Plano, TX

Remember those plates, saucers, tea cups, bowls that are chipped and have no match-the ones you keep but don't know why? well now you have a chance to give them a good home! Use any of those items to make something new for your secret pal! Break them if you want (as in mosaic), change them up or keep them as they are but make them into something new --lots of ideas on the internet--remember garage sales, thrift stores, dollar stores and the back of tj max are all great places to look if you already cleaned out your kitchen!!
taking names till July 1 and we will mail on July 15--should be lots of fun-

one excellent site on computer is OPEN DIRECTORY SHOPPING CRAFTS MOSAICS:CERAMIC AND BROKEN CHINA (long title!)

1. bjwilson
2. doe 41
3. jojoringer
4. threegardeners
5. taters 55
6. abbisgranma
7. susan 505
8. betty pauze
9. kimarj
10 fleurdefouquet
11 heavenscape
12 makshi
13 planolinda
14 froggies_girl

This message was edited Jun 30, 2008 7:31 AM

This message was edited Jun 30, 2008 8:12 AM

This message was edited Jun 30, 2008 11:05 AM

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

Me Me ME..... count me in....

Plano, TX

yeahhhhhhhhhhh I've got a taker! thanks bj!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Found you! Me, too, me, too! Now if I can just keep them separated!

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm here! Yay! Watch for brush fires in South Texas, I've got my thinking cap on!!!!!

Plano, TX

oh i am getting excited already!! welcome doe!

North Augusta, ON

I wanna play too...can I? can I? can I?

Plano, TX

wasn't leaving you out ms jo jo! you just got your post on quicker than i did --welcome aboard!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I'm already thinking! Guess I need to buy some kind of glue! Or something!

Plano, TX

yes three gardeners! come on in! now if i don't say welcome it's because my husband just got home from work and he just might like to have dinner! later!

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

Girls... there's lots of info on the web... tons of ideas... really cute things... good instructions.
Google is my best friend sometimes.

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

Yea, Linda... men are like that...

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

You know what else would be fun with this one, Linda? If we all include a note about where the dish or cup came from... Old set of dishes, or garage sale, or grandma's house... something like that. Tell something about it's history, or make up a story about it even if it doesn't have a history.

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

You can use your teacher skills and grade our stories. LOL

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

BJ, I couldn't find anything but kid crafts!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Count me in. I have a great idea.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm in too! Mind alreadyworking!!!

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Me Me, I want to play to. I have all kinds of cups hubby brings home from workshops he has to go to, yea now to figure out what to make. Susan

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok Audrey, can't find it in my history.. and can't remember what I googled for... but I'm trying to find it...
In the mean time, if anyone runs across a website with ideas... please post a link here.
I'm sure that Linda will do the same, when she gets back here.

Plano, TX had lots of ideas for tea cups
also googled tea cup craft and found lots

bj-loved your idea of a story to go with the project--

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Linda, I already tried that one. It's all about tea, not teacups!!

Plano, TX

DOE- go further down on the site--tea cup topiaries, fountains, birdwatchers cup, pin cushion etc-------but a better site is open directory shopping crafts mosaics: ceramic and broken china

Victoria Harbour, ON

Oh Lordy, just knew I shouldn't be looking into this room this early morning...ok...sign me up.....just a reminder, am Canadian, not all 'swaps' accept Canadians, won't be rules and regulations upto and didn't see reference..d-mail if not will be ok...

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

Now, who could leave out the most lovable Canadian we know?

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

OOps... 3G... we know 2 lovable Canadians...
Sorry, too early for me... more coffee please!!!!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i think i'm in. good morning bj

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

Mornin' (yawn)

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

I didn't find the site I was searching for.
But, here's a pic that might inspire somebody.
Taken from the Martha Stewart site.

Thumbnail by bjwilson
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

I tried not to look ; }....i'm in!!!!

Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

Cute idea! Count me in.

Ok, this will make 3 overlapping swaps I've signed up for and none have even started yet! If I try to sign up for a 4th, tell me NO! Or tell me where the swapper anonymous meetings are held.


Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

hehehe... you have plenty time... Linda gave us till the 15th of July to mail our project...
It's going to be fun.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

debra, there are no SA meetings. the only cure is more swaps!

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

Just brain storming here.
I'll share one that I remember my mom had in her garden... I had one of those moments in my sleep last night... shot strait up out of bed. This swap is bring back some memories.

My mom had an old plastic cake plate... you know, one of those that was raised with a stand under it. Dad got her a new nice glass one for an anniversary gift. So, she used the old plastic one in the garden. Put a deep dinner plate on top of it, place it in front of a group of flowers at the edge of a bed... and wahlah.. it was now a birdbath.

In another bed she put a bird feeder made of a large glass tumbler (upside down) with a plate glued on top.

All I ever remember was odd dishes in our kitchen to eat of of. The china was in the cabinet in the dining room... and was only for holidays and special occations. Every day dishes were mix and match. Yep.... no silver spoon ever touched my mouth growing up.

Does that get some minds twirling?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sure does, a day of memories..was just reading in Paul from Alabama post about vacation in moonshiners country, brought so much back to the surface..can you imagine I was once a 'moonshiner' nice to have those old memories brought back, to sit and remember and laugh..much the same as this thread this morning..grandma (who raised me-and a good job she did of it..LOL) had many similar garden themes done with dishes....

So back in time I go in search of something interesting..

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

So funny... was just looking in a box of old dishes. Picking up each piece, stretching out my arm to see it at arms length... stack two together, to imagine the possibilities. Picking up another piece, doing the same thing...
Then, hubby walks in... sees me... and says "what the ??? are you doing?"
Oh, just cleaning out this box.. (grin)...

LOL... he's used to it... but I'm sure he knows I've joined yet another swap... whatcha think?

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

So, Betty... we can both draw inspiration from those wonderful women that raised us.

Victoria Harbour, ON hubby but from time to time I'm working on crafts in my office, i.e. today for my envelope swap, girlfriends on msn often say 'let me see' so I've a labtec on my computer that I can take photo's not the best quality but gives one the idea of what I'm up to sooo boss walks by, here I'm positioning the article to best take a photo and he shakes his head...or I'm modeling a new outfit for them...he's used to it now, thinks I'm a bit off but must do something to pass my

Victoria Harbour, ON

Yep we can, sure do miss my 'hero' she was quite a lady..

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Shucks, the dishes were the first thing I disposed off when I moved. Have to maybe accidentally, on purpose drop something. Oh I didn't say that did I?

I see a lot of things at the garden festival made from dishes resurrected but do you think I can remember exactly what? Nope.

Such wonderful memories ladies of grandmas--I wasn't so fortunate. She was a very bitter lady (of course 11 kids might have had something to do with it) and had no time what so ever for her grandchildren--all 35 of us!!

BJ did I miss it, who is our 2nd Cannuck?

Mornin' Doe. PlanoLinda enjoy your visit with your daughter very much. Minds are busy here so you have done your job.

Debra, the solution to being a swap addict is to sign up for the visiting gnome. Very simple, all you have to do is entertain "Stopnot", I think that is his name, for 2 weeks then send him on his way. You must take pictures of what you do with him to share. Check it out. Other wise you will be suffering cold withdrawal symptons.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Marion, closing my ears, yes I am...

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