Time to show of your combo containers!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I plant this contain every year with something different. This year Jester Ornamental Millet for height, coleus, Sweet pickels Pepper (thanks Jill) and OSP vine (grown from Holly's instructions).

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

View from the top, I'm sure this will change over the season as it fills out and flows over.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

hi LadyG :) I hope you are feeling ok these days! I am having fun this season with my combos

this is a before photo of a combo of nolana, chaenarrhinnum summer skies , ornamental oregano and lilac petunias. I'll post an after photo once they all get blooming! The petunias are blooming now and the oregano just started. We have ALOT of chipmunks and they keep digging in my pots and may wipeout the summer skies!!!

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

You may have seen this on another thread....this is zingiber midnight ginger and festive dance coleus. I just made this combo last weekend :)

Thumbnail by wind
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi Wind, feeling good just wish I had more energy, I thinks the meds are causing most of my fatigue. I see Dr. in 2 weeks to go over my bone scan. Thanks for asking.

I really enjoy seeing the containers change and fill out. When you start out you think ho hum and then one day WOW!

I haven't noticed chipmunks this year I think my fast running little yipper dogs keep them away. I used to find clumps of bird seed in my flower pots. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'll take a pic tomorrow - I put black EE, and silver plectranthus and golden creeping Jenny together. Finally got some foliage contrast! But today realized the spider mites are going crazy on the EE. Dosed with systemic and bet they'll rebound. The silver plec is liking the hot sun better than I expected.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady, Just love that combo. Really looking good!
Wind, Beautiful combo also. Can't wait to see the blooming version of the first one. May I suggest something bright trailing over the sides of the Ginger pot? Maybe something solid color in lime green or silver.
I must admit that I am pretty boring when it comes to planting pots. Most of my pots are a one plant per pot theme. sigh.........
I do better with my window and deck boxes but I was just looking at some very pretty combos last weekend and thinking I really need to do more of that kind of thing.
Well here's what I have Mandevilla "Alice Dupont" and Dichonbdra "silver Falls". WOW 2 whole plants in one container. LOL
This is my hot pink tropical corner. The other plant is a two toned pink hibiscus just getting ready to bloom again. It's another one that I had brought back from S.C. I also have a really nice Canna Pink Dawn I was thinking about digging up and re-potting into a pot to set with these It has very dark foliage and pretty pink flowers and maybe a Margarita OSP in the pot to give it some bright green. That would give me a nice 3 pot group.

This message was edited Jun 18, 2008 9:21 AM

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here my first attempt at a wreath. It's just planted so the jury is still out on it being a success or not. I figure give it a couple of weeks to fill in or fall apart. LOL
There is ivy, impatiens and a few left over pansies.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Look at you all with your pretties!! Never thought to take "before" pics...I just sit "patiently" (not) waiting for them to fill out. I've really taken a liking to the Ornamental Millets this year...someone sweetly gave me that dark one at our swap - what an easy plant!!! Now I'm seeing Chris' beautiful green one... Note to self: make sure to have these ready to plant next year....whaa whooo!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, That's probably Doc's Purple Millet. In my pre vacation rush I didn't get to plant mine and I also had some very pretty dark grass seeds that I collected last year that I didn't get to plant either. I was out earlier picking up some Salmon colored geraniums for the deck boxes. Going to try and get them planted yet today. Ric is out gathering a few more rocks for the walkway. He wants to get started on the rock wall and I asked him to please finish the walkway first. I have a lot of plants to get in that bed.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Chantell, I started out with the darker millet a few years ago, here is a link to a picture of a container of mine from a few years back, lost the original pic on the old puter. You will have to go down a few posts but it's not long.

That container between the garage doors must have a tall millet and cascading OSP vine. It really breaks up the front of the garage and cement driveway.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I LOVE it!!! Chris where did you find this years millet at?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

A small nursery near home called Scotland Yards. It's name is Jester.
I tried to grow it from seed last year that I bought from Parks but did not have any luck getting it past two tiny leaves, don't know what I did. :(

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Not the best pic but here are two pots I did, one for each side of front door. (sitting in shade at the moment) Black EE, silver plectranthus -critter-, golden creeping jenny -hart- . Planning on them growing in too! It gets hot afternoon sun so I just didn't feel I could put TOO many plants in. Hoping those EE grow to huge!! They are sick cuz in the hot spell I didn't notice they had spider mites population explosion!!! Now that they have been dosed with Bayer, I better see some big new black leaves growing.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

This is a last chance pot, I stuck together some things I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with (grammar? what grammer?)
An amaranth from critter, a mandevilla saved over winter but not growing much, Holly's OSPs that are just now growing well for me, not sure what I was doing before, a regualr ol' spider plant...I think that;s it. I did fill this in, in the shade.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Hi: I am not from the mid atlantic ...Tulsa, Oklahoma to be exact but I wanted to share.
this basket is
Pink Verbena
mixed Impatients
Silverfalls Dicondra
Bat Faced Cuphea
I love it. I think its my best so far.

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Created for the nose not the eyes...LOL...may be too much if everything blooms at once: Night Blooming Jasmine, single tuberose, and Evening stock

Thumbnail by Chantell
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey Pugh- very pretty!

What the...I just looked at my last picture and see a petunia looking flower where there is no reason to be! in the OSP. Shoot, its dark out. I am so curious. There ia a piece of miatablu's cuban oregano in there also. It would probably like more sun.

This picture not a container per se, but I put two small pots in/on a larger plant to hide it's 'knobby knees' and also cover the dirt where critters are tempted to dig.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Nice job, Dave!
2nd scent pot on my deck: Double Yellow Datura (Sally?), Double Tuberose, Evening stock...hey had to use up what I had...LOL

Thumbnail by Chantell
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Chantell- you could be a plant-perfume designer, picking the mix of scents LOL

My last pic, a vignette instead of a container mix. jody gave me the var. petasites which I put in the two=part pot from miatablu at the fall swap. the petasites loves to be moist, and shade so it seems happy.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOOK at those pretty colors!!!! Very nice!!! LOL - "plant designer" - more likely someone who will most likely induce asthma attacks!!! Going to take pics of the front planters - although not too much original in there....what can i say I LOVE the old spicy purple petunias...I'll take some pics on the morning and post tomorrow night.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, I was just going to comment on that nice OSP blossom. Yep that is the elusive OSP flower. Mine are usually hidden under all the foliage and not seen. Also I love the silver plectranthus, and one day I will get a Black EE also.
Welcome Pughbear, nice looking container.
One of these days I want to smell Chantell's garden.

This message was edited Jun 18, 2008 10:11 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Chantell- I may have given you a yellow Dat but since yours looks SO much better than mine now, maybe you got one of Gita's. I had a bout of mites on my Daturas also.
OSP blossom!?! Who knew?!? I was hiding my head for weeks because eveyrbody else's OSPs were growing so much better. I probably stressed it into flowering in a last ditch attempt at survival.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahh that was sweet Holly....but if you really want a scent delight you'd have to hit Becky's first...her "eden" is absolutely amazing. I'll have to see what EE's I have remaining...you might be able to get one cheaper then postage though by hitting your local HD/Lowes I know I saw either Black runner or Black Magic recently.
Sally - I swear it was you...I got the double yellow and also a purple one - purple one needs desperately to be potted up or put into the ground...keep saying "I'm going to" God bless it's heart - keeps on growing for me though. I didn't even know there WERE blooms on OSPs...shows how much I know..LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Well, I did grow both colors from Gita's seeds. I had a bunch of babies and no heart to dump them so I just filled up some extra space with lotsa Daturas here. butthey are pitiful small.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, I didn't know either until one day I was weeding out the deck-box and there the pretty little thing was hidden under a pile of foliage. I get them from time to time but they usually aren't very noticeable because of all the foliage. My Dat's don't look like much yet either and I remember they were slow to start last year, too. I thought they would never get big and flower but they sure put on a show when they did.
Chantell,My DIL has a Black EE I may get some from her later. She picked up a pot of them while we were down in S.C. and there are quite a few bulbs in the pot. Maybe at the end of summer or when she needs to re-pot she would share. Especially since I just picked up a pot of Colocasia Illustria. You know the green with the dark marking. I also have a Green Taro and an Alocasia Polly (African Mask).

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally, congrats on the OSP flower! I bet it will take off running after this. Most of my have been slow growing, wonder if it is strange temps we have been having?
Chantell, I planted some Night Scented Stock in with my hanging baskets, and deck boxes, not much to look at as a flower goes but last night I stepped out on the deck for a while and caught a whiff of them. I'm hoping as the summer goes on the scent will get stronger.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhhh can't wait for the stock - not sure that it'll end up blooming for me...I planted seeds WAY late and they're not terribly fond of heat so...I'll remember earlier next year for sure!! That and the sweet peas (note to self). Here's a little pic of one of my front planters....OSP (can't believe how much growth this one's put on - the variegated ones were slower growers for me in the past), Nicotiana 'Fragrant Cloud,' Petunias...I have tuberose in the back of these planters as well as moon flower (to grow up huge bush that's to the right of this planter) they just can't be seen yet.

Thumbnail by Chantell
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Picture of the "In Bloom" deck.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Combo Porch box. #1

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Combo Porch Box #2

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Lady, That is just beautiful. Sigh..........



Otherwise this stacking pot display has thirty some pots of herbs, flowers, lettuce blends and onions. My first year with this type of planting for patio. The onions were my answer to a food spike. They took over. Honest there was a full pound planted in the thirty some pots. Half have been eaten.

It's in need of management. The onions have hidden a lot of beauty. It's soup time.

I gave away lots of purple millet at Critters RU this spring. You can save those seed.



Thumbnail by docgipe
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Lady are your pups Griffon Bruxellois? (note I refer to dogs as "pups" regardless of age...LOL)

Doc - nice job!!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Chantell, they are Brussels Griffons. Penny & Mary Chris, I am their retirement home. They were show and breeding dogs. Now they are just good companions who loves to be held and have their belly rub, when I get home.

Doc, those are pretty neat containers. Onion soup sounds great, I'll bring the crusty bread for dunkin.LOL


Well come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. I have the Dutch sharp shreaded cheese and a pinch of three herbs to top off the taste excitement.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Mercy...I'm starvin' Marvin!!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Wow doc! I saw your stacking pot display on the NE forum - it's really filled out!!

Lovely combos here - I haven't done much with containers at all this year although I do have the 'leftovers' from last year that I pulled back onto the front steps after wintering them over inside. A few of the plants I picked up at Baker's Acres are scheduled to be planted in them for "fillers", just haven't had the time to do it. I did get my large hypertufa container that sits at the gazebo planted this year, finally! Every year I try something different and some years it's a bust, some pretty good. This year I wanted something that would take some abuse since it's not close to the house and I always forget to water it :( Decided on Hostas and then added Blackie sweet potato to spill over the sides with a Plectranthus with purplish foliage to anchor the back - carrying over the chartreuse/purple theme I'm hung up on this year :) The Hostas are doing fine, but Blackie hasn't started to 'spill' yet - hopefully in a couple of weeks it will! Rick planted a couple of nice combos this year :) I'll try to get some pictures soon and post them.



Now we are shaping up into a nicer mixed potting. One more pot of onion soup to go.

Thumbnail by docgipe

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