Orphan Duck help please

Conroe, TX

We will be out tomorrow most the day and part of Sunday too.
Will you be in Conroe anytime today or this evening while your out? Perhaps we could meet somewhere in the middle. 1488 is a mess right now isn't it. It will be nice when they get it finished but in the mean time it can be frustrating. We could wait till Monday if you want to hang onto him that long. My kids are excited about the prospect of having a duckling to spoil.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Hurray!!! A home for the duckling!!! That's what I love. A Happy Ending!!!


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

& a new beginnig for the crestyed guy.... should he be named Dave?

Conroe, TX

Ha lol, What if its a female? My daughter is mulling names around already. Quackers is one of them. The poor thing will be so spoiled, just like our chickens.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

call him Chick?

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL well I have been calling him Billy. A not because of the bill/beak thing LOL I didn't even think of it till DH said something. I call him Billy because his little top not looks like Billy Idol's haircut. You know the white blonde spike hair do?
LOL anyway today is not looking good for me. And 1488 is more than a mess, it can take 30 minutes to go 5 miles down the road! Monday will be fine. I have some crumble for him and got him some meal worms and grit, so he ok for a few days. I will Dmail you in a little bit, as soon as I dry off. We just had a quick little summer storm and got soaked getting into the house!
Heres a pic, see the similarities?

Thumbnail by jojoringer
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


that's a dead ringer!


Conroe, TX

I see what you mean, LOL I showed it to my daughter and she just laughed.
Monday will be fine. I know 1488 is a mess, especially on Firdays. We have several friends that live down 1488, and we had looked at some property out that way a couple of years back. At the moment I'm glad we don't live that way. The construction is a headache. I'll look for the D-mail.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

smedgekles you are going to have to get little Billy some shades! LOL


Conroe, TX

Wonder if Barbie shades will fit him, er ah her? How does one tell if a duck is male or female?

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

when ducks get older, the females quack and the males make a whisper sound. The males also have a curl in their tails.

Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

yippie....looks like Billy found a new home...I bet he/she will be very happy!

Conroe, TX

I hope he/she will be happy. I know it will be one spoiled duck. How can you not be happy if your spoiled rotten :)

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey I'm home if you want to call!

Foley, MO

YEAH!!! This is great. So glad the duck has found a home : )

Conroe, TX

Ducky is now in his/her new home. My kids are loving it and spoiling it and having fun learning about ducks. They get a kick out of how it dunks it head in the water and love how it follows them around.
It got into our big chickens pen earlier and scared them. Too funny to see all those big chickens on the other side of the pen scared of a little bitty duck. We will have to watch when he is out following us so he doesn't visit them again. Right now he is sitting on my daughters lap.

Thanks you, thank you Joey for the duck. It's a sweety. I'll keep you updated :)

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm so glad he settling in. I told you he has tons of personality! Thank you for giving him a good home!

Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

Sounds like you all are having a good time with him/her! Is its name Ducky?

Conroe, TX

My daughter calls him Quackers. I told her we need another one and name it Cheese then we will have Quackers and Cheese.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

What a perfect happy ending!
My chickens are afraid of the ducklings too!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

smedgekles my three are the Quacker Brothers (cause I don't know their genders!) LOL


Conroe, TX

My daughter is hoping this one is a girl, but you know how that goes. What you want the most turns out to be opposite. She loves it anyways regardless and already has it spoiled rotten.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Wait till it's following her all over demanding to be fed!! LOL I get it in a set of 5 (3 ducks and 2 geese) all honking and quacking for their meal.


Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL it sounds like he/she is being really spoiled. I'm so glad he seemed so lonely around here with no one to play with. My little guy is just too young and too rough to play with a ducky.
Be sure to post some pics!!

Conroe, TX

Here are some pics.

Thumbnail by smedgekles
Conroe, TX

Here is another

Thumbnail by smedgekles
Conroe, TX

One of him/her sleeping next to my daughter while she watches TV. Couldn't resist snapping a picture. Isn't that just sweet.

Thumbnail by smedgekles
Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

LOL he looks like he's smiling!


Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

That is one content duck! How sweet, I'm so glad he is doing well. He looks really really happy!

Conroe, TX

We discovered he/she loves tomatoes. I looked up things to feed baby ducks other than chick starter and worms and it said finely chopped veggies and fruits. We have green beans and tomatoes in the garden right now so I tried some on him. The beans he liked all right but the tomatoes he loves.

Today the kids were in the pool and I was sitting outside letting him run around in the grass and he heard the kids and started running to the pool trying to find them. He would go sit right by it. Its above ground so he can't get in but he could hear them and wanted to be close. Too cute.

Conroe, TX

I think he is really happy. I know he is really spoiled.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

been lurking, who wouldn't he is so cute.
Question? When he grows up will you have to fence him out of the tomato patch now that he has a taste for them?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, YEAH!

Conroe, TX

We have a fence around the garden already. He won't get to visit the tomatoes on his own that's for sure :)

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Heck you should let him jump in the pool with the kids! Mine jumped into the water almost as soon as they arrived here from the hatchery. No problems at all. They would run back under the light and dry off. Then as soon as they were dry they'd jump back in the water again! LOL They kept that up till they were tuckered out and would go to sleep after drying off.


Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL too cute! But would the Chems in the pool bother him? LOL I know what you habe to do to a pool around here to keep the green stuff out is pretty harsh.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

True jojo I haven't thought about that since I don't treat the water in any way. I read somewhere that ducks keep the water free of algae but I know mine drag mud in! Their pool is only for them.


Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL would hate to bleach him out, his little top not is already snow white!!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


Conroe, TX

Our pool has no chemicals it is run on a salt generator. The only thing that goes into it is salt and baking soda for the PH. We keep an algae bar in the skimmer as well. But I don't think it would be something I'd want to put him in just in case. He seems to enjoy sitting in the grass close by with his water bowl pecking around in the grass and chirping.
Yesterday he followed me around so much by the time we brought him in for the night he was tuckered out and sat in his little nest quiet for quite a long time. Then about the time we wanted to go to bed he started chirping and decided it was time for a late night snack before the lights went out.

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