Pieris - lace bugs

Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

I put in a couple of Pieris last year and one looks like it has had a significant lace bug infestation. What is good for doing those little buggers in? In New Mexico I used orthene with a spreader sticker as a general spay when needed but I didn't spray last year because we were in the midst of renovation and I suspect the problems might be different in this wetter climate.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I don't know -- sorry.

Pleasant Valley, MD(Zone 6a)

You should be able to use Orthene with success since it is a good systemic insecticide. You can also use Sevin. Also, anything with Imadicloprid in it. Ortho Rose & Flower systemic with Disyston should work too.

For a more organic approach, insecticidal soap, horticultural oil, and Neem oil are good.

Keep the plant vigorous by keeping watered and fed and this will help resist this pest.

Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, I have a Merit-based spray that should do the trick.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Isn't the Lace Bug one of the good Guys? Is this the one with the big, translucent wings? They eat all kinds of other bugs--like Aphids.

Unless there are different insects called the Lace Bug....Maybe it is only the lace Bug you are noticing because you may well have all kinds of other bugs they are there to consume....


Pleasant Valley, MD(Zone 6a)

Gitagal, you are thinking of the "lace-wing fly" which is beneficial. The lacebug on the other hand is not.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Lacewing, an insect-eating carnivore / beneficial insect:


Lace Bug (a true bug) leaf-sucking pest insect (TINY!):


The systemic poisons will kill insects that will eat the lace bugs, too. I managed to save a few Azaleas (and gave up on one...) with insecticidal soap.

Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

The Mountain Fire pieris that showed the infestation with lace bugs was pretty much gone so it has been given the shovel treatment. I checked my azeleas as well and a couple show show minor damage but nothing serious.

Interesting but the Dorothy Wycoff pieris bought at a good local nursery had a bit of damage but the Mountain Fire bought at a big box garden center crumped. When I dug it out it had practically no root growth. That is possibly why the one showed minor damage and the other was near dead when subjected to the same insult. Beware the series of one but maybe the extra couple of bucks stock costs at a good nursery compared to the big box stores is worth it. All have now been sprayed so the problem has been addressed for now.


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