Indoor Planting

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I was wondering if anyone has any experience growing edible exotic-ish fruits in the house. I was thinking an orange tree may be cute. Also, do you have to hand pollinate such plants in order to get the fruit and how do you do it? Thanks!

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

You may want to try growing a Calamondin. The fruit is small, but then so is the tree. It is also hardier than regular Naval or Valencia type oranges. You may also want to consider an Improved Meyer Lemon.

Size does matter when growing citrus in a pot and indoors. If you can find a dwarf, go with one. It tends to be more compact and can go longer in the same pot without having to re-pot. Re-potting a citrus is NOT fun.

Outdoors in citrus growing areas, citrus need full sun all day for optimum production, fruit and flavor. You might get away with as little as 6 hours of sunlight. So you will need to provide as much direct sunlight as possible and perhaps supplement with florescent lights. Use citrus fertilizer which has essential trace minerals needed by citrus. This type of fertilizer also uses nitrogen in a form that doesn't harm citrus. I lost a citrus tree to Biuret's Toxicity.

To pollinate the flowers, use a small soft natural bristle brush. With luck, a few fruit may form and stick.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks for the reply! I just ordered some seeds for the following plants:

Psidium cattleianum - Red Strawberry Guava
Coffea arabica - Kona Coffee
Inga feuillei - Pacay
Citrus mitis - Variegated Calamondin

Hopefully I will have some luck! =D

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