Help Northwoods maple stalled out

Helena, MT(Zone 4b)

We planted this red maple in Fall, 2004. It has been healthy, but this spring it is showing no sign of leafing out. It didn't bloom this April. We had a night of 8 degrees F about 5 weeks ago, and my nurseryman says it probably stalled out from the cold temp, since it had been in the 70s the week before.

I poured lukewarm water on it last week. Is there anything else I can do? It's clearly alive-- the branches are flexible and if I scratch with my fingernail, there is green under the bark.

Thumbnail by picante
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Wait, water and feed with compost is my advice. Or not too strong compost tea. Treat it as if it were sick. It is probably in shock due to the weather. Hopefully, it will respond to TLC.

Helena, MT(Zone 4b)

OK, PJ, I put a couple inches of compost down and it's going to rain. Thanks, I sure hope I don't lose this beautiful thing.

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