Canada Through Your Eyes

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I soooooooooo miss the colour of sumacs in the fall from when I went to school in Peterborough. Thanks for the pic sanannie.

Victoria Harbour, ON

On Georgian Bay, God's country for sure!

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Betty, is there any way you can make your pic a little bigger? Look at that gorgeous blue water!
You reminded me that I had some pics my DH took on their canoe trip to Georgian Bay a couple of years ago, hope you don't mind if I sneek in a couple of your lovely area of the country.


Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

The fellas ate and slept right on the rocks.

Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

DH's 'tent'. I'm quite sure that is a can of Sprite next to him. :-)

Thumbnail by sanannie
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

:D The fall colours are gorgeous's fascinating to see all the varied colours there (the Sumac is breathtaking).
It always amazes me to see the difference between farm land here and there (there's actually a forest of trees surrounding your farmland :0 ;). Lovely country.

Oh Betty those blues are spectacular! (and I too hope you can upload a larger pic for us to admire).

Sandy I'd love to explore that area by canoe too (eye-candy for both the eyes and soul :).

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

would rather skip that lovely bedrock he has to lie upon though. :S

North Saanich, Canada

Your pictures are all lovely!!! Being a transplanted prairie girl, I have a few prairie pics that are some of my favourites.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Hills south of Eston, SK, with the South Saskatchewan River.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

A sullen August day.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Old machinery. We used to have a place close to the farm called the Gravel Knoll. It was the machinery cemetery. These two tractors were still in use when we left the farm.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Prairie sunset over Regina.

Thumbnail by ggd
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Aren't prairie rainbows just the best?!?!? I saw a double last summer. No camera sigh.

North Saanich, Canada

I'm sure I've probably posted this before. DH took this picture, and although the combine was quite a ways away, he felt like it was right on top of him.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Sheaves, somewhere along the road between Regina and Saskatoon.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Echo Lake, SK. just starting to thaw.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Mountain lake. This picture was taken from a slide that my Grandfather took in the 1950's. I presume it is around Banff. Looks like a painting, doesn't it??

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Another one by Grandfather. Mount Rundle I believe.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Turtle Lake, SK.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Back to the West coast. My son took this picture about 5 years ago when he had the dogs down at the beach. It is one of my favourite pictures.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

I've only seen these guys a couple of times.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Just south of Oak Bay in Victoria. We used to live about 4 blocks from this view. A lovely place to go for a walk.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Last one of the day. This guy hangs around the Oak Bay Marina waiting to be fed!

Thumbnail by ggd
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Glenda you've captured the prairies, Banff (oh my that shot of Mountain Lake is stunning) and BC beautifully (btw Oak Bay Beach Hotel is where my DH and I stayed when on our honeymoon).....what a gorgeous vista you had the pleasure of looking at.

North Saanich, Canada

Pam, did you know the Oak Bay Beach Hotel is now ripped down and is getting re-built???? I haven't been by there for a long time, so don't know if it is open again or not.
Glad you enjoyed the pictures.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Absolutely beautiful pictures everyone. What a wonderful way to see this country of ours :-)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OMG ggd I thought they were restoring that beautiful old hotel not tearing it down! Say it ain't so sob.

North Saanich, Canada

Yep, I'm afraid so! I do believe that they are re-creating some of the old area though. Here's a link with some info:

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Sandy - love the fall pics. Burnstown is where I ended up the first time I tried to find your place. Will have to go back if there are artists there.

Love the other pics too.

I took a look through what I have on the computer and I think I'll have to go out with the camera. I DO have a whole album of pics I took a number of years ago while walking along the Ottawa River. Might scan some of those.


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Here's the background behind Oil and Gas Prices, Taxes and Consumers

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Thanks Pam! You can always be relied upon to point us to the information we need. I'm gonna respond further in the Price of Gas thread.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Oooooops wrote that at work and thought I posted it under the right thread (I think I was distracted). :S Thank you for catching that Ginny! :)

Oh Glenda and Dahlianut what a heartbreak it is to hear that (we always planned to go back there for an anniversary.....I hate to think what they will charge for a room there now!!! :O

Looking forward to seeing your pictures Ann! :)

Here's the view from the petroglyph site near St. Victor, SK.

Rock carvings located just outside this village are worth a visit when traveling in the Big Muddy Badlands region of south-central Saskatchewan. They're one of the most interesting, if puzzling, examples of petroglyph's on the northern plains.

The St. Victor Petroglyphs were carved into horizontal sandstone at the top of a cliff. They include representations of animal, bird and human tracks -- foot and hand prints -- as well as several symbols, and a few human and animal figures.

This message was edited Jun 21, 2008 1:17 AM

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

A plains grizzly paw print glyph

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

A glyph of a stylized human face

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Another view of the area. I can see why the Natives enjoyed visiting this site so much.......the view goes onto infinity. I just wish the camera could capture what the human eye can see.

Thumbnail by Lilypon
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Spectacular view!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Having just spent time in Arizona and Utah and having seen petroglyphs there, it's interesting to see the contrasts and similarities. Wonderful view.


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

:) Thanks Sandy and Ann......I must admit finding an elevated place here is always wonderful! ;)

The pictures I started this thread off with were taken May 28....the petroglyph pictures were taken yesterday (the cattle and I, well a whole province to be specific, are very thankful for the rain we received).

Thumbnail by Lilypon
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

I always feel I can take a deeper breath when I view such a wide-open vista. Love it. I'm from the West and sometimes miss that beautiful big sky.

This is one of my favourite winter pics. Lethbridge, Alberta. On a hoar-frosted morning, in a coulee behind my cousin's place his 2 pointers checking out all the geese.


Thumbnail by sanannie

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