Pruning back my Bob Hope Cammelia-Anyone want cuttings?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I posted this on the Trees and Shrubs Forum, but had little interest. Maybe it is better here.....

I have this amazing, beautiful Camellia that so many people here lust after. It is called "Bob Hope" and is a beautiful, double/tripple red.
I have now had it for about 8 years total--and it must be much older, as I bought it in a 2 gal. pot--already well on it's way.

Anyway--this year the branches seemed too droopy and it just did not look so great--so I have decided to, selectively, cut back most of the branches to the next "split". It is now almost finished blooming--the flowers are dropping as we have had a lot of rain. I will be doing this in the next week or so.

For those of you that know, SERIOUSLY, how to propagate Camellias, I would be glad to send you some of the cuttings. There will be some new growth on them, but not very long, but they need to be cut off before the new growth starts.

PLEASE!!! NO frivolous requests!!!!!
--You CANNOT stick this in a jar of water and root it!
--You cannot just put it in some soil and put a jar over it and root it!
It takes special conditions and skills to root Camellias. I know so from someone I sent cuttings to--because he knew how to do it. I totally trusted him. Every one of the cuttings rooted for him!!!

Here are a few pictures of this Camellia.

--Close-up of the bloom

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is some bud and bloom

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's the whole bush end of April--the blooms just starting to open up.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

This shows how droopy the branches have gotten. Time for a good "shaping". Of course, some of the drooping is due tot he number of blooms on each branch.

Please D-mail me if you are interested.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Just wanted to show one of my cuttings from last year.Yes, this is the same Bob Hope.Mike

Thumbnail by mqiq77
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

AWWW! Mike! Thanks for the picture.....It WAS a bit out of focus, though....

I did a bunch of cuttings and took them to Becky's Plant Swap for "Happy". She has been lusting after these for a long time--and has been in contact with you for advice on how to root them. I sure hope she is successful!!!

Today--late as it was--I finished pruning back most of the branches. They had so much new growth on them--I hated doing it! But--I was late--and it had to be done! I think it is a hardy bush and will survive this late pruning and regrow all the new growth....
I called our local Arboretum to see if they were interested in the cuttings. The person in charge was too busy to talk to me for more than a couple of minutes. I called back and left my name and phone # with the receptionist---I even e-mailed them pictures of how beautiful it was......So far--I have not had a response. Maybe tomorrow?????....NOT holding my breath!

I have the cuttings in a big plastic bag with a plate at the bottom and some wet paper towels to keep up the humidity. I put it in my basement where it is a bit cooler.
Should I put the bag in the refrigerator, MIKE

Frankly--I do not expect to hear from them....They are too busy!....In that case--all the cuttings will become trash! Mike--I know you are wincing at this---but I have no one else to offer them to. Besides---There is always next year...............:o(


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