vine question

Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

grape vines have 2 ways of growning. the cane system i think i understand that it's on 1 stem growing up. correct?
then the cordon system. is this a bush or low grower??
i'm new to all this and i want to grow grapes as a canopy to block the sun on my porch. i have a white himrod that is doing great. the reliance red is sorry looking and very small i can't seem to help the rust spots. mars blue died. am wanting grapes for table and making jelly and raisins.
any and all advise is always very appreciated.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm not an expert on this, and it has been a few years since I read up on it, to train mine (neighbors diseased them to death). LOL I think the cordon method is where you have a stem/trunk going up, then you have a shoot to the left and right, and can do another set left and right above, sort of like an espalier. The one I read and tried, the stem was centered between two 4x4s with heavy cabling running from one to the other. The shoots/branches were trained along the cables. The book explained you could have one set or two, but to pick the strongest two or four shoots and clip out the rest. Now, I just hope I explained the right one! LOL Okay, I went and looked. The earlier years of peroxide DIDN'T kill all the brain cells.

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