Cat Mint - it really is!

Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

I should have taken a clue by the name of the plant. The Cat Mint I planted last year have grown like crazy this spring except one has a depressed center. The periphery of the plant is fine but the center is flattened. This morning I looked out the window and my neighbor's large cat was departing her cat mint bed! Nice cat but really cheeky. I think I will put in some catnip in an out of the way corner of the garden for the cat and perhaps she will like that better than the cat mint.


Thumbnail by linuxogre
Shenandoah Valley, VA

That would probably work. My cats have never gone near the catmint but I have catnip here and there. I have found they like the catnip that's along the sidewalk where it gets brushed against the best.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

My cat likes his catnip. It selfsows tho!!! but doesn't creep like a mint. Sometimes I think he insists on getting outside for a fix.

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

lol....... i have one plant toward the front of my yard but i can see it out my bedroom window when im on the pc. it has become the neighborhood hangout for all the kitty junkies to get their fix! so funny to watch them munch and leave very happy! lol

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