Help with Stephanotis Seed Pods

Chula Vista, CA(Zone 10b)

I brought a tiny piece of agriculturally permitted Stephanotis back from Kauai. Last year my Jasmine bloomed for the first time in three years and it was beautiful. I had transplanted it to a semi shade spot from a pot and it worked very well. Then, it grew what looked at first like Passion Fruit or avocados which from DG's family I learned were the seed pods. I read that if I leave them on the vine they will dry up, split open and the light feathery seeds could be caught and harvested or they simply can be left to blow away. Those seed pods are completely unchanged almost a year later and I suspect it's the reason the vine is slow to get back it's leaves this spring. Anyone have any suggestions on the pods? I'm tempted to remove them and dry them to give the plant it's energy back but I don't want to lost this vine and do something that will hurt it. I live in San Diego (eastern Chula Vista) if that helps and anyone with this climate has any suggestion I thank you.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha opup., welcome!

Not sure if you are talking about a steph or a jasmine that has the seed pod? I was very suprised to find a huge seed pod on my steph last November and after putting an old stcking on mine to stop the seeds flyiing away, it too is unchanged! It looks pretty stupid to still have that stocking on the vine after all this time, they must take months to ripen! BUT, I have had plenty of flowers this year despite the seed pod. Of course, our vine doesn't die down during the winter, perhaps that makes a difference? I am no expert but I don't think that the seeds will ripen if you take it off, but maybe you aren't interested in the seed anyway?

I think the steph just likes warmer nights, mine has only just come into bloom since April and we have pretty much the same daytime temps year round, just slightly cooler nights during winter.

I bet some of the other TropicKids will have more info...I will be watching with interest!


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Stephanotis floribunda wants warmwarmWARM...full sun if you can give it. I think it flowered for you and was pollinated and that with your climate you have a choice: a flowering vine in the summer or one slow growing seedpod.. The pods can take a long time to mature...L O N G time. I would go for the flowers!!!

Chula Vista, CA(Zone 10b)

Thank you both. Your input really helps I guess at least to have an idea what my options are. It gets very hot where it is and, Jenny, if it is just blooming on the island then I'm no longer worried about its progress here. We are still getting some very cool days now and then but mostly sunny. I think I might wait to see AlohaHoya what happens if I leave them just to educate myself on it's habits. By the way I was stunned by that beautiful white flower you posted that reminded me of the Stephanotis in it's waxy gorgeous look. I thought I had a HOYA but it may also be called wax flower, little pink bouquet clusters of very waxy flowers with a leaf like the Stephanotis. What was your white flower called? Thanks again. I welcome any suggestions.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hoyas are also called waxflowers... Do you know where that picture is, Llyana...? There are hundreds of white hoya flowers!!!!

Also, Stephanotis likes it's head in the sun but the feet can be shadier...and they ARE first cousins!!!


Chula Vista, CA(Zone 10b)

I tried attaching copy of your photo but if it didnt work its halfway down page two of this tropical zone gardening page.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Do you have a name for the thread?

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Olu- what color is the seed pod? Is it still green after this time, or did it turn brown? How many are there? Are you certain that there is not anything else that could be a factor- for example a spider mite infestation in the leaves? Pruning off the pods certainly won't hurt the plant, and if you have no desire to collect the seeds for propagation or trade then I would always just remove them moving forward. I have a mature Steph that was in the sun and I put it in partial sun last fall. Either way it has alwasy grown well for me, and I've never noticed the pods appreciably affecting growth. I've also never gotten more than 2 or 3 at a time. I have gotten mites from time to time, and that did affect the overall appearance and vigor of my plant.

Also, quick note for Jenny- Stephanotis is also referred to as Madagascar jasmine even though it is not a true Jasmine.

Chula Vista, CA(Zone 10b)

Hey Fauna4,
There are three pods and they are completely unchanged. The vines are growing the leaves back with warmer weather I just thought it would be further along by now. Jenny says hers are just flowering in Hawaii so that makes sense. I would actually love to have the seeds if I can catch them. Might try that pantyhose trick I read earlier. I think I'll keep them. The plant and leaves look very good and I see lots of hints of new growth now. Three new leaves yesterday. I am happy to gift these seeds to anyone who'd like them if I'm able to harvest. I don't know how common Strawberry Guava is but I have lots of seedlings if anyone would like that. I know it's a like an invasive weed in Florida and Hawaii but very nice here. Evergreen and lots of delicious fruit. Thanks Fauna. And thanks to all for your input.

Chula Vista, CA(Zone 10b)

Hi AlohaHoya,
By thread I think you mean the caption? Sorry just getting the lingo together. It said "Nanny Carol Here" and it was posted Mar 31, 2008 6:35 PM.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

The hoya is H. aff. albiflora...has a wonderful fragrance!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


Glad to hear that your plant is suddenly looking better, olu. I am trying to mature the seed pod for give aways too, but you said that yours has been on for nearly a year - I have a long way to go yet!

Thanks for the alternate name Fauna, I hadn't heard that name used before.

Carol, how are you kiddo?. I have mine on the east facing front wall, do you think I would dare put it in direct sun here in Kihei?


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Jen...I think it would do well, Jen...but if it is happy now, why move it?

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

I haven't found that pantyhose is necessary to gather seeds from this plant, although it is not a badk idea. The pods will begin to turn brown long before they split open, and even after they open all the seeds take many days to "fly away." Since I've begun collecting the seeds I make a point of watching the pod and picking it just as it begins to split and I get all the seeds no problem still tucked tightly inside the pod. Have fun, and hope it turns brown for you soon!

Aloha Hoya- I am going to have to add that Hoya to my wish list!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I also have a seed pod on my Pakalana (Telosma Cordata - I had to look the real name up!) It is also taking ages to ripen too, what is it with these tropical vines? They don't seem to be in a hurry to send their children out into the world. Perhaps they know they don't have to beat the frost...The Pakalana is also wearing pantyhose, not very attractive, I grant you, but I am such a space cadet I can't depend on remembering to check to see if the darned thing is turning brown! It's my safety net! Does anyone else grow Telosma? The flowers are not exceptionally beautiful, they look rather like a cowslip, but the smell from those little flowers is lovely.

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Not growing Pakalana, but now that I know about it, I want it! What are your plans for the seeds? :-)

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Fauna,

If it ever ripens, I will be more than happy to share seed with anybody that wants some. What I have no idea about is how many seeds there are in that pod!


(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Jen, I'd love to have a seed or two! For what it's worth, those of you who have multiple pods that are last year's and turned brown, I would open one to see if there are ripe seeds in there. If not, nothing lost!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, Jen. I'm always game for anything, you know that.


Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Jen, I would love to invite you to look at my seed list. I know I can't send you seedlings (or can I?- which is a short unpublished list) If you pick out something from my trade list, I will send it to you now regardless what happens with that seed pod, and thank you so much for your kindness. F4F

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

How very sweet of you Fauna! May I take you up on your offer in the fall? You have some gorgeous seeds on your list! Right now I STILL have the garden all torn up from the septic system fiasco and the new wall being s-l-o-w-l-y built! I have only half a garden and have some plumeria that have been sitting in pots since last August (which was the original finish date for the work to be completed) that are screaming to stretch their toes out into the earth. Vern (the wall guy) has promised me that he will finish to completion at least one section of the wall on Monday so that I can get the chaos cleaned up and the watering system put in, it's been a hard week for Vern because he has has several doctors appointments to check on his heart defibulator (sp?), to have an EKG, and something else, I can't remember what. I really worry about that old man (acually men, his side kick is up in his low 80's too), but he tells me that he loves doing this job and he reckons that if he ever stopped working he would be dead within a year! I just hope that my wall doesn't kill him working out in that hot sun from 6.30 am to 12.30pm.

On a bright note, my pink paths are going along well even though that crew only work on a Saturday and Sunday. The main trouble with this crew is that I work weekends and they are on their own - it is quite surprising what I find has been poured when I get home - for instance I thought they understood that I wanted a gently curving path, I even scraped out the curve in the dirt for them, they went one better and thought that, as I didn't want a straight path, I would like a zig zag even better! It is the most peculiar looking path you have ever seen, sort of like being on a roller coaster complete with turns, twists, and slight leans to the left or to the right! But I guess it has it's own strange charm and Mom CAN walk more safely down to the bottom of the garden to gaze at the unfinished wall! It boggles the mind to see what is going to happen this weekend!

If I can ever stop laughing I will post a picture so that you all can have a good laugh too. The funniest thing of all is that they are like little boys and run up to me when I get home to show off their work with great pride - Oh yes, the pink color is not consistant between each pour either - but hey!

Aloha to all, and thanks for the lovely offer Fauna.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

hahahahaha!!! I can visualize the path now. But you can say you definitely have a one-of-a-kind path. You will most likely be designing new plantings for each zig and zag. Tell all hello.

Princess Kilikina

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

That's hilarious! Thanks for the good chuckle on a slowly passing Friday afternoon. Would love to see a picture of THE pink path.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. Definitely gotta see that path.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Okay, you asked for it! Think of it as character! At the bottom of the torn up garden you can see the unfinished wall....Just think what tomorrow will bring when I am at work! We are now turning the corner down into the lower half of the garden...

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Whoops, wrong picture! Sorry, I am so tired tonight!

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Jen, it's great. Remember nature doesn't make any straight lines. I know you intended it a little more of curve but this is just as good, maybe better. It is so obvious to you now because there are no plantings around the one side. That will soon change. Wish I were there to help replant. I see the path presently stops at the top of the stairs. Are you planning to continue in the lower garden? The papaya is fantastic. The one Randy brought is all of 14"s tall as of now. Keep those pictures coming.



mulege, Mexico

I love it. It looks like rick-rack. And Christi is right when it has plants next to it it will look more "normal." If you get tired of "normall" you can paint it to look like a python.


P.S. I'm kind of tired myself. Must be going around.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LOL Katie! Rick-rack is a perfect description! What a good idea to paint it to look like a python - my first good laugh of the day!

Yep Christi, we are going to "pave" the lower garden too trying to make it safer for Mom. The guys have already made a "patio" at the bottom of the stairs from all the odd pavers that were here and there in the garden, which acually looks pretty nice - even more or less square!


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I love it! Christi is right....when you have plantings around, it will be really softening in your landscape!!!!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I agree with everyone else. I think it looks great!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aw you guys are too kind, truth is that it is weird! Funny how much longer it takes to walk round the garden when you zig-zag...we are putting miles on!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Great excersize!

Chula Vista, CA(Zone 10b)

Hey all,
The first of my four Steph pods turned more black then brown actually. it started with a spot at the top near the stem and another is starting there. Anyway, the first pod turned very dark and wrinkly and when I squeezed it gently to feel for softness it popped at the seem. I left it a couple more weeks and it was split but not wide open so I opened it to examine. I thought well, it's more black so maybe it rotted and it's gone anyway. Ok so I found the seeds. Very thin, black flat like paper and slightly plumper on one edge. I put them on a plate and brought them inside my kitchen and they dried and shriveled up. I hope these two photos come through. One is dried seeds, one to follow is pods still in green state today.

Thumbnail by olupuailyana
Chula Vista, CA(Zone 10b)

Here is another photo.

Thumbnail by olupuailyana
Chula Vista, CA(Zone 10b)

So Jen do these look normal to you from what you have seen from your pods?

Carol, thanks so much for the name of that vine. I hope to find that.

BTW if these seeds are good I am happy to share them with anyone interested.


Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Hmmmmmm, I don't remember mine shriveling up and getting curled up edges. I still have some in a bag from several months ago, and I believe they stayed relatively flat. I will check them again when I get home later.

Chula Vista, CA(Zone 10b)

Ok. I suppose it could have been what dried them so much is the extreme heat we just had here but relatively cool (85-90 deg) indoors. Well I could try planting them and test them out. I hope I wasn't supposed to keep them sealed up or moist. I thought they would mold if I did.

Chula Vista, CA(Zone 10b)

Carol - if you're viewing I found your website while searching for that Hoya and read that you're sidelined for a bit. I hope you're recovering quickly and well.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Llyana...thanks for your thoughts. Yes, there are somedays I feel 100% and I over do it...feel great!!!

The stephanotis belongs to a family where the seeds are borne by furry parachutes by the wind. I plant them along with the seeds because i have a notion they could help. Did yours have the furry parachutes? i would leave the pods on the plant until they are about to burst....

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