Garden Update

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Ah cut it out will ya, I have to wait and I love fried green maters! not fair, just not fair! What about the taters, BB?

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

bb - i also emember when you first started on daves garden. i can't believe you went from a first timer to what you have now. you should be very proud of yourself. thanks fort he pictures. everything looks super.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Just getting over here. You and the misses definately deserve to give yourselves a good pat on the back. The amoutn of work you have accomplished is unbelieveable. Your looking better than some gardens I have seen.

it not easy work, but yoru gettign there and every year is a year ya grow more in wisdom and crops.

Was thinking abotu you the other day. Have you thought about going to your local ag extenstion office and gettign a growers permit. It free and it wil let ya set up on any street corner or place where folks wil let ya set up. You might even see about being allowed to put up a small stand in front of yoru house with stuff for sale. That would keep people out of yoru gardens.

With the grower permit, if you have a bunch of crops ready, if it not to far away you could set up in like the outside edge of a grocery store parkign lot or someplace liek that with traffic to help ya sell more.

Fried Green Tomatos reminds me of the movie . I love the part with the BBQ scene, secrets in the sauce ;)
Looking good Bernie
I like your raised beds and pole bean set up
im trying to get more raised bed next yr.

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Everything looks Great!

But what I really neeeeddd is the secret to that..`"Grilled Lime marinated mojo pork"

oh, it looks fab. I LOVE the greenhouse. I think you were quite skilled in the making...


Rome, GA(Zone 7b)


Everything is looking great at your place! I'm very jealous of those eggplants. They look very happy. Mine are alive but just barely. Fought the flea beetles for a month and now they're not getting enough water.

Your place looks like mine. Projects going on all over :) Keeps things interesting. I've basically put everything else on hold to work on irrigation. The nice rain in May tricked me into thinking the drought was over. Things are bone dry here and things are struggling.

Had our first two markets this week and did well at both, people seem to be appreciating the fresh, local veggies more and more. Saturday was so busy, 3 of us were basically selling constantly for 2 hours. When's your first market?


Thumbnail by jkehl
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Wow Jeff!

You have done a lot of work. Irrigation is my next project. It's been hot and dry here too. The main thing I have left to do is put in the drip irrigation for the tomatoes. Too much work to hand water

Our market starts this Saturday. I was a little bummed that we weren't going to have many growers but slowly but surely we have been getting calls so we'll be fine


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Where is the market?

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

On the Square in Lawrenceville

Won't be many growers there the first week due to the late frost but there will be some stuff


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks, See you there.

BTW the Kellog's Breakfast and Mortgage Lifter I got from you are doing great. I hope the Big Rainbow and Stupice are doing well for you. My Stupice are loaded, but the BR only has blossoms, nothing set yet. And they take forever to ripen.

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