newbie needs help with clematis proteus

Middletown, OH(Zone 6a)

I planted it on northside of the house may get 3hrs of late afternoon sun. The area stays quite moist, not standing water but very moist. Can I leave it there or should I move it? I asked this question earlier in the week but can't find where I posted it, I'm new at this so I quess I need help even asking questions and getting an answer.

Thanks guys you get me so excited about gardening.

Dewey, AZ(Zone 8a)

I have a Proteus also, but mine is in a pot waiting to be planted in its permanent home. The key to clematis is keeping the roots moist, but not too moist, and conversely, never letting them dry out. I might be concerned with root or crown rot if the area you have yours planted in is overly moist. Also the late afternoon sun is going to be quite a bit harsher than a.m. sun, but maybe that's not really an issue where you are. Here in AZ the late afternoon sun, even if it's for a couple of hours, has the potential to bake any plant. I guess all you can do is leave yours where it is and see what happens. If it starts to look poorly, then consider moving it to a dryer spot or one that gets a little more sun.

Delaware, OH

for me , proteus is the least finicky early large flowered. mine is in a area that gets less attention than some of my gardens and it thrives on the basic care i give it.the blooms are huge, my largest for sure and they last a long time. it is worth finding the right spot for, and you may find it likes to sprawl more than climb and if you force the vines too much into just where you want them it will respond negatively.they want to sprawl or fall, such as over a wall.enjoy one of the most beautiful clematis in the world!

Louisville, KY

The photo for Proteus on Silver Star Vinery's website has a lady standing in front of a gigantic 20 year old Proteus. One of the most amazing Clems I've seen. Thanks for the info too because I just planted one. (because of that picture).

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