Kim's Greenhouse half price sale

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Anyone in this area, Kim's Greenhouse, which is south of New Market and north of Harrisonburg off of Route 11, has all their plants marked half price. Most were around $2, all the vegetables in four packs were $1 per pack.

They were a bit picked over but still had lots of plants. They have the nicest plants you can imagine.

To get there, go about 5 miles south of New Market on Route 11 and turn left onto Route 798. You'll see the greenhouses back off of the road a bit if you look sharply.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Diane, how could you, you enabler! LOL This is the first year we didn't stop there on our way home from Blandy. It was so miserable, cold and rainy, and I was following Rick down 81 keeping my fingers crossed that he would pull off at the exit - nope, drove right by! If gas prices weren't so darned high I'd jump in the car today and head in that direction! But then again....half price, hmmm :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Keep in mind they are a bit picked over, Debbie. I'd hate for you to make a long trip and be disappointed. What they do have is gorgeous, though. I got some Anna Greeway lamiums for $2.10 that were huge, probably a foot across.

I was really tickled to see they have heirloom tomato plants this year too. Last year I complained that all they had were hybrids. They had plenty of tomato plants and a couple of varieties of peppers but not much else in the vegetable plants.

You should see the hanging baskets. The guy behind me in line had a petunia basket that must have been three feet across.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Well we did actually make it :) And yes, they were picked over but still grabbed a few things. I saw that Lamium - it was gorgeous! Kicking myself that I didn't pick up one or two but we were in such a hurry - on our way back from Ohio - but that's another story :) I'm going to get some photos today or tomorrow and start a new thread.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I forgot to tell you about the fiber optic grass for $2 something. I hope you saw it if you like it. It was in with the herbs for some reason.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Got it at the last minute :) Rick was in such a hurry and I was frantically grabbing everything I could find!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm glad you found it. I wish I'd had more time there too. We were in a rush to get to the grocery store afterwards.

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