Seen in a garden centre

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Looking at the Plant Files I think this could be 'Miranda'. I was amazed at how large it was!

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Here's one of the pitchers. The plant was £30 :(

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

That's quite the plant. I had a nep, but I killed it. Don't know if I'll try again or not. Good luck with yours...

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Possibly N X Mixta?

Townsville, Australia

Yep, Definately a good Mixta. ( N. northiana X N. maxima.) We pay the equivalent amount here for plants half that size. Wish they were that cheap in our garden centers.
Bob. ( A borrowed photo from " Carnivorous Plant Photo Finder. '" )

Thumbnail by SpeciesNut
(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Wow, that's a big carnivorous plant. If they get much bigger I might be worried. At least for the local cats ;o)

Jamshedpur, India(Zone 10a)

Hi! I want to buy a venus fly trapper for my garden .Ready to also pay for the postage pl LMK if any one can help me.
I have alot of intresting plants for trade also.

Saint Paul, MN

Did you buy this plant? How is it doing? I was looking at a similar one in my local garden center priced at $40.

I would be willing to try if I thought it had a good chance in the house. Do these make good houseplants?

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

They make excellent houseplants if you have a nice bright window. I would try something really easy like N. ventrata, which are the common ones sold at Wal-mart. N. "miranda" is also very forgiving. Both stay outside at my house, until it hits 40 degrees. Then they come in.

I have several highlands (N. lowii) in a windowsill. It is too warm in Florida to grow them outside.

You can grow them under grow lights too. They grow well under the same conditions as orchids. If you give them enough light, they will pitcher well for you.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

Where do you have them outside, starsplitter7? I have some tall planters ...or is it best to keep them in hanging baskets? If there's one thing we can never have too many of, is something to help rid us of bugs!! *S*

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I have almost all of mine hanging in a rain tree and hanging in an orange tree. They get dappled light. I have pictures on this forum -- look at the frog condo -- those are hanging in the orange tree, I am almost positive. I think tall planters would work too. I am always looking for a way to keep the squirrels out.

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

No I couldn't afford to buy the plant unfortunately, but I got the photo :)

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

I only have Queen Palm trees... very little shade.. is there a better choice for me?

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I keep some on a screened porch, but I never managed to get enough light for them there. And full sun is a death sentence. I learned that by mistake. I know people have little shade orchid houses with dappled light that work well for the Nepenthes.

London, United Kingdom

kniphofia it is what you thought is was!
I keep my Nepenthes in my bathroom, stop laughing everyone!
It is ideal as it is not to sunny in the bathroom that they would get scorched , but does have a lot of bright light, and is humid for them. Mine are all in hanging baskets, and they seem to love it.
In the summer I put them outside, so they can do what they so wish with flies, and indeed anything else that is stupid enough to get near them.
Of course in the winter I bring them in as it does or can get cold, even in London.
Also in the bathroom I have a Stags horn Fern, which is rather big, and annoys my wife intensely!
Shame you could not afford the plant as it looks from your picture a nice one.
Someone make a hybrid CP, that eats politicians and bankers, the World would be a happier place.
Regards from London.

london, United Kingdom

I'm impressed: which garden centre was it?

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

HeighleyGate in Northumberland.

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