everything! (ahem, that would be 'fairy mail') The poor dear just loves teeth so much that I can't seem to reason with her!


(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol you all are too funny!

I wasnt planning on painting the inside :o) I figure the chicks will want to 'decorate' the interior all by themselves! LOL! just the outside will be painted like a barn.

Might have to build a matching barn dog house so my lil poodle wont feel left out :o) lol!

what is the hatch special? I can only have 2 fowl according to the city regulations...MY regulations differ of course :oD

16 cu feet of interior space ... will that be too big for just 2 fowl?

londonderry, Australia

wow you manage to turn the tooth fairy into a tooth tycoon

Lodi, United States

Oh, waaaay to big! The poor chickens will just rattle around and get lost. You need at least 4 chickens for 16 cu feet. LOL.

Unfortunately I heard that the Chicken Fairy invested last year's income in poorly choses speculative ventures and is badly in need of new capital. She will be demanding tribute soon........

This message was edited Jul 12, 2008 3:33 PM

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Nope I have paid mt dues to her and then some. No more chicken fairy for least not right now...........I told hubby that I had some of the chicks for sale, his reply was........WHY. He loves fresh farm eggs more than I do and I LOVE them. He is a mess.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

McMurray says they're having a special on those Jumbo Cornish but I won't post anything else or I'd be accused of leading someone into temptation!


(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

no cornish here... DH WILL eat them!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yes, too big, they won't be able to stay warm... of course you said CUBIC FEET so, just cut it down to 8 for 2 hens. then again, if one day you might be moving, you would take this with you. so keep it that size and put a divder in the middle... and a door on the other side. so in the future it will be one barm with TWO tractors...

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

how big should the nesting boxes be?

Lodi, United States

You would only need one for two or three chickens--although 2 would give them more options if they are picky. For bantams they can be quite small say 10" X 10" for one or "10 X 20" for a double. For standards 12"X 12" or 12" X 24" for a double. Mine just have an open space about 36" X 18" filled with straw and they make their own nests. It needs to be private and a little dark so they feel safe--they will investigate all sorts of dark hollow places on their own and you don't want them laying behind a screen of vines or in a hollow tree.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

thanks! we have the base built and the nest boxes :o)
its coming along very quickly! lol! may be ready for chicks by next weekend? still making the roof now and need to paint it :o)

nest boxes are 12x 10 about 12" tall....

turns out the coop is MUCH too big for just two chickens... guess I HAVE to get more now! darn! lol!

londonderry, Australia

well done on getting the coup done so quickly and just a question for everyone do u guys hav seperate nesting boxes or just lik a shelf type thing with no walls

Lodi, United States

I have a separate compartment they have to go up a ramp to get into--but it is not divided into nest boxes. I was planning to make the boxes, but then they started laying in the straw. They seem to make depressions in the straw and are happy laying there. Of course I put fake eggs in to indicate it was a safe place to lay eggs.

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Mine are divided. They take their pick of the boxes, and now that they are so broody, sometimes there are two in a box. My girls are spoilt. They get hay, now straw to lay their eggs in. I tried putting straw there and they wouldn't lay on it. So, back to the hay we went.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

that's great oneanjl! now just get two specific breeds, and if nayone thinks they saw more than one, they are "mistaken"... you know like one solid and one barred...

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

tee hee :oD

much too big for just two banties :oD

Thumbnail by 1AnjL
Lodi, United States

Oh my goodness, its adorable!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

tee hee.... I ws supposed to be making salsa and canning it today....but salsa can wait! lol!
going to finish it up tomorrow... still havent decided what to do for a roof...tin or wood with shingles?

Thumbnail by 1AnjL
londonderry, Australia

well done it looks excelent

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

well, if you are a chicken with your head MMs from the roof, how do you want the rain to sound??? i would insulate the roof...

looks fabu-LO-SO!!!! just right for 3-4 LARGE hens... or 6 bantams...

big congrats, now get that salsa done!!!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yea and send me some also!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes very nice job, I need one that is 1000 times bigger, do you loan him out. Just to build a few here.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

on the henhut thread are some REALLY good pics, gonna get DH to to me 2-3 of those. of course they are for the extra laying hens i have not gotten yet.... to go in the shed he hasn't finished...

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)


(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

Tee hee! sis (PeaFowlAnjl) gets DH first... after I get all my project list done! lol!
I convinced him last night that a matching dog house for teacup poodle and dotzie would be sooo nice :o)

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

dang I need a couple of them also. Loan this man out!!!!!!!!!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

okay, I have a question and I cant find that question thread!!

for the pen area...we're gonna use an old chain link fence that just sets on the ground. will put chicken wire around it for now, but eventually will have cement around so I wont need to worry about vandals digging under it.

here are my questions....

chainlink okay? approx 1" holes
5' x6' enclosure good for 4 fowl? assuming they are full size and not banites. coop will be up on stilts.

chain link roof? or chicken wire good enough to keep racoons out? have hawks, so thats why needs a roof....
but pen will be built up against fence, so I am assuming racoons will climb fence and be on top of pen area....

londonderry, Australia

were so lucky we dont get racoons over here because they sound realy nasty

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