Some of my Spring Blooms

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I finally tried photobucket and like how easy it is to load pics. Here are some of my most recent blooms :)


This message was edited May 11, 2008 9:31 PM

Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Here is my shade garden I created over the weekend.. My body hurts :)

Jim, the hosta are all from the farm we went to a few years back! Dug up and divided.. Should fill in nicely! :)


Edited to give direct link to slideshow in next comment.. i'm still figuring this out :)

This message was edited May 11, 2008 9:29 PM

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

test to see if I can link to the slideshow directly

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

soulgarden-- love your beautiful flower borders and your new shade garden.

It must have been a huge amount of work. And it looks like you're ready to have a wedding there now! Are we invited?! Wish we were!

Cute garden helpers, too! You are very lucky!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks.. yes it was a lot of work... but I've got to get that pile off the driveway, so making new beds is my only choice!

Have Danita and Jans son hooked up yet? They could be the first wedding.. ohhh and i'm getting a hammock for another area right next to it.. i don't know what those two have to do with each other, but it just came to me :) it could be the MIL seating maybe??

I love those boys :)


lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Susan all I can say is "you know you got the touch"
Beautiful job.
I loved the foxglove with the butterfly next to the white fence. My favorite.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Jim :)

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

You can really tell you have put in a lot of work in that yard. How did you get so many blooms so early in the season. I don't have anything blooming yet. Those boys are really growing. Everytime I see a picture of them I think about the time one of them kept calling me on the phone. That was so funny and a memory that I will have forever.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I've worked some! :) just blooming for me.. Just had them in the ground and they are blooming is all :)

They ARE growing... Can you tell I let them dress themselves on the weekends? Told the little one his shirt was backwards and he told me "so"!??... so fine then, let me take pictures of you to share when your 20 and your girlfriend sees how you couldn't put a shirt on and the other one can't match his.. oh long as they are outside playing, i don't care what they wear!

Jim, I have worried ever since that he would pick up my cell and start calling folks that are in there! Hasn't happened yet :) It was the younger blonde that called you. That was funny!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

you have a marvelous green thumb! spendid work. great pictures. looking forward to seeing your flowers later on in the season when they're at their peak. thanks for sharing.

last year's lilies -- my garden is just beginning to sprout

Thumbnail by ritapg
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Rita.. I enjoy sharing them :) Seeing them myself makes me realize how far I've come and gives me permission to not just constantly focus on my to do list for my yard and garden, but appreciate what I have accomplished so far :) I'm also a little less inhibited about showing "before" pics which is why I wanted to take pics of the shade garden from the start and not just the finished glamor shots.. it takes work! And of course it isn't done..a garden never really is. I want Adirondack Chairs in there.. it needs mulch.. on and on it goes :)


Holden, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi Susan, I have been enjoying your beautiful garden pictures , your on my watch thread : )

So very inspiring, thank you for sharing

tc linda

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Linda.... I'd like to learn more about how to use photobucket and share as much as I can :) The loading was fast and easy.

Any other photobucket users here? I've been wondering.... when you all visit my photobucket page, can you go to a page that lists all the albums and slideshows that I make or do I need to list the links to each one and provide the links to each one?? Anyone?? :) So as I create more slideshows... can I just give one link or do I list each of them like I did?? Thanks!



Holden, MO(Zone 5b)

Sorry I can't help ya on your photobucket, my PC won't let me see them , just a black page. : (. I'll have to see if I can see them over on my sisters PC. Mine works halfway.

I use Flickr and can see pic in there. Photobucket is really nice , but only on computers that work nice , lol. I have lost Java plugins and other things in my PC that does not let me see picutres : (

Hope someone chimes in to let you know what is the best way to share your pictures. : )

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Photo Bucket worked fine for me. I had to download an update on Java I think it was to begin.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

So Linda.. you couldn't see the slideshow..hmm??? Hope you can soon.

I found a tutorial so I'll start there :)

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Pretty as pretty can be.

Did I give you the canna lily. Reddish and yellow one. I have the same one if I didn't give it to you. It is really pretty. Old age has me frogetting the name of it.

Does it look the same to you?

Thumbnail by Georgiaredclay
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes Jim, it's exactly the same. It came from your garden :) Thank you! Lots more of them are blooming right now. I can't remember the name either!!

I just saw my first jap beatle this past week..chewing down a zinnia... but for the most part bugs haven't been as bad this year.. i think maybe due to the drought?? Or it isn't well enough into summer?? I haven't sprayed a thing this year.... I haven't been pulling may weeds either!! ... Been to the lake!

I have bunnies all over my yard every day. small babies, middle sized mommies and big daddy's. I think they are coming due to the well and regular water here... Or they saw that statue of St. Francis and thought they were welcome.. but so long as they stick to the grass they will be fine by me :) Hope they can outsmart the coyotes.

What are you doing for your birthday Jim?? :) Happy Fathers Day :)


Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

How about spending it with you? I really haven't decided. All my family here has gone to Orlando to visit my son there and won't be back until next week end. Hey I won a trivia contest last week on one of our radio stations and an all you can eat meal at Ryan's. I probably will go chow down there. The trivia was who invented charcoal. I had just read an article the previous month. It was Henry Ford. After inventing the car and had all the parts being shipped in with wooden pallets and etc. he put the wood to good use. Also Kingsford was his cousin.

I was telling Bobbie today, she came home from 10 until about 5, that it was time for the JB and I hadn't seen any. I don't think we had that many last year. Mosquitoes haven't been as bad as usual either.
The bunnies have just about eaten one of my hosta's to the ground. One little ol half of leave left.

Boy the fish must have really been biting. Good picture there.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Smart man! :) Was watching a show about how Puma and Adidas came about after two brothers went their separate ways.... but that the German hometown is still very much divided and loyal to their brand and side of the family and look down at your feet to see what side your on! :) have a good dinner! And Happy Birthday :) Should I get a babysitter and come on down??

That little boy tells tall tales like a real fisherman :) He's caught many brim but after he releases them they turn into "bass" and they get much bigger :) I sat there and listened to him tell us the entire story about the 20 inch bass and him not realize that there aren't many times we don't have our eyes on him when he's bringing them up. I guess it's just in the male genes... he didn't learn it from us!

I haven't gone out to see my hosta lately... But I do see them eating the grass and I'm fine with that... but it is annoying to go out and see plants chewed down to little nubs of nothing isn't it??

Great that Bobbie could come home for a while.. bet that lifted her spirits :) We will be going to visit my FIL tomorrow.. he had a heart attack a few weeks ago and doesn't want to eat or have us bring food or anything when we go... he's eating special and would rather not I guess.. so we'll do that on the way up and then visit. I've got weeds I'm sure the neighbors think are going to flower any day they way I'm letting them go... It's amazing how many pictures i could take without showing the weeds on the ground!

Sure lots of DG folks think I'm just not friendly anymore for not coming around... but just caught up in the goings on of life is all!

Still Friendly,


Holden, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi Susan , got to see your gardens on my sisters computer, mine still needs fixin.

Your flowers are beautiful, and yes you did a good job on hiding the weeds, didn't notice a one.

Happy Fathers Day and a Happy Birthday to Jim

We go fishing in Moms pond in a small boat and catch blue gill, small but good sweet tasty eating.

Heres a picture of one of the lilies my dd gave me after the rains we had, I wish it came with a name.

Thumbnail by Lindawalkabout
lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Susan, call the baby sitter. Yeah it gets to be hard to get on here sometimes and do other things that have to be done. I really haven't had the time since Bobbie got hurt. I still haven't gone back to work. My 12 weeks of FML runs out on July 3rd. They could have waited one more day.

Linda mighty pretty lily there.

Thanks for the wishes Susan and Linda.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

hi Susan :)
thanks for sharing your photos. I'm not really that familiar with photobucket but when I went to the first link you posted, I was able to navigate through and get to your June blooms and your secret shade garden photos too, just so you know.

Your gardens are lovely, did you have much damage from last years drought?
I'm still planting away and trying to get ours under control!!!! We didn't have nearly as severe a drought as you...we lost a few hydrangeas here...I must have missed watering them enough.


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Linda, glad you got to see them.. it would take forever to load all those here.. and i like the larger slide show they have there. :) If you only knew all the stuff I have planted that had names..but not anymore! :) Oh well.. i call them Beautiful. And I'm not that kind of gardener anyway. I garden for the pretty, not the names. :)

Jim.. Glad you had that time to take off.. I do have a high school gal coming once a week to let me out of the house without the boys. The first week school was out they burned a hole in my pocket for all the money they spent. (All the money I let them spend) i couldn't believe it.. And then the older one actually had the nerve to complain about what he didn't get.. I told the younger one i didn't have any money to buy him something and he told me to use the plastic card!! I know the right thing to do.. but those kids wear me down! So I'd rather they stay home while I go out and do my thing.

Thanks Dianna. Yes, i lost a few things last year, but not too much. I got my well installed right as our total watering ban went into effect using county water. It's now hooked up to irrigation and I'm sitting pretty with outdoor water. I did feel guilty watering last year.. but my neighbors and friends talked me out of it :) I do it first thing in the morning on a timer so it's not blatant. I've seen all the pictures of flooding in Iowa and its hard to believe when we need it so bad.


This message was edited Jun 15, 2008 5:48 PM

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Diana.. I appreciate you letting me know that.. So i wont be putting up any pics i don't want coming back to haunt me if I ever run for office!



Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

good plan ....hehe :))))

I'm tuckered out now...was out most of day after church and now my mom is still out there, gardening away, as it is getting dark!!!

I know I got some seeds from you from Suzy's swap but I forget which ones...I'll check and let you know how they are doing. My "kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate" came up in a winter sow container then died I think. So I'm going to direct sow some seeds. I think those seeds were from you :) thanks again!

happy gardening!
ps: I really like the large butterflies you have in your garden decor ~ I only have one large metal butterfly post that I got at the Phila. flower show one year.

this is a hollyhock we have blooming now, "peaches & dreams"....was knocked down from a storm last night :( but I tied it up today and it should be fine :) I have it in our butterfly garden.

Thumbnail by wind
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I know the feeling of saying..just for a little while and having one thing turn right into another and then getting out a lantern to see by. I could spend hours and hours out there and still not have it all done!

Yes, those were some of my seeds. I didn't sow any this year, but I certainly have them coming up :) That's the kind of garden i want to have.. where plants just grow on their own casue their and happy and welcome :)

I am a certifiable yard art nut.. I like my garden fun :) I try to keep it upscale... I don't know how upscale flamingos are, but I think the neighbors have gotten use to it. No complaints anyway.... And I haven't returned home to find them missing :) My husband just humors me with it and so long as the flowers really outnumber the pieces of yard decor, he's okay with it. We were driving up to North GA yesterday and he pointed out a very "rural" decor store out in the middle of nowhere and I immediately saw all the "stuff" in the front yard and commented that we should actually go as they'd probably have some great yard art!

I love my hollyhocks! I'm going to grow more!


This message was edited Jun 16, 2008 6:44 AM

Holden, MO(Zone 5b)

soulgardenlove your flamingos reminded me of a story I heard about a man who was told in his high dollar neighborhood that pink flamingos was not following the color code, The tones where to be earth tones , so the man colored his flamingos brown, lol , i just love that story.

Now my sister has her own story with her yard art flamingos some yrs ago, her hubby use them for target practice, she was not a happy flamingo camper : (.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

A former neighbor of mine, who was an avid iris gardener, had a "blue" flamingo!!! It really was different and I thought it worked how she had it in her garden :)

Susan...I think I ruined the whole pkt of kmotgg seeds today....left them in my pants pocket that is now in the wash!!!!!!!! I did winter sow some and will have to look to see if I hopefully have any seedlings. I can't believe it... I always check pants pockets but my husband doesn't and he put the load in!

looking forward to more photos of your garden :)

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Linda.. Love that story :) I heard about the one where rebels were placing them around yards at night in a Disney Residential community down in Florida.. There were so many covenants and rules that it was someones way of rebelling :) I'd tell your sister to trade him in! :)

Diana, of course I have more.. Problem is I'm terrible about sending stuff out on time.. D-mail me your address and maybe I can get you some in a reasonable time. I still owe someone else seeds in a trade and am surprised she hasn't left me scathing feedback yet. Maybe I can send both out together :)

Last year during out deep drought and no rain, I left out a box full of seeds overnight by the basement door. of course it rained... I tried to sow what I could right then and there anyway, but it's tricky sowing wet seeds :)


Holden, MO(Zone 5b)

Susan , lol on the rebels. Sis trading in her hubby is no fun, we wouldn't be able to toss his turkey decoys around like a football, oh he was not happy with that one, lol. Should not have shot the flamingos !!!!!!

On hollyhocks, I wintersowed some this season and got some small plants growing, will I see flowers this year?

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

passive aggressive paybacks!! :)

Hmmm.. not sure, maybe some small ones... but next year will be spectacular :)

a gardeners famous last words " next year....."



Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)


Your Birthday thread :)


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Jim this first album is what we were doing on your B-day.. I was working like crazy to dig up all these plants and save them. I lost a few and will see if others come back.. But thats the way it goes. The sewer line had to go somewhere and right through my garden it went...

This album is called when Bad poop Happens to good Gardens :)

next album little more enjoyable to me :) Late June Blooms :)

Enjoy :)


lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Susan you know you got it girl.
Just breath taking.
Those boys are really growing. Nice looking kids and I bet they never give their mother any problems.

Well you will always remember my birthday. LOL

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Never give me any problems?? Thursday morning the older one caught the younger one off guard and rolled him off the bed and he let out a really pained cry when he hit the floor.. I wasn't pleased.

Went ahead with my scheduled day and the gals at the Y came and got me to tell me he was asking for me.. He's tough (they both are) so I knew something was wrong. Took him to the hospital for X-rays and turns out he has a broken collar bone! I was so upset for him.. So the older has no friends coming or going, no TV for a while and the younger is the king of the remote, has all the ice cream he can stand and of course everything else he wants. Older one has started calling him "invincible" for all the stuff he's getting for having a broken collarbone.. And he deserves it. My husband and I were almost all set to get the oldest a bunk bed he's been begging for and he asked me about it Thursday afternoon.. I let out the biggest laugh and told him he could get that bunk bed when he moved out of my house. The irony being that I purposely put the mattress and box springs on the floor for this not to happen.. here's my sign.. no Bunk beds for either of my children. He doesn't want to wear the sling, so he's not.. but he's holding his left arm down on all those pictures.. and he's nursing a broken collar :( I have to say he's being a better trooper about it than I would be.

Not give me any trouble.. No none whatsoever..

Yes, I will always remember your b-day!! :) I'm still recovering from it!


Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)


As I sit here in the ice and snow of zone 5a, I have to tell you that your various slide shows brought a smile to my face. Lovely pictures. Beautiful family. Thank you!


Medway, MA(Zone 5b)

Susan, great garden! You must be so proud of yourself! You better post pics this coming spring. And what a clever idea - using Christmas ornaments in the garden - no one would ever know!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Donna! Glad you liked it :) Hope your snow melts soon! I have a two day max on snow and then I get cabin fever bad.. but the city shuts down completely down here when it snows and sticks :)

Sue, when Christmas Clearance goes to 90% off at Hobby Lobby.. the only things left aren't really Christmas colors.. perfect for summer decor!~ My husband doesn't fully appreciate my buying Christmas clearance, but I will not be detered! :) Maybe I should just pay full retail before the 25th! Not really.. I just do my best to hide it ;) And your motivating me to get more! I'm not as proud as I am passionate and obsessive! :) I just love to experience the joys of a beautiful garden and I like to share it too.

I'm looking forward to the growing season. I've been doing lots indoors and decorating some rooms. We are doing a full kitchen renovation in Jan and I'll probably post pictures of that as well! :) Love that photobucket!



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