Photo by Melody

Rhododendrons and Relatives: Pruning back my Bob Hope Cammelia-Anyone want cuttings? , 1 by Gitagal

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Image Copyright Gitagal

Subject: Pruning back my Bob Hope Cammelia-Anyone want cuttings?

Forum: Rhododendrons and Relatives

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Photo of Pruning back my Bob Hope Cammelia-Anyone want cuttings?
Gitagal wrote:
I posted this on the Trees and Shrubs Forum, but had little interest. Maybe it is better here.....

I have this amazing, beautiful Camellia that so many people here lust after. It is called "Bob Hope" and is a beautiful, double/tripple red.
I have now had it for about 8 years total--and it must be much older, as I bought it in a 2 gal. pot--already well on it's way.

Anyway--this year the branches seemed too droopy and it just did not look so great--so I have decided to, selectively, cut back most of the branches to the next "split". It is now almost finished blooming--the flowers are dropping as we have had a lot of rain. I will be doing this in the next week or so.

For those of you that know, SERIOUSLY, how to propagate Camellias, I would be glad to send you some of the cuttings. There will be some new growth on them, but not very long, but they need to be cut off before the new growth starts.

PLEASE!!! NO frivolous requests!!!!!
--You CANNOT stick this in a jar of water and root it!
--You cannot just put it in some soil and put a jar over it and root it!
It takes special conditions and skills to root Camellias. I know so from someone I sent cuttings to--because he knew how to do it. I totally trusted him. Every one of the cuttings rooted for him!!!

Here are a few pictures of this Camellia.

--Close-up of the bloom