When is best time to plant a new apple tree

Jenkintown, PA

I live in Pennsylvania in an 80 year old suburban neighborhood that was previously a huge apple and pear tree orchard. I would love to reinstate at least one apple tree on our property . When is the best time to plant and how large should the sapling be for best chances?

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

The best time to plant is when the tree is dormant - but that time is already past for this spring. The next best time will be late this fall.

The sapling should be young for best root development. Reputable nurseries will sell trees the right size for planting.

If there are no other apple trees left in your vicinity, you should plant another variety for pollinzation, or look for a self-pollinating variety.

Gulf Coast, United States(Zone 9a)

Either spring or fall when the tree is dormant is best.

You can try to plant out a leafed out tree, but it needs to be a young tree with top growth that is roughly the same size as the root structure. If you find a good, locally own nursery - they will most likely pre-prune your tree for you down to proper size if you ask. The reason being is that the root structure can only support so much leaf surface and the tree will mostly be putting its energy into growing roots, not size.

But my advise would to be is to pre-order a tree for fall shipment and plant then. Odds are much better on a tree that will thrive with minimal care. Since you are in Pennsylvania, I would suggest calling Adams County Nursery and asking them for advise on a particular variety to pick and order a tree from them. Here's their listing on Garden Watchdog http://davesgarden.com/products/gwd/c/111/

Chances are pretty high that one of your neighbors has an ornamental crab apple if you are in an older residential neighborhood, so pollination is not something you'd need to worry about. Though if you have room for two trees, go for it! The more, the merrier (I have 17 apples trees alone in my yard)

Jenkintown, PA

Thank you LTilton and AmandaEmily! And thank you for pointing me to a reliable garden nearby - I'll try to pre-order.

I grew up on a hobby farm that had a long line of apple trees - climbing up and picking one fresh is one of my more fond memories...would love to create that for my kids (and myself again).

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