Chicken coop wire

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Dusty we did something like that over in the Daylilies forum. Some people use it but being human most just 'talk' wherever the mood strikes them. I don't mind since quite often out of casual stuff you learn things and great ideas are often born.

Ladybug I had considered the leash idea but being a herd they don't take kindly to being separated. They would go ballistic while I was moving one of them not realizing that everyone would get a turn to go out. They're lovely loving critters but not exactly the professors of the animal world LOL ! Paul keeps talking about an electric fence that can be moved around to where we want them. I think my current herd will be great grandparents before that gets to happen!!
Also wanted to say that was a really great lesson you gave your son! Too many adults haven't thought all those things out and the animal has suffered. He'll grow up to be a great human being with the seeds you planted in him.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

OH, I GET IT! duh, Dusty, sometimes i need a good WHAP across the forehead...[jsut ask taynors]

that would be cool, and i like the names too....

just think how much time that would save us, plus would keep from bumping down threads folks need to find.... go for it, start one, i am there [well maybe not today LOL, gonna make myself scarce]


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