Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

I called the post office this morning because Ideal said they were sending out my keets yesterday. The postal clerk said they hadn't come in and the mail had run for today. So I figured they would be coming in tomorrow morning. Lo and behold, I got a call at 3:00 this afternoon from the P.O. and she told me they were here. They had sent a truck 75 miles with the keets on it from the distribution center. I think they were the only thing on it, too. I guess the keets and the chicks they sent with them made too much noise for the workers at the distribution center. They were sure noisy.

All look to be healthy and hopefully they are happy to be with us.


Lodi, United States

Congratulations! You should take the postal people brownies! Or Eggs!

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

I already sell eggs to the postal clerk. One of the mail carriers is my competition for egg sales, and she won't sell to the clerk because when she didn't have any I did and the clerk bought some from me, and now she's mad at her for that. Go figure. She don't have eggs and gets mad because someone buys from me.


Lodi, United States

No brownies for her!

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Nope. Oh well, that's her loss. She stole one of my customers but I picked up two in his place. But her hubby has her well trained. He believes all the money spent in our county should go to him.

They are the reason I got chickens this time. I called them for eggs, they told me they had two dozen for me, when I went out to get them, they had sold them. This had happened about three times, so I ordered day-olds for the next spring, and have had them ever since. Just expanded my henhouse to house a few more than I have now. (getting more regular customers)


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

that'll teach em! sound similar to MY neighbors, well, a little LOL

now, tell us more about those keets! what colors did you get? coral blue if my favorite, and i only have one left, so might have to get some... DH still isn't over the last un-announced eggs and chicks that have arrived. i did announce it, he is just hard of hearing, and i get weary of repeating myself!


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

I actually don't know what colors they are. I just got an assortment of whatever Ideal wanted to send. There are what looks like either lavender or pearl grey, and two of them are darker. I will have to look at some pics to maybe tell.

Sounds like your DH has "selective" hearing....LOL. Mine does too. It seems to be a natural trait for them.


Conroe, TX

Don't all men and children have selective hearing, LOL

Congrats on the new little ones Granny.

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Thanks, smedgekles. And.....yes they do, although I don't have children at home, I hear that all the time.


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

What I really love is when we have a whole conversation about something and later he says you never told me ^_^ I have to wonder just who I was talking with??


Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Have fun with your new babies!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

my DH likes to claim that i must have told my Dave's Garden friends but i hadn't discussed it with him!

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Molly, were you talking with his alter-ego, possibly?


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

LOL that must be it GG! Cause he denies it was him!


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Mine does it all the time. Absolutely, emphatically (sp?) insists that he tells me stuff and that I forget it. Yeah, right!! LOL


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

It's a way to slowly drive us crazy so they can say we're nuts!


Lodi, United States

I just tell my DH he has to sleep some time....evil grin.

But they do say men lose the higher range of hearing early and so can't hear female voices well. Just look pitingly at him and say you understand, it must be hard to grow old so fast;0)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

mine is deaf and he knows it!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

LOL well I would say that Catscan if I wasn't slightly older than him! He could turn the tables on me with that one LOL


Lodi, United States

I'm older than mine too....but he has the defective Y chromosome! No one points out that it is missing a whole arm:0)

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

ROFL! Love that! Defective Y chromosome. LOL


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

And I am another one that is older than mine.

I also love that "defective Y chromosone". Maybe that is why they don't think with their heads, but their toes, and when they sit down it cuts off circulation.


Lodi, United States

Not to mention their thin and fragile corpus callosum--the network of nerves that connects one hemisphere of the brain to the other. So they flip-flop on what they think and what they feel. And you can't convince them that they did. But when they are in their "right" minds they are lovely creatures.

I am so bad, I just hope DH and my DSs never read this.........

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)



And yes they are.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Ditto Catscan!!! LOL


PERTH, Australia

What on earth are keets?

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Hey, I'm a couple of years older than my DH too! And he took my last name!!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

saanansandy that is so cool! Not many men would do that. They'd feel it somehow threaten their masculinity .


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

keets is the chick name for guineas! like poults is for turkeys...

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Keets are so cute! At least for a few days, then they start looking like the 'helmet head adults' don't get me wrong...I really like Guineas! But you have to admit, they are not the most attractive bird.

Gainesville, FL

I got a really needed good laugh off this thread, thanks girls.

I too am older than my DH [ what does DH stand for?] too.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Dh = Darling Husband

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Darling Husband, or Dear Husband?- You guys are
going to laugh so hard! I am older than my DH, too!

We're all just a bunch of cougars! LOL I kept
reading down, and everyone kept adding they were
older than their husbands-

Congratulations on your new keets, Granny! How
many did you get? I want guineas, but I fear the
noise and them getting on DH's car. DH said just
this weekend that he was beginning to feel claustro-
phobic at our place (we are on 2 1/2 acres) AWESOME!
That means more property- and keets!!!

Gainesville, FL

Mine was not only young but baby face too, first thing I did was ask for ID [ he's 6 yr.s younger ].30 years now and he still looks young, like a Dick Clark .

He has been a good one 'most of the time'. A lot better than the first one who was older than me ,and worse than a rooster in a hen house when the 60s hit.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Meaning when the old husband turned 60 he was
worse than a rooster in the hen house- and if that's
so, and you've been married to the new one for 30
years, then you are such a go-getter super senior! LOL
Or- the new DH is in his 30's, and still baby faced- OR
the old husband was worse when the temps got to 60*?

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

LOL same here. First was 6 years older (teenage marriage that didn't last to 7th year) many years later this time around I picked a guy 6 years younger than me LOL. We're both past middle age but sometimes I feel like I snatched the cradle LOL


Gainesville, FL

LOL, I like em younger that way he can take care of me when I get older.He still thinks I'm good looking so I don't leave him long because he might notice the change when I get back.Love is blind ,thank goodness .

The first one didn't care what the temp was, he was on ready for the 60s sexual revolution ,which left me and the kids in a bad scene .We were teens when we married but he was a pool shootin, woman chasing,son-of-a-gun.

I was man shy after 5 yr.s with that one, so baby face had a hard time convincig me .

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

ditto whatsupdoc


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Ditto for me, too. This one lied to me the first time I met him. He told me he was 37 to my 32, and then I found out he was 27. But we've been together 38 years now and still going strong.

Had to take him to the hospital this morning (actually sent him in an ambulance). We thought it might be a stroke, but turned out to be a bad case of vertigo. He needs help standing and walking right now. They sent him home with a walker and he is mainly sleeping but says he feels "a little better". I think he is much better, but will be having a nurse and pt out tomorrow to try and get him back to normal.


Spent 6 hrs in ER till they let him go.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Have you had your own doctor check him out? I've noticed that hospitals these days send everyone home no matter what.


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