Kaelkitty: where are you?

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Hi kk,How did your move go&have you settled into your new home yet..I hope all has gone well for you.Am missing your posts..what have you been up to anyway & did you receive the phoenix seeds I sent?

Yes I hope all is well with you KK ...please pop in and let us know you are ok.

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

I'm still house hunting! It is simply horrid. Today is the first day I have had free to be on the forums in ages. I have another open to go to tomorrow. In between I am madly digging things up and flinging them into pots. Of course, after the move who knows how long it will take them to reconnect my ADSL, so I'll probably have another period of terminal slows.

I'm very ticked off about this happening - I was supposed to be long term in this house and I have planted masses of stuff which will all have to come up. Climbing and bush roses, Berry bushes, Rhubarb, stacks of ornamentals - you name it. If any of you have ever gone and looked at my journal here you will have an idea of what a huge job it is. To make matters even worse, I had just finished potting up 470 pots full of spring bulbs so they will all have to go as well. When I moved in here in 2006 they, at least, were all dug up and dormant so I had the whole lost in a few cardboard boxes plus a stack of empty pots, now they are all in full growth and heavy with rain to boot.

I have to be out of here before the 9th of July and it is very difficult to find anything big enough within my price range, but I'll just have to go on looking, until I do.

Oh well, I'll just have to get on with it. I would ask for everyone's patience for a bit though, as I really can't guarantee to be on-line with any regularity for a while.


PS here is a last view down the side of the house showing a bit less than half the bulbs, before I start pulling all the plants out.

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty

Oh How awful for you ...Sending a GROUP Hug from all of us here in the forum, I hope you can find a suitable place soon ...the pain of having to leave the garden behind is almost impossible to measure.
I am sure there will be lots of stuff we can help you with when you get settled.The very best of luck ...kk thanks for letting us know whats happening ...I/we will be sending warm vibes your way ...so don't feel alone, anytime you want to vent we are here for you.

Coffs Harbour, Australia


Thumbnail by weed_woman
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Wow, a Group Hug and a bouquet! You guys spoil me, Thanks, KK.

Merino, Australia

kk you are always so helpful and obliging here on DG.
What goes around comes around, so there is something nice waiting for you around this next corner of your life, I am sure.
Keep well and keep up the good spirits. we are with you in our thoughts . .Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

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