Narraganset lost her chicks last night

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Are you talking about your state or Federal laws? I have heard nothing here about stuff like that.


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, Molly- the feds are at it again. and big business.

Lodi, United States

There are editorials about the tracking chips in Hobby Farms magazine. I'll see tonight if I can find the issues. They are very against it. Would be extremely hard on small farmers....not to mention intrusive.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Also countryside magazine has been talking about NAIS,National Animal Identification System. The fed gov wants every farm to tag and record any animals on your farm. If you sell any animals you have to file a report and if any are killed you must file a report. This includes poultry. Can you imagine trying to keep up with the paperwork and the expense! This is going state by state. Here's wikipedia's def.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Well it is bad but I followed the link to the government page and it's not a law yet. It's a voluntary program at the moment. Farmers and others who raise animals need to get onto their politicians about this now! This is the fed page


Gainesville, FL

I am not computer literate so yall may have to change the address some, like put in www or something, I copied it from web page. , but try this website .

Library of Congress...

Gainesville, FL

What this bill says,'IMO'is the Dept. of Justice can lock you up for comitting animal "ENTERPRISE" terror .

The man Howard Lyman who was sued along with oprah talked exsplained what it meant. Any negative words spoken against major food producers may get you locked up is way I understood it.

I don't usually listen to late night talk radio,because so many nuts are on, but that night i did because couldn't sleep and didn't want to hear music.

After hearing this I jumped up and logged on to web and edited my reply in equine thread about food recall. It was ver scairy in deed .

Think we hijacked this thread, but that happens to us all.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Sorry whatsupdoc all I'm getting is a blank page from your link. Could you try posting it again please? Just highlight it and do a copy/paste into the body of your DG message. Don't add anything else.


Gainesville, FL

I don't know how to paste, and don't have time to learn, my son tried to teach me when he was on leave a couple years ago .I don't have a computer, just web tv. But i can paste with it i I ever learn how.

Maybe go to Library of Congress, then put in S.3880.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i don't have ttime to read all the posts and links, but i am on an email list for all the latest updates. dmail me your email and i will forward the latest info to you, not just Texas, but covers everything. the email comes directly from an Austin lawyer involved...


Dallas, TX

It doesnt work that way. I'm sure they want you to believe it does but heres the actual wording of the bill in specific to the part of free speach:


``(e) RULES OF CONSTRUCTION.--Nothing in this section shall be construed--

``(1) to prohibit any expressive conduct (including peaceful picketing or other peaceful demonstration) protected from legal prohibition by the First Amendment to the Constitution;

``(2) to create new remedies for interference with activities protected by the free speech or free exercise clauses of the First Amendment to the Constitution, regardless of the point of view expressed, or to limit any existing legal remedies for such interference; or

``(3) to provide exclusive criminal penalties or civil remedies with respect to the conduct prohibited by this action, or to preempt State or local laws that may provide such penalties or remedies.''.

AKA - Bll of Rights is still king

don't ever let anybody tell you anything about a law without readign it yourself.

(I got this bill link off the madcowboy website although I'm sure very few people actually read THAT part)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yes, very good. i was referring to the computer chip - NAIS.... i really haven't been concerned about the animal enterprise terrorism act. maybe i should have been, but really appreciate you setting that straight!

Dallas, TX


``(B) does not include any lawful economic disruption (including a lawful boycott) that results from lawful public, governmental, or business reaction to the disclosure of information about an animal enterprise

Which would relate to a food recall. They can not hold you accountable for econimic loses that a company experiences. Oprah got sued for slander. Which is stating something like it is fact that is in fact not and was economically or otherwise detrimentous to a person/entity.

Dallas, TX

what's Nais?

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks Meg_e,

I figured it was something like that. I sure wouldn't give up my right to freedom of speech without a fight! My people have been here since the 1600's and fought in every war to safeguard those rights. I'm not about to jump and wipe out what I write on their say so!! I was taught as a child that I was an American and that was something special in this world. There are countries where they can snap their fingers and take away your rights. Thank Heaven this is not one of them!!!!


Gainesville, FL

The man sounded convincing to me but then again there are lots of conspiracy stories out there, so glad we all got to check it out.

Dallas, TX


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Before the internet we would have believed whatever was said cause it was so hard to find the information. The internet is a good tool to have used properly. I'm glad I have it!!


Gainesville, FL

It's always good to debate on things like this.

Thats how we get to the truth .

Bryan, TX

Here's a great site for NAIS information. They have calls for action when a bill is coming up in a state, and they follow the federal laws very closely.

Under NAIS, a big chicken operation would only have to license the operation; a cattle feed lot would only have to license the operation. Operations under a certain size would have to identify individual animals. This is simply an attempt at agribusiness to put the final nails in the coffins of small operations.

You can sign up for e-mail action alerts and information. I've learned an awful lot from the site.


Foley, MO

WOOHOO, I love my freedom of speech and would gladly tell big business where they could go if they didn't like it. I'm pretty opinionated though. As far as the chip thing goes, I do remember hearing about it some time ago and they did say it was a state thing I believe. I can see it now, contraband chickens, lol! Bootleg banties : )

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

bootleg banties, LOL.

thanks, Paul, that was the lawyer info i was referring to, just couldn't recall the name at that time. it's in my other email...

contacting your senators and congressmen about your stand on NAIS as a small animal owner/breeder is very important, as everyone's voice should be hear.


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)



Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Thank you Paul, for that link. I am very concerned
for the future of small farming operations, and also
am a horse owner- Arabian to be specific. I am a
member of the Arabian Horse assoc, and have an
additional voice through them to oppose NAIS. Thier
website discisses no mandatory participation until
at least 2010, but I remain against NAIS forever.
I will keep that link in my updates list, and anyone
who can contribute to the opposition, should, at every
opportunity. It's not so much freedom of speech, as it
is freedom to provide for your family as you see fit- within
the law. this would make us all outlaws.

Bryan, TX

I've taken this NAIS stuff very seriously. I'm on the action mailing list and try to do my part every time an alert comes out. Sometimes they're state alerts, and sometimes, they are national.

I don't have any kind of land yet, nearly did, but it fell through, but when I do, I will do everything I can to concentrate on heirloom seeds. I'm terrified of the agri-business terminator gene. I feel that there won't be much left for us.

I believe in the sovereignty of the land and the right and privilege of the owner to care for it in the best way they feel fit. I am very much against "big-brother" taking over.

/off soapbox


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

dont' let me get on mine LOL!

in most countries, you are rich if you have land to grow food on and own your own animals! those things should never be at risk of being taken away!

you should really consider starting poultry too. goes hand in hand with your garden and your organic pest control and fertilizing and growing your own food.

Paul, have you heard of Antiquity Poultry, or Heritage Breeds?


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I believe in the sovereignty of the land and the right and privilege of the owner to care for it in the best way they feel fit. I am very much against "big-brother" taking over.

I agree. DH and I spent a good deal of time on this
subject and NAIS last evening. Long before I learned
about heirloom seeds, I felt some need to save them-
must be in my genes being daughter to farmers. The
more I learn about the benefits of small farms, the
urgency keeps pace, and the need to connect with
others of like mind. It's a soap box worth standing on.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

my soapbox says "All, Small & MIghty" on it!

Bryan, TX

Maybe we need to start a new thread on NAIS and the importance of preserving the small (even micro) farm.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

And the steps we can take as individuals to fight NAIS!


Humansville, MO

go with your plan we are all with you

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

there is a great book called MIcro-Eco Farmingin i would highly recommend. be careful on the new thread, the DG policy against political postings/discussions means you need to be careful how you handle this discussion. or else all the important info you share on it could be closed down and not available for others to see, and that would be a shame. see the link at the bottom of the page called acceptible usage policy... and then i am there in the new thread with you too, just wante dto give eveyone a fair heads up.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

a) As of Nov 6, 2002, discussion and debate of a political nature, and debate of a religious nature are not allowed on the site.

tf is right. Anything political is barred. I'm sorry to say this would probably fall in that area.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

giving info and links is fine. it's when the discussion become sheated to the point of debate. i kno because i have started topics like that, only to have someone come in and get nasty, then complain, then it gets closed. no hard feeling sof course, and i would still participate if you started one, but don't go getting PO's if/when it goes awry....

Foley, MO

What did you mean by PO? ; )

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

PO is short for P---ed Off. I think.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yep. things happen in threads, and when controversy raises it's ugly head, it gets shut down. such is life... not worth getting PO'D over... you know that d is right next to that s on the keyboard. i need bigger keys. lol

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Nope, you need clearer eyes.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

no, its my jumpy fingers. i type by feel not sight. my eyes ain't perfect wither LOL.

now i am typing real slow, my keyboard went KAPUT, and i am back on the old even smaller one with no wrist suppotrty. this AIN'T goonan work...

Foley, MO

I'm a slow typer anyways, not like my mom who is a speed typer. I always make my the into teh.

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