Good luck Christi.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

LOL is right! I did just that stupid thing a couple of years ago. Tried to ride grandson's pogo stick, hit the curb and whonk! split my head! Takes a lot to convince me that I'm not a kid anymore!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Man Shari, you poor thing, and to think you have been walking around with fractured ribs for what is now, weeks? You really are tough, hang in there, it's going to take some time...

Christi, hope that acupuncture works, or at least gives you some relief. Can you tell any difference after your first go?

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Christi, you should be feeling the benefits of the acupuncture by now. It did good for me when I developped shoulder problems. Best of luck on that.

We adults do the darnedest things, specially on holidays. For example:
- I avoid stairs because of my bad back. So I went and climbed Dunn River Falls in Jamaica, climbing algae-covered rock by algae-covered rock all the way to the top. When I returned, I asked myself: what was I thinking? But I reasonned "It's OK. I had a great time.".
- Less than a month after being diagnosed with atrial fibrilation (arythmia), I went on a snorkeling excursion in Curaçao (I think), got adopted by a school of yellow snappers and forced the tour guide's helpers to paddle all the way out there to beg me to return because I lost the group 1/2 mile behind me. When I returned, I asked myself: what was I thinking? But I reasonned "It's OK. I had a great time.".
- I should take care of my back so I couldn't resist the off-road jeep excursion in Grand Cayman. Just to give you an idea, theme parks design their rollercoasters on Grand Cayman's geography. And that jeep had no shock absorbers whatsoever.I hurt for 4 days afterwards. When I returned, I asked myself: what was I thinking? But I reasonned "It's OK. I had a great time.".
- I went on an off-road dune buggy excursion in Cozumel (I just don't learn). Same scenario: rough roads, riding on the rocky beach, no shock absorbers, seats filled with peach pits. I hurt for another 4 days. When I returned, I asked myself: what was I thinking? But I reasonned "It's OK. I had a great time.".
- Returned to Cozumel and was talked by another "friend" to go on the off-road dune buggy excursion. Did I mention I don't learn quickly? That time, my back wanted a divorce. When I returned, I asked myself: what was I thinking? But I reasonned "It's OK. I had a great time.".

I have a ton of those. Take heart, Shari. When those ribs are fully healed, you'll get into something else. It's human nature, I guess and you'll tell yourself: When it happens: what was I thinking? "It's OK. I had a great time.".

I guess it makes us feel alive.
Live life to the fullest, all. Wasted time is not given back.

Sylvain, A.K.A. Pu'ole.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hooray for you, Sylvain. DH always telling me, you shouldn't do that, you shouldn't do this. Heck, it hurts either way and I don't like sitting around at all.

Actually it has been 48 hours now and I do believe I am some better. Don't know if it is positive thinking but who cares? I'M NOT HURTING RIGHT NOW!!! Whoop-di-do. surely only one treatment can't make a big difference.

So glad to have all of you for friends. Makes a difference every day.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

So glad you are feeling better today Christi! Yes, acupuncture CAN make a big difference in just one treatment, but that doesn't mean you should stop. It is cumulative, so the more you go, the better the results.

No more "poor Shari"...okay? I am fine...just as fine as I was before I found out about the cracks. Only mentioned it because of the topic. Have I mentioned that "dork" is my middle name? But that's okay too, cause the whole family is the same...we, like Polarbear, tend to have the fun, and pay the price later. But its okay, we always have a great time.

Jenny - I'm so happy! My brugs are all leafing out very nicely!!!! Yay!!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

So are mine! yay. As are the morning glory trees. One of the 8 ft brugs from Randy has the first bud beginning to unfurl. Did I tell you already that I have never seen one in bloom. Only in pictures. Oh heaven.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I have a confession! I told a big ole storey. Of course, I have seen brugs and plumeria and morning glory and just about anything you could name. I've been to Jenny's! It was so much like a dream or a movie I saw once, still can't realize I was actually there. Ever since mid-February, all I have done is work to convert my yard to Maui for just one season. For the last 4 days the wind has been 25-30mph and 95 degrees. That in itself will most likely dim much possibility of a conversion this year.

The plumeria that I got from the co-op just recently have all leafed and two are about to bloom, all 10"s. One is about to unfurl and looks like it will have some pink. I don't care what it is. It is alive!


Princess Kilikina

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

So what "big ole story" did you tell?

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

Quote: "Have I mentioned that "dork" is my middle name?"

Hey, that's my middle name too! In fact, it seems to be an old family middle name. Are we related? :-)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Mary! I have relatives all up and down California, so it is highly likely! Dorkdom is a virtue to be savored, much like a fine whine. We cultivate our talents just as any other virtuoso would pleased that you decided to join us over in TZG...where we practise dorkuosity daily. Many of the other forums, while filled with talent and intelligence, do not advance the culture of dorkishness to the fullest. Here in TZG we are loved for who we are, and need not hide.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I have just returned from driving a neighbour to the airport. She'll spend the summer in Massachussets. The sun has cleared the horizon. It's going to be another glorious South Florida day. From my living room window, I just saw that crazy fish that jumps 30 feet from egress to re-entry into the canal. If you look at the canal for a few minutes, you'll see him jump 2 or 3 times. What a doofus: a freshwater flying fish.

I'll be answering each post as I read otherwise I forget what I meant to say. Alzheimer's only quality is that it doesn't hurt. Please bear with me.

Hooray for you, Christi. Yes, one acupuncture treatment can signal the beginning of a recovery. When pain takes a break, even for just one day, it's a red letter day and I wish you many more in the near future.

Shari, I am so glad your brugs are cooperating. I don't know why but I couldn't grow brugs here if my life depended on it. Maybe in the new home, I'll have better luck. I'll swing by my brug-growing friends with a pair of garden shears and give them another try once we are moved over there. They won't mind.

Christi, 8-foot brugs about to bloom? You too? I found some growing in a field by the side of the road recently. That really made me feel like the dorkiest gardener around. Dorky gardeners of the world, unite!

What is wrong with me? I can grow birds of paradise until they are packed like hair growing out of the ground. It's the same thing for cucumbers. Couldn't grow them for all the rice in China. Big Sigh.

Gotta go. I'm working this morning and I have to swing by the house a bit later.

Take care, all.
Sylvain, A.K.A. Pu'ole.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Just above the confession and "meant to be apoplogy", check out the post....never saw this or that in bloom? Yes I have.

Oh man, Pu'ole, brugs in a ditch. Makes you want to cry.

Shari, your explanation of our First Order of The Dorks is priceless. I'm so proud to be associated with this fraternity. None other has the talents of the FOD Club.
Hey, you haven't had any articles lately.

Aloha and yokwe,
Princess Kilikina

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ahhhh, gotcha Christi! I'm sure you just meant to say "in Texas", or "in my garden". Not to worry...soon you won't be saying that at all.

Wondered if anyone was going to get the "fine whine" line. Now, I hope you realize that I was NOT calling all the Tropikids "dorks", just those for whom the shoe fits. Ha Ha. Merely meant that those of us who ARE dorks are welcome and loved here regardless. I have pretty much given up on the articles, too much repetition, too complicated, and goes back to the "hate mail" incident. Don't want any repeats of THAT! If something moves me tremendously, I may write about it, we'll see.

Sylvain, you are going to have so much fun with a garden!!!

Yokwe all,

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, Shari: being able to garden again will be wonderful. What is this I hear about hate mail? You got hate mail? Let me at them!

I have encountered vehement people on the threads but they were harmless. Pushed into a corner, I can get quite forceful myself but I haven't had to do that on Dave's.

Take care, all.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I too, have occasionally had to use all my literary skills to cover an extrememly indignant response to something...but have yet to truly lose my temper. The incident mentioned above was quite out of the blue, and is now over and done with. Not to worry, but thank you for the gallantry my friend.


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