Is this Magic Pallet?

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

My cousin gave me several Irises years ago. I am now at the point in my gardening were I like to know what I have. I was wondering if this is Magic Pallet? My cousin has no idea what he has. This just bloomed today.

Sue E.

Thumbnail by SueME
Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is another one that just bloomed too.

Sue E.

Thumbnail by SueME

I think Magic Palette has gold-beige standards and the falls are white in the centre with a (sort of) burgundy-violet deep edging. Of course I am no expert, so could well be wrong (or my Magic Palette isn't the right one, LOL)



Are they both the same iris Sue? Whatever they are they're absolutely gorgeous. I wish I lived in USA...I'd be pestering you for a trade :o))


Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

No they are two different ones. Thanks

Sue E.

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Maybe Calico Cat?

Thumbnail by SueME
South Hamilton, MA

Calico Cat in a border iris and has more action around the hafts than the original picture.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Is either one fragrant? Enchanted one is a fragrant rebloomer with those colors.

I had a similar one that I'm still trying to id,also.

this is enchanted one

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

here is another enchanted one:

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I have this one, also, but don't think it is enchanted one. Reall similar, but the yellow is much brighter, and it is extremely fragrant.

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

this is magic pallet blooming for me in april

Thumbnail by jackieshar
Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

Enchanted One is a beauty, but I mostly would appreciate the NOID for the fragrance

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Jackie-I agree. I liked it better because it had brighter yellow standards, but it is also just so fragrant! is almost too fragrant, if that is possible. You don't even have to go near it, and you can smell them just in the air. but sure would love to put a name to it.

I wonder if Sue and I both have seedlings from enchanted one? My no ID came from a woman, that came from another woman, and so on. Maybe their enchanted one seeded themselves.

In fact, she had some that were very similar to this no ID, but I specifically dug the bright ones(they were still in bloom, but just finishing). They'd been growing there for years, so it is a possibility, anyway, that they are enchanted one offspring??

Although I never got any seeds from either enchanted one, or the no Id ones. I just figured it might be sterile, so that wouldn't make sense...

I did an extensive internet google search, when I first got the no ids, by typing in characteristics, and colors. I kept getting referred to the same two over and over...enchanted one, and brown lasso.

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Is Brown Lasso fragrant? There is very little fragrance to these irises, maybe kind of a lemony smell, but very little of it. But Brown Lasso really reminds me of them.

Thanks everyone for helping out.

Sue E.

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is another picture of the first one. I just took it today.

Sue E.

Thumbnail by SueME
Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is a picture of a group of them. It includes the both of the ones that I took a picture of yesterday.

Sue E.

Thumbnail by SueME
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow! That looks exactly like my no id one!!!! Same colors, and same height, too.

You said it was fragrant. Does it rebloom for you, too?

The lady told me that my no ID did not rebloom. The Enchanted one is a rebloomer. Is yours bright canary yellow? ...mine is :0)

The not reblooming part, and the brighter yellow standards make me think my no id is NOT enchanted. Also, I've seen my own enchanted bloom, and they are not the same.

I also have brown lasso(guess I'm attracted to a very limited color scheme, lol), and it is definitely not brown lasso, either. Brown lasso has sort of mustard yellow standards, not bright yellow.

I will add this...yours is exactly the same height as mine. And, yours are blooming right now and mine have been finished for a couple of weeks.

If you consider the respective zone/temperature differences between zone 8 and zone 5, ours basically bloomed at the same time of our respective seasons.

Also, my brown lasso bloomed a little later, and a little shorter.

I'm beginning to think we have the same no id iris. :0)
And, we both got them under similar circumstances(pass along with no name). I think they must be a great increaser, (sterile or not) because everyone seems to have plenty of this one when they have it. Time will tell, I've only had mine for about a month, lol.

I drove by a woman's house who had these, and she was willing to part with some so we struck a trade.

I sure wish someone knew what these were. It seems that is should be a somewhat "common" iris, at least commercially available years ago, since you have them several states away...

I wish I'd taken more pictures of mine, but can't now, because they are done. Does it look like yours? These are the day I dug them and brought them home. The pictures says it was taken 4-29-08


Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I just can't seem to let this one go, lol...found one today that is fragrant, rebloomer, and looks like ours(it is also historic 1968-69)

Here is my thread about my no Id:

And here is an Iris that I came across today: 'Sunset Sky'


YEAR: 1969










another source says:
Bearded Iris. Clear yellow standards, light blue mauve falls. Long flowering from mid May. Ht 85cm/3'

Here is the plantfiles photo of it from Nancymo:

This message was edited May 29, 2008 7:59 AM

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

and another one off the net

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Bluebird has Sunset Sky:

I may just have to order a couple, so I can compare when they bloom. :0)


Raleigh, NC

seedpicker, your Enchanted One is very different from mine, and I bought mine from Cooleys. yours has a darker falls rim in the photo. mine the rim is same color as the standards

Raleigh, NC

also, y'all, a series of photos would help with ID - one of plant, one of just bloom "face", and one of just beard detail. If there's anything odd or unusual in the top-down view maybe one of that, although with good TBs you seldom see anything that way, IMO.

then you've got a chance of ID - about one in over 10,000 irises commerically viable in last ten years, with aroudn 1,000 new ones each year. heaven help you if it's already not commercially available, as your numbers go up to around one in 30,000.

Raleigh, NC

just enjoy the darn thing! Name it "bill" for all you could care - just don't ever try to sell it under a name! that causes 100% of the ID problems in the iris world!

This message was edited May 29, 2008 10:31 AM

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, I'll enjoy it either way, even if I never find it's name, but many people want to know the name of mine, so they can order their own. Without a name, it is hard to point them where to buy.

Also, it would be nice to know if I have a historic iris, or not. It is good to preserve the iris of the past, right?

By the way, my Enchanted one came from irisloverdee. She has a website, and that is where I ordered this one from.

Raleigh, NC

well, Dee is a reputable grower if ever there was one. she tends to get her initial stock from the hybridizer. maybe it's just the lighting on this photo makes the rim look darker.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

it could have to do with our soil here, too. It is very alkaline, and will turn a blue or purple color in most flowers, into a violet, or red.

ps-forgot to add that I can't take any more pictures, because mine has finished blooming :0(

Here is another French site that lists sunset sky, and the description reads:,%2Bsunset%2Bsky,roe%2B%26start%3D40%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4SNYI_en___US258%26sa%3DN

"Remarkable and soft color yellow petals slightly copper, lavender and pink sepals surrounded by soft yellow gold."

My enchanted one has "clear" beards, but I've noticed both Sue's and my no ID have beards that are dark gold, almost orange. They certainly fit the description of the historic 'Sunset sky'.

This message was edited May 29, 2008 1:18 PM

Galax, VA

OOOooooo! I have to find a yellow and pink iris now!! Where could I find "Enchanted One"?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'd just type enchanted one into a google search, and I'm sure you'll find plenty of places that sell it. Enchanted one is pretty easy to find.

I got mine from Snowpeak iris. Now is a really good time to buy iris.

Raleigh, NC

Snowpeak is great, reputable and reliable. Cooleys is/was outlet for the hybridizer.

Raleigh, NC

that came out wrong - Cooleys is the firm the hybrizer used to introduce his.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Sue-
Can we revisit this?...

I have a question for you...

you said this one is the same as the first picture?...they look so different between those two photos...:

And, which did you send to me? Is it a mix of the ones you had, or did you select one of those two?

I am very anxious for these to bloom this year, and really hoping for an id.

I now have my original noid, the ones you sent, and the historic sunset sky, as well as the enchanted one, all in one spot, separated in large pots.

They've been that way, since shortly after this original posting. I'm hoping that with them all getting the same soil, and same lighting, they'll be few variant factors, and maybe possible to get an ID this year...

After re-reading this post, it sure seems like at least one of yours must be Enchanted one, since you said it wasn't all that fragrant.

Also, maybe your two different iris are the same, but just show a different color depending on the blooms age, and the temperature outside?

I was looking at the old picture I took just after planting the freshly dug noids, and noticed that one was much was old and pretty expired. The others are lighter, and newer...

Just a thought.

Hope you are doing well...and your irises, too! ;0)

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX

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