propogated cuttings

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

i read your posts about rooting your cuttings. I also read the hyperlink. thanks louisa. i'm patiently watching my hydrangeas grow. they are still all small and just getting used to there surroundings here. but since they were bareroot in june, they are doing very well. there alive, green and look happy. :-) my question concerns the cuttings you took. first how are they doing? are you planning on keeping them in pots or will you transfer them to the earth before frost sets in? i think it is too late for me to root and put them into the earth, but i was wondering if i could root and then keep them indoors to plant next spring. my concern obviously is enough sun. i don't have many good sunny windows. do you think they would do ok with indirect sunlight? or would i need some specialty bulbs to give them the sunlight they would need?

i'm interested in hearing all about your successes, errors, and mishaps. do tell. i learn so much from all of you.
debi z

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

debi - my hydrangea cuttings spent most of last winter in a dark shed with just one window. On frost free days I would bring them outside for some light. If frost threatened they went back into the shed but took them out again when the sun shone through. They did extremely well. I have them planted now and although they have suffered with the heat, new growth is starting to show.

Good Morning' My Sister Teresa is holding
her own now after 6in. of rain this past
week,poor baby' She's nearly a foot tall
now and such big leaves'Was concerned
that the heat/humidity might give her a
disease.I won't be taking cuttings for
quite awhile but the info that everyone is
sharing is very much appreciated'Thank you
too Louisa for this forum''Sis'

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

You are very welcome Sis :-) Glad that your Sister Teresa is doing so well. Even though mine look pretty awful right now, I'm glad to say that new buds are peeking through already :-)

Cordova, MD

Thanks for the advice, too, Louisa! I cam back from my trip and was worried about the hydrangea cuttings I did before I left. They seemed alive before I left and I "hid" them by the house, under some other bushes.... and THEy're STILL alive and appear to be doing well! I'm thrilled!!! Thanks to your advice , on this thread, I can protect through winter, etc.....
and I have one or two I'll be glad to send, should soeone want them!!!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

You have a big and generous heart Jeanne - I'm really glad to see you back :-)

Cordova, MD

Thanks Louisa! Glad to be back!! And thank YOU for all the time and advice you give day after day!!! I know that when you go to Germany to be with your daughter you will be missed!! (And, Gee, you really don;t live too far from me....Hmmmm.... and you have ALL THOSE ROSES.....Mmmmm...)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Jeanne - Where did you get the notion that I had a lot of roses. I used to of course - in England and in my last home in the States. But here I only have the climbing Iceberg and the shrub Iceberg and 1 unknown rose. However, just let me get these new beds prepared and the shed installed and then cometh the!! I can't wait to get my favourites. Oops I just lied! I have one other - the ground cover rose Magic Carpet in cream!!

Cordova, MD

Gee, I'm sorry! I guess I got mixed up thinking all your roses in England were here with you! But, I'm sure that you'll have many more here soon!! So, hurry and build your shed and all when you get back from Germany!
Let me know if I can help you in any way when you're ready-
I can give you cuttings for the Eden climber, your wonderful Bonica (it's still looking great!), and Abraham Darby, and the great Graham Thomas, Morden Blush, Diana, Princess of Wales, Billy Graham, Sultry, Easy Going, Knock Out, Sterling Silver, Sweet Valentine, Pearl Essence, and three unkown ones (they were there when I moved in, one of them is a Lovers Lane, I think.)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Phew Jeanne - you take my breath!! I will glady take cuttings from you - try and stop me! So the Bonica, Abraham Darby, and Graham Thomas I know - I've had to leave them behind so many times and I love them. I'm not familiar with the others except for Princess Di rose and I think I know Morden Blush.

Cordova, MD

Princess Di is a relatively new one from J & P.... it's turned out beautifully so far... I posted a few pics of it on the pklant id ....
Also- the two hydrangeas I ordered are Pee Wee Oakleaf and Webb's Pee Wee...
can't wait till I get em!!!
Let me know when you weant me to send you the cuttings of the roses!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

what type of hydrangea's are your cutting starts? Like it really matters. I would love to have them, if they are zone 6. i live on the edge if zone 5/6 and i believe if they are in a protected area they'll be ok, once established.

let me know and i'll send you along my address and the postage. thanks debi

you said you wintered them in a shed in zone 7. well here we get a lot colder. and my shed doesn't have a window. my garage does, but of course that gets more exposure with the door opening and closing.
i'll take all the help i can get.
debi z

Cordova, MD

I live in Zone 7. And sometimes it gets fairly cold and brutal here- not quite as bad as springfield- but close- by the way I love your town.... I had to drive through many a time a year ago when my daughter was going to school at Nothfield Mt. Hermon for postgraduate stuff prior to college. I fell in love with that part of Massachusetts and miss it!! Especially the Yankee Candle Factory! I could spend HOURS in there!!!

E-mail your address and I'll be glad to send you a rooting- they are looking good- the bushes were here at theis house before we bought it last year so I can;t tell exactly what kind. I did post pics of their blooms a month ago in the photo section. They are mopheads- a beaiutiful blue!!
E-mail me your address and I'll get one sent off to you! I'm happy you can use one. I wouldn;t plant it outside though until they get bigger... but I'm no expert!

Powell, TN

jjs what are the differents in the two pee wee hydrangea's that you ordered? Is the Webb a name of a catalog? I love hydrangeas and never have rooted any. I have the large oak leaf and a white mop head and a green verigated leaf that blooms blue with white around it. I think it is lacecup. It was blooming when I planted it 3 summers ago. It has grown good about 3ft. high but hasn't bloomed since then. Maybe you all can help me out on this. I also have a pink pee wee I like very well and one with green leaves with the blooms starting white to blue-purple-pink shades before it stops. I think it has something to do with the soil here. I would love to have a blue mop head. Appreciate any help from anyone on these. I love all flowers but some are more special to me. I have had fair luck in rooting roses. I have really done more gardening since we retired. Love my gardening. Send any information. Thanks Beebalm

Germantown, MD(Zone 7a)

Nice to see another Marylander here. I live in Germantown. I am not sure where Cordova is. We moved here in '99 and I am still finding my way around. I moved here from NJ with hydrangeas in tow. I have since lost the names of them. :-/ The cat helps with removing tags. Good thing I love him. LOL

I only have one rose which I just bought. I planted a clematis next to it. I am using it as a natural trellis. I have no idea of the name of the rose as it was on clearance and not tagged. It is a soft yellow. Very pretty and fragrant. The clematis is Ville Di Lyon I believe.

I have spent more time in my garden this week. It is so theraputic with all that is going on in the world.
Take care everyone.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Beebalm I don't know how I missed your post and your queries - I am so sorry! Seems everyone else missed it too!! You have some questions for Jeanne and I will point her this way. As for your lacecap that didn't flower - are you pruning it? If so, you may be pruning at the wrong time and cutting off the next year's buds. There are some excellent links here on this forum with loads of advice. Look and see if they help you too :-)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Ree - I was wrapped up in Beebalm's question and forgot to say hi to you!! Sounds as though everything is going really well for you in your garden and yes, I too have a clematis that will eventually grow through a climbing iceberg rose. Both newly planted this year. The clematis is the viticella Julia Correvon (sp). The viticella to me are the least fussy and perform so well - I adore them. :-)

Cordova, MD

Gee- I learned something already!! I had no idea I could allow a clematis, or anything for that matter, to intertwine in my roses!! Another new thing I gotta try!!!
Hi Ree!! Yea, another Marylander!! I don't think there are many of us here, though... hopefully more will come on board. Cordova is actually a very small farming community (if you're not in 4H here as a child, your not nothing!)LOL!! right off of Route 50 near Easton on the way to the Ocrean City! (does that make sense?) I've only been here on the Eastern Shore about five years- prior to that I, too, lived in Maryland around the D.C. Metro area for about 20 years.
Bee- I'm still very new into hydrangeas- but just love them!!! The Webb's appears to be a fast grower and likes the sun! It came with a BIG single white bloom on it that looked like a conehead. I took a pic of it and when I get it developed, I'll post you a pic. It is my understanding that the plant grows out from the gets very big and van be coaxed into becoming tree like...
The other peewee has oak leaves, is a slow grower, stays fairly compact, and prefers shade, part sun...... it didn;t come with any blooms....(darn!)

Germantown, MD(Zone 7a)

Hello everyone. Louisa, don't worry your pretty little head about me and not saying hi. It takes a lot more to ruffle my feathers. :-) I had heard that the viticella varieties of clematis were easy to grow as well as the Montana varieties so I planted some not too long ago. I have 22 clematis. I am just now starting to pair them with shrubs. I love the them.
JSS thanks for giving me a better idea of where Cordova is. Webb's sounds really pretty. Please do post your pic when you get it. BeeBalm...does it take long to root a rose. Are you using the rooting hormone? What is a good time of year to do it? Sorry if I am getting off subject here in the hydrangea forum. I just get carried away.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Ree - like your style and choice of plants. Other than hydrangeas, my other two passions are clematis and roses. I posted a wonderful site over on the rose forum regarding propagation and other stuff. I have a new house and new garden since June this year. Hard work!! So the trellis is up to hide the a/c units and I planted Tim's passiflora, a clematis montana, iceberg climbing rose and interspaced with pyracantha for the evergreen effect. Then I have a new clematis John Paul. Am hoping to layer the clematis and get many plants. Yes, sorry everyone going off thread but sometimes we are allowed - ask Dave :-) So at his point in time I only have two types of hyrangea both macrophylla. The collection will grow as and when the garden is dug!!

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