Coleus Chatters thru Father's Day...

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

My kid Jennifer never ceases to amaze me. She's the one that sews, and makes quilts.

She came up with a very clever idea for a father's day gift for her hubby.

She took a couple of photos of the kids. Didn't have a good one of BOTH kids in the same photo. She photo-shopped them together. Then did some "magic" on the photo to get lines to use as a pattern. She drew out the kids on a piece of glass and then filled it in with colored paint. My hubby made a frame for the glass to slide into. Now we just have to figure out how to make it so it can hang at the dealership on the plate glass window in her hubby's office.

I think she did a fantastic job on this. She didn't start the painting until this morning.


Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

WOW Janet!! Talent runs pretty deep in your family. Is she using that glass paint from the the craft store?? The reason I ask is at least 25 years ago when that first came out before I learned to do actual stained glass, I did a bunch of things with that paint. It is is great, but one word of caution. It doesn't hold up too well in the sun. After a few years the colors really fade out and I would imagine in your hot Texas sun that could be a problem. Maybe they have changed the formula some since then and it is more UV tolerant.

Geez, listen to me. Always the voice of doom and gloom. Sorry.


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i am doing the happy dance. dear sweet brinda sent me a box of coleus cuttings! isn't she the best? thanks brinda

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

On another note, I haven't had a bit of time to look around in the marketplace until this week. It seemed like there was such a hue and cry to get this going, yet there doesn't seem to be that much for sale and what there is seems kind of pricey to me. Plantwise especially. Anyone else have any thoughts on this? Have you know anyone that has actually sold anything yet. Janet? I know you have some things out there.
Just curious.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, that's what she's using. Thanks for the warning. I will pass it along to her.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Out of about 20 books, I've sold 6 in the first week.

I haven't sold any of the copper art yet, but am hopeful. It is a bit pricey, but a lot of work goes into creating it.

I haven't put in any plants yet. Am thinking about potted jade and cuttings. Some Hooker's Orchid Cactus and a few others. Just haven't gotten around to working up the ads yet.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

You must be on cloud 9! Brinda is certainly the Fairy God Mother of coleus:-)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i almost wet myself when i saw all the coleus. i think she sent rain too, because it is actually raining. at least i think thats what that wet stuff falling from the sky is.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I'll jump in on my marketplace thoughts.. I give anything a try once.. saw a plant I have been searching for at a reasonable price.. still very high but fair, so I bought 2... yep.. burnt my first trip.. dead plants.. .. $11. shipping not to mention plant price... I will not revist the marketplace... fun once.. but I can throw away my money locally and at least have my roads repaired with the taxes...

Sorry, I am usually the fun one... but wasn't happy with my first shopping trip.. I really wanted it to work!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well, folks I know this isn't coleus related but I am heartsick over the death of Tim Russert...If it's Sunday it's Meet The Press.
He was so good and fair. He loved bringing back clips from the past and keeping folks on their toes.
Since I'm a news junkie I'd tape Tim, watch Sunday morning, Tape the 30 mins CBS show that followed and then watch George Step(?) from 10:30 to 11:30 on ABC.
Of all of those Tim was the best.
If you have any overweight fellows in your life get their cholesterol and weight under control.
It's already 80º.
Not working in the garden this morning.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i have bought from the market place, however i try to always buy from gordo and phicks. they have healthy plants, and pack very well.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

sidney, i am very sorry to hear about your tim.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well he wasn't mine but I have cried several times.
And then yesterday was a year since I took Fast Frank to the airport.
Thanks Kathy.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Jay Leno gave Tim a very nice dedication last night. He will be sorely missed...

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

please cheer up sidney. i worry about you

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Aww I'll be alright!
So sweet of you to care.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Good Morning everyone...

Sidney, I saw on the news where Tim Russert had died and I was quite shocked. How sad for his family and all of America. My Mom is like you, she really enjoyed him on 'Meet The Press'.

Fran!!!!!! Welcome back! I'm thrilled that you're back with us! How are you? I still need to send you some coleus and I forgot! Shoot... I am so sorry and I will try to get some together for you next week. I should make a list of the people that I've promised to because I can't seem to remember much anymore. LOL I hope all is going well with you!

Juanita, I do love your pot. I did ceramics years ago and so wish I still did them. But I just don't seem to have the time for anything anymore, not even the things that I'm doing now. LOL

Kathy, I'm thrilled that the made the trip and I do hope you enjoy them.

DP, those are some really nice coleus! I have so much in full all day hot sun (and on cement) and I think you're doing a fabulous job with them. I love all of it! Keep sending pics, we all love to drool! BTW, nice site... I'm on my way back over there to look around a bit.

Kell, I would puke too if I had to ride up an elevator like that. I have such a problem with heights and I can't imagine going up that far. Even riding a normal elevator make my vertigo just go nuts on me.

I'm not kidding Kell, I had a big drink of tea in my mouth when I read about the feds coming out to tell you not to take pics. Only you could get into that kind of trouble. It had to be scarey, but it's also hilarious!!!

Hap, Welcome Home!!! How was your trip?

Wow Janet, your daughter is very talented! I could never draw something from a photo like that. I failed to get in the line when the Good Lord was passing out talent! LOL I am always amazed at everything that you do and now I see that your daughter is just like you!

Ted, thinking about you! Did you have storms last night?

Well, I was so excited about today. I've been whining to DH about being overwhelmed. I finally got all my coleus potted up but I still have about 27 flats of non-coleus to get potted up and I just dont' seem to have the umph to get it done. Actually, it's that my brain just can't put together another container... they're all starting to look the same. LOL Anyway, I whined so much that he promised to help me today. But I'm thinking that isn't going to happen now as he's been up most of the night with some kind of stomach virus. Ick! He got a Super-Duper High-Dollar Do-Everything gas grill for Father's Day and he has cooked on it every night this past week. Maybe that's the problem, that we've eaten way too much and his body just can't handle all the good food. Especially when I hadn't cooked for almost 2 weeks prior to that. LOL Oh well, X your fingers that he feels good enough to help me today.

My back is feeling much better. I can just feel the tightened muscle and it's just a bit sore but nothing like before. So, I guess I should get my fannie in gear and get something done today. Enjoy your day everyone!

Love to all...

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Hoping he didn't cook chicken on the grill last night Brinda. I got ill from a neighbors BBQ chicken as a child. It was awful.
Many hundreds of coleus to be put in my yard.
Too hot today although I may do the 10 minutes deal, 10 planting 10 in the cool.
Stay cool and happy folks.

Glen Riddle Lima, PA

going out to plant coleus right now as my toddler and baby are both actually asleep-AT THE SAME TIME! talk about blue moons!

sid- i'm so sad about tim russert too. my husband looked at me funny when i cried. but he just had such passion for his vocation (keeping our politicos honest on-screen) and just seemed to have such a great lust for life. also seemed like he'd be so much fun and big-hearted off-screen. for all his expertise and power, he was still like the guy next door.

about the marketplace-

i bought cuttings (rooted) from ZZ there and they arrived in great condition. i think it's buyers beware i suppose. i think plants are considered a perishable and aren't returnable in many nurseries except for some box stores- at least that's the case in my neck of the woods. having said that, my sympathies to those who have gotten burned. that stinks! i almost bought some stuff the other day, but held off for the same reasons juanita has.

anyway, hello to all, and good luck planting coleus. it's been such a freaky spring and summer, hasn't it?

oh juanita-

your container plantings and your garden art are always so charming and fresh. i can't help but smile whenever i see them. you rock!



San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

First thing I did this AM was turn on MSNBC to see more on Tim Russet's life. They are really focusing on him. I got a revised email from Meet The Press this morning with their new guest list. It will be on him of course. Yesterday when I heard he had died I had just read the email from Meet The Press with the original lineup. It is such a shock. I feel so sad he is going to miss this election lead up. This is the most exciting time for him, I would think. His Dad must be so devastated!

I have bought just 1 plant on the Marketplace and it went well. I think shipping prices have gotten so high it makes it hard to justify buying a lot. It would be interesting to see how many items have been sold since it started.

I have along list of what I am going to get done today. I must get my winter clean up done and all my plant displays set up before Tom dumps me. He just broght me in a great cup of my favorite tea and the best egg sandwich I have ever had. Shoot, cholesterol plus.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Anyone know the name of the coleus in the pic in this article? Marna said it had no tag, so she didn't know what it was.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

the first one on the far right looks like Saturn.
the big plant with the EEs is Fishnet stockings.
The others pictures are too small for me to id.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Ky, the first pic looks like Wine Country or something else, the name escapes me right now. The pic with the girl in it is Fishnet Stockings.

The first pic is a very nice coleus indeed! Someone is taking great care of that plant and I wish it were in my garden and looked so good!

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Sorry, Sidney... we posted at the same time.

I first thought it might be Saturn, but my leaves on Saturn don't get that wide. Do yours?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

You are right about the wide of the leaves so I am probably wrong.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

But Sugarweed, I think you led me to the right one! "Saturn's Rings" in plantfiles looks like that may be it! What do you think?

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

KY, I have a Saturn's Rings and I had to go look and the leaves are wide on it. I think that's what it is.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Team work!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Yep, thanks!

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Hmm, Slow morning and afternoon, Everyone must be outside playing in the Coleus beds.
I hope that everyone has a great day!

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Happy Father's Day!!!

Ted? What are you doing today?

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Brinda I am trying to complete book two of our family history before Mom leaves us. She had it all put togather except the last chapter. Putting it in final form and printing it out to have a copy bond.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh Ted that's so wise. A special time to clear up any fuzzy history.
I was out front and out of 2 24 count bags of stargazer and 4 other varieties of lilies 1 stargazer was blooming this afternoon. I said thank you Mother, and I know she smiled. Many other lilies were taller and had started producing. The one bloom was planted near last and was no taller than a foot tall.
Here's a picture of a lucky 3 leaved whorl on Sidney.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Glen Riddle Lima, PA

hi ted! happy father's day!

hehehe, folks, i was indeed out in the coleus beds. most of the ones that were big enough to be out are in the ground. still have a ton to plant but they need to get bigger first (grow little coleus GROW! NOW!) woulda gotten a little more done but my little Aidan (who's going to be 2 soon!) was trying to help and i made the mistake of not shutting off the hose and he went sprinkler gun happy and that was the end of that.

we both got splashed in mud and were late for our father's day bbq- right when DH announced everything was off the grill. he was NOT THRILLED. ah, memories, sweet memories.

take care all!


Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Ted, that is wonderful! Please pass good thoughts and wishes to your Sweet Mother from all of us!

Sidney, I love that pic!

Joy, that's so cute. I can just picture Aiden and the sprayer right now. LOL

New week... New thread over here

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