Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Molly, no, not yet. The instructions were to see our own doctor ASAP, but since we had been in the ER from 3:00AM till about 12:00NOON, (not 6 hrs as stated earlier), I just thought to get him here and in bed. I will see if he is able to go on Wednesday. The nurse is coming tomorrow afternoon to evaluate him and see to the PTs coming for therapy. He is much better tonite, so I am thinking that with the therapy they used this morning and the meds they had us get, he should be good to go by the weekend. But, we will still take our time about him getting better.


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I wish you both the best with this.


Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

GG, sending prayers your way. Hope he's better soon.


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Goodness, Granny, you are more casual than I
would have been. I do hope he is feeling better
very soon. Both of you are in my prayers. My list
is getting long.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

take care of Paps, granny!

i am the young one here. when my "old man" is worn out, and the warranty expires, i'll spread his ashes in the garden and go find a young'un!

DH can mean other thing stoo, depends on if they are in trouble...

Gainesville, FL

Hope he's better today Granny. Sometimes mine gets down too , it's rough getting old ,but the alternative is not good.

LOL, Tam . Sometimes DH can mean all kinds of things. I'm sure they feel the same way about us too ,haha.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, gee, NEVER! [HAHA]

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Well, the nurse came today, and I told them not to bother coming back. I was given to understand that they were going to send out PTs, not total home health care. They started by telling us we HAD to call them first before calling 911 for emergencies. Now, that wouldn't be bad, but they are there from 8:00AM to 5:00PM, and after that we would have had to call the hospital (not our hospital, either), and ask for TRIAGE. Then after that, we could call 911. When time is important, I don't think I should have to call a hospital that is about 35 miles away and wait for them to decide what I should do, I think I am able to know. They also wanted to set up a monitor for him to use daily to record his blood pressure, pulse and I guess respiration rate, and a friend has one and has had a lot of trouble with them wanting you to wait until THEY say it's okay to take your meds or eat. I questioned why we needed total home health care, and the nurse couldn't give me an answer. I mean, we are not totally incapicitated, to need total home nursing.

We have an appointment to see our doctor tomorrow morning. When I first called, we were told we couldn't get to see him until next week. I guess when the doctor got the report on DH, he decided he wanted to see him tomorrow. So we will go in the morning.

BTW, DH is doing very much better today.

Gainesville, FL

Good !

I understand what you are saying ,it is getting harder to find good care.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I'm glad you are getting in tomorrow to your own doctor.


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Me, too. I don't really like strange doctors because they don't really know us.

I just looked at the script for the home PT, and it doesn't say a word about having to take total home health care to get it. I am thinking this is just another way to get money from the insurance companies. But many people think it is a good idea, and after all, it is paid for by someone else, so why not take it. We don't think that way.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

good wishes at the dr appt. hope everything has a simple solution and you can both return to how things were...

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Hope it was good news GG!


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I heartily agree with you Granny. They just want
to keep busy working and getting paid for it, whether
you need that level for care or not. When I went to the
hospital for an allergic reaction, I brought my meds
from home. I know how to take my own meds, and
they are already paid for. They wouldn't let me take
my own meds, had to hand them to me, and charged
the insurance for the meds and the administration of
them. Please. $4 for a tylenol???? I hope your Dr is
taking good care of hubby- after all, he knows you like
you said. I am hoping for a quick recovery for him.

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Well, we went to the Dr. this for the laugh. It seems this was an allergy to out cottonwood tree. DH was breathing the cotton, didn't know it, and it plugged his sinuses up and the fluid built up in his inner ear and caused the vertigo. Dr. confirmed that DH doesn't need PT, just keep hydrated, and it should go away in a week or two. DH is now almost back to normal. Orneryness and all! LOL.

Dr. was in room when I tried to get up and found out I have sciatica-big time. He gave me a shot in the back to ease some of the pain in the sciatic nerve. I don't know if it is working yet. Certainly hope so. He told me that usually it starts with the pain in the back and hip and then travels to the other sciatic nerve in the groin, but of course I have to be backward. Mine started in the nerve in the groin and then traveled to the back.


Lost one of my keets this morning. It didn't seem to be thriving, so might just have had problems from hatch.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

well, allergies huh? guess he doesn't need someone telling him if he can do the other stuff! hope your shot takes effect soon!


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

I don't know if the shot is going to work or not. It worked yesterday, but I am back in the same pain this morning. Only thing is it is in a different spot. I might just have to learn to live with it.

DH is doing just fine now. It's as if Monday morning never happened. And boy am I glad. Men can be a real pain when they don't feel well. It seems to make them twice as ornery when that happens. LOL


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Men can be a real pain when they don't feel well.

AMEN! We've both been sick this week. Paul went first. He has carried on for a whole week spending extra time napping. I got sick, had one evening in bed and had to carry on as normal even though I've felt lousy. What does he do? Ask me to fix him lunch for today so he wouldn't have to pay for it. Now this doesn't sound like much unless you happen to know that he NEVER ask me to pack him a lunch so why now when I'm not feeling well? Go figure!

GG so glad that your doctor was able to put your mind at rest. That thing in your back can be something aggravated by stress. When my oldest sister's husband was ill she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and she got so bad she could hardly walk without crying out in pain. After he died she began to mend and within a year most of the pain was gone and she looked 20 years younger. It's been over two years since he died and you should see her out dancing for hours LOL She's 76 years old and she is enjoying life! The stress of worrying about her husband and caring for him was killing her.


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh my goodness, GG, I am so happy for you
and DH that his trouble was not serious! Now for
you dear- I guess the only thing for sciatic nerve
stuff is rest rest rest. But, I know you some, and
that seems like it's not going to happen. :o)
I am sorry about your keet not making it- I hope the
rest are healthy.
DH was home yesterday not feeling well, and he is
such a poopy head when he doesn't- what is up with
that? He's better today after sleeping all day yesterday.
Thank goodness he is not underfoot.

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Well, I don't know about the back. The Dr. had x-rays taken that will tell him quite a bit about what's wrong there. I am beginning to think it is also Arthritis. Not RA, tho. Since it is cool and cloudy and damp today, my back is giving me trouble.

Maybe I am growing old. Getting the aches and pains of age. LOL


Yep, Joni, I don't have time for all that mess. Got to live my life to the fullest. After all, I only have about 50 years to live yet.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Wow, that means I may have about 70 or so-
Thanks Granny!!!

When clearing cedar for the chicken house, I must
have done too much bending over (picking up all the
stick scrap) and after a couple hours I could not even
lift my leg or walk due to sciatic nerve being wacko,
so I know it is painful and can be helped

Lodi, United States

I've had sciatica since I was 28! There are different causes--in my case it wasn't arthritis but a trapped nerve in my hip. Once when I was on serious painkillers after knee surgery, I just lay there and thought "Oh yes, this is how it used to feel when I was young--no pain." It is worse when I lie down....and three other women at work have the same problem. I spoke to the doctor about why it is worse when we lie down and he said your muscles relax and let your pelvic bones shift and it hits the nerve. Helps if you lie on your side.

So Granny, its not old-age. Its just life.......

Gainesville, FL

Glad he's doing better granny.

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Although it wasn't diagnosed until I had my spine x-rayed back about 25-30 years ago, I didn't know I had a deformed spine. I thought everyone had a large bump on the end of their spine. But, when I was a kid, if I sat the wrong way on a chair, when I would get up, I had the God-awfulest pain in my tailbone. It turned out that my spine is "L" shaped and my caudel bone is sideways. I think that might be what is causing most of my trouble. They took x-rays yesterday also.

Did something foolish today. I had to climb into the pen to get the teenagers so we could move them outside into the temporary coop and bending down totally did me in. DH can't lift his leg over the sides, so it is up to me to get in and catch them. Soooooo, again I am in agony. I took a couple of ibuprofen which will help for about 4 hours, and then I will most likely lay down. I do get some relief when I lay down, so it isn't a trapped nerve. But from the looks of things, I am going to have to find out what it is and have it taken care of.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hot bath as hot as you can stnad it, with epsom salts. someitmes when you relive the muscles, the joints fall back into place, taking the pinch off of the nerve


Lodi, United States

That sounds great tf!

Granny--hope you are feeling better.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Granny hope you feel better soon. So relieved to hear that it was alergies causing your DH's problems.
TF, I just bought some Epsom salts for my plants but your hot bath sounds so good I'm going to be swiping some for myself!!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, that does sound good. I just recently
learned about epsom salts and plants, and
have some I could actually use for me, a people.

I am feeling for you Granny. Please rest and get
that 'oomph' better. I eat way too many ibuprofin,
I know that's bad, but I have little else. I got a titanium
ankle a little over a year ago, and at least I am
taking fewer, now.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Be careful with your stomach truest! Those pills can eat away the lining of your stomach if you take them for a long time. Ask me how I know!


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

and your liver...

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Well then- tell my doc that, and to give me
something that works, and is less harsh. I
guess flipping back and forth between pain
killers may help some... I need a better anti
inflammatory that doesn't carry all the heart

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

choclate works well. and caffeine. both coffee and real chocolate have many health benefits, esp with the heart. and wine is a great relaxer with health benefits. all taken in moderation LOL, help to ease the day and the discomfort. but still need some ibuprofen on occasion...

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Well a good red wine and some chocolate then!

Granny- did you hear that? Chocolate is Good for
us! (oh what I wouldn't give for some Lindt dark
chocolate truffles right now)

Hope everyone has a fun, safe holiday! please don't
work too hard, Granny.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks truest but when do those of us with critters get a holiday off ? LOL
Enjoy yours and have some chocolate (milk chocolate please) for me!


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, but the darekr the healthier!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Don't want healthy chocolate, I want to sin and enjoy it!


Lodi, United States

The dark chocolate is much higher in antioxidants--which means you need to eat A LOT more of the milk chocolate to get the same effects. Dosage is important;0)

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Hehehe so I get to eat more chocolate! LOL as Martha says "That's a good thing"! And all medicinal too LOL


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

OK, you win, eat your MILK chocolate. just try to stay away from those with additives like soy lecithin and corn syrup, PLEASE, that takes away from the health benefits.

so, did everyone get their hot bath, chocolate, coffee, and wine for the day?


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

No wine, no coffee, tub too small for a comfortable soak and no chocolate here. Maybe tonight.


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