Hi Everyone!
The season seemed slow to start here in Orange County, NY (at least to me it seemed slow), but finally the first Iris is blooming. I have no idea what this one is called. It was here when we bought the house, and I took it from where it was growing in a large, overgrown clump and divided it throughout the yard. It has thrived and multiplied like crazy and is the first thing to bloom. It's beautiful! It's a rainy day today, but I thought I'd share a picture of how pretty it is.
I really enjoy everyone's pictures on this forum. Thank you for sharing them!
Got some bloomers!
Very pretty blue ,
the first bloom is always breath taking after a winter of waiting
Happy for you that blooms are beginning!
Keep sharing -- mine are finished for spring, daylilies starting and much as I love my daylilies, I love bearded iris so much more!!!!
Thanks, Jackieshar, it does look like Violet Harmony! It's nice to put a name to the bloom!
Thank you for the nice comments. The other irises are starting to bloom now, too, so I'll be sure to share pictures!
Or… I've always thought that my historic was "Sweet Iris"
Oo Tazzy, I trust your knowledge completely..but now I am confused, don't know what I have..and was spelling it wrong. I think I may have a light blue one like yours somewhere too......I just know they are lovely, all varieties and I am having to trust my trading partners to be more knowledgable than me.......
Is the rare variegata you mention in the foilage? I have both the white and the cream varigated sword. I prefer the white varigation, but after 3 or 4 years it is not multiplying, super healthy, but it just sets there.......
No it has a red and yellow bloom, most plants of it came from Turkey they are a lot of pallidia species in that country
i got mine from Bea Wathron she was in Signa 30 years ago
and it may have died in my move 2 years ago
Ok .so the bloom is red/yellow? I sure hope you find it Taz, sure would be a pity to loose such a rare one.. and it is call a varigata......I am begining to get it.....Pallidia is a type of iris?..
I appreciate u!!
Jackie heres some different pallidas
and a sub spieces that is new to me allways somthing to learn
cengialti was one of the species behind the MTBs, gave the blue coloring.
this is a list of iris species and sub species
blows your mind and there discovering new one yet
List of Species:
Alophia drummondii
Alophia silvestris
Alophia veracruzana
Anomatheca grandiflora
Anomatheca laxa
Anomatheca viridis
Aristea ecklonii
Babiana scariosa
Babiana spathacea
Babiana virginea
Belamcanda chinensis
Bobartia gladiata
Calydorea alba
Calydorea coelestina
Calydorea xiphioides
Cypella coelestis
Cypella herbertii
Cypella peruviana
Diplarrhena latifolia
Freesia marginata
Gelasine elongata
Gladiolus alatus
Gladiolus cardinalis
Gladiolus communis
Gladiolus italicus
Gladiolus murielae
Gladiolus orchidiflorus
Gladiolus saundersii
Gladiolus scullyi
Hermodactylus tuberosus
Iris acutiloba
Iris afghanica
Iris albertii
Iris albicans
Iris alexeenkoi
Iris anguifuga
Iris antilibanotica
Iris aphylla
Iris assadiana
Iris atrofusca
Iris atropurpurea
Iris attica
Iris aucherii
Iris auranitica
Iris babadagica
Iris barbatula
Iris barnumae
Iris bicapitata
Iris biglumis
Iris bismarckiana
Iris bloudowii
Iris bostrensis
Iris bracteata
Iris brevicaulis
Iris bucharica
Iris bulleyana
Iris camillae
Iris celikii
Iris chrysographes
Iris chrysophylla
Iris collettii
Iris confusa
Iris cretensis
Iris cristata
Iris croatica
Iris crocea
Iris cycloglossa
Iris cypriana
Iris daliensis
Iris damascena
Iris danfordiae
Iris darwasica
Iris decora
Iris delavayi
Iris dichotoma
Iris dolichosiphon subsp. dolichosiphon
Iris domestica
Iris douglasiana
Iris dykesii
Iris edomensis
Iris ensata
Iris fernaldii
Iris flavissima
Iris foetidissima
Iris forrestii
Iris fulva
Iris furcata
Iris germanica
Iris giganticaerulea
Iris glaucescens
Iris gracilipes
Iris graeberiana
Iris graminea
Iris graminea var. achtaroffii
Iris graminea var. pseudocyperus
Iris grant duffii
Iris grossheimi
Iris hartwegii
Iris hartwegii susbp. australis
Iris hartwegii subsp. columbiana
Iris hartwegii subsp. pinetorum
Iris haynei
Iris henryi
Iris hermona
Iris hexagona
Iris heylandiana
Iris histrio
Iris histrio subsp. histrio
Iris histrioides
Iris histrioides var. sophensis
Iris hollandica
Iris hoogiana
Iris hookeri
Iris hookeriana
Iris humilis
Iris iberica
Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima
Iris iberica subsp. lycotis
Iris imbricata
Iris innominata
Iris ivanovae
Iris japonica
Iris jordana
Iris junonia
Iris kashmiriana
Iris kemaonensis
Iris kirkwoodii
Iris kirkwoodii spp. calcarea
Iris kolpakowskiana
Iris koreana
Iris korolkowii
Iris kuschakewiczii
Iris lactea
Iris lactea var. chinensis
Iris lactea var. chrysantha
Iris lacustris
Iris laevigata
Iris latifolia
Iris lazica
Iris lineata
Iris longipetala
Iris lortetii
Iris lortetii subsp. samariae
Iris lortetii var. lortetii
Iris ludwigii
Iris lutescens
Iris macrosiphon
Iris magnifica
Iris manchurica
Iris mariae
Iris marsica
Iris meda
Iris medwedewii fom.
Iris mesopotamica
Iris milesii
Iris minutoaurea
Iris missouriensis
Iris munzii
Iris mzchetica
Iris narcissiflora
Iris nazarena
Iris nelsonii
Iris nezahatiae
Iris nicolai
Iris nigricans
Iris nusariensis
Iris odaesanensis
Iris orientalis
Iris orjenii
Iris pallida
Iris pallida subsp. cengialtii
Iris pamphylica
Iris paradoxa
Iris perrieri
Iris persica
Iris petrana
Iris planifolia
Iris potaninii
Iris potaninii var. ionantha
Iris prismatica
Iris prismatica var. austrina
Iris pseudacorus
Iris pseudacorus hybrids
Iris pseudacorus var. bastardii
Iris pseudacorus var. mandschurica
Iris pseudopumila
Iris pumila
Iris pumila subsp. taurica
Iris purdyi
Iris purpureobractea
Iris reichenbachii
Iris reticulata
Iris revoluta
Iris rosenbachiana
Iris rossii
Iris ruthenica
Iris ruthenica var. brevituba
Iris ruthenica var. nana
Iris sabina
Iris sanguinea
Iris sari
Iris scariosa
Iris schachtii
Iris serotina
Iris setina
Iris setosa
Iris setosa var. hondoensis
Iris setosa var. interior
Iris setosa var. nasuensis
Iris sibirica
Iris sikkimensis
Iris sintenisii
Iris sintenisii subsp. brandzae
Iris sofarana subsp. kasruwana
Iris songarica
Iris speculatrix
Iris sprengeri
Iris spuria
Iris spuria subsp. carthaliniae
Iris spuria subsp. halophila
Iris spuria subsp. monnieri
Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica
Iris staintonii
Iris stenophylla subsp. stenophylla
Iris stenophylla var. alisonii
Iris stolonifera
Iris suaveolens
Iris subbiflora
Iris subbiflora var. lisbonensis
Iris susiana
Iris swensoniana
Iris taochia
Iris tectorum
Iris tenax
Iris tenax var. gormanii
Iris tenuis
Iris tenuissima
Iris tigridia
Iris timofejewii
Iris tingitana
Iris tridentata
Iris typhifolia
Iris unguicularis
Iris uniflora
Iris variegata
Iris variegata var. reginae
Iris ventricosa
Iris verna
Iris verna var. smalliana
Iris versicolor
Iris vicaria
Iris virginica
Iris virginica var. shrevei
Iris warleyensis
Iris wattii
Iris wilmottiana
Iris wilsonii
Iris winogradowii
Iris x fulvala
Iris x neumayeri
Iris x norrisii
Iris x robusta
Iris x thompsonii
Iris x vinicolor
Iris xanthospuria
Iris xiphium
Isophysis tasmanica
Moraea aristata
Moraea atropunctata
Moraea bellendenii
Moraea bipartita
Moraea comptonii
Moraea fergusoniae
Moraea debilis
Moraea fugax
Moraea polystachya
Moraea loubseri
Moraea pritzeliana
Moraea lurida
Moraea reflexa
Moraea sisyrinchium
Moraea polyanthos
Moraea spathulata
Moraea ramosissima
Moraea tricuspidata
Moraea tripetala
Moraea villosa
Nemastylis floridana
Nemastylis geminiflora
Nemastylis nuttallii
Nemastylis tenuis
Neomarica caerulea
Neomarica gracilis
Neomarica longifolia
Neomarica northiana
Orthrosanthus chimboracensis
Pardancanda x norrisii
Pardanthopsis dichotoma
Rigidella orthantha
Schizostylis coccinea
Sisyrinchium albidum
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Sisyrinchium atlanticum
Sisyrinchium campestre
Sisyrinchium exile
Sisyrinchium montanum
Sisyrinchium mucronatum
Sisyrinchium striatum
Solenomelus pedunculatus
Tigridia amatlanensis
Tigridia pavonia
Tigridia suarezii
Trimezia martinicensis
© 1999-2007, SIGNA. Material from this database may be freely used for non-profit purposes, provided you give credit to the original photographer or contributor.
looks to me like Victoria Falls
I agree, I bet it IS Victoria Falls. ^_^
Looks like it to me too.
If it tall and falls over in wind its Victoria Falls
Honest !!
Lovely!! I use to have that one years ago. There's many a day I wish I had it again. I just haven't the room for everyone of them that i like. LOL
If you get a chance - - maybe you can post it on the "PlantFiles". A lovely picture like that should where everyone can see it!
thats the story i heard on How Victoria Falls got her name .
there is another story about the beautiful HEAVEN iris that when the wind blows you have Heaven on earth
Iris lore
I'm just out lurking a bit. When I saw your pic of the light blue iris with white around the beards, my 1st thought was 'sure looks a lot like my Victoria Falls'. And there in the next post was someone saying the same thing. Yep, I'd like to 2nd (or 3rd or 4th or wherever we are now) that ID.
Love splash of Raspberry.
i like the dark broken color ones . ^_^
I love the broken color ones, too, tazzy. It appears I have a few more that will bloom this year. Can't wait.
post them so i can drool
of mine survived my move 2 years ago
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Why didn\'t my irises bloom?
started by crabmeat
last post by crabmeatApr 14, 20240Apr 14, 2024