Our first child of the year has arrived.....

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Will try.....

tggfisk....ain't they purty.....you got it.....and yes its great with blues and purples......that tall verbena kinda floats around it but another more substantial blue or purple would be good too even better..

Paul from Alabama

Thumbnail by PaulFromAL
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Now, Paul, what are you staking in the background there? Carrie

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

I was staking bee balm.....'Jacob Cline' It's not that it needs staking cause it melts out in the heat or anything like that, its cause some of our thunder storms down this way are pretty nasty and will break the stems off or bend them anyways.....When I first started gardening and had my first bee balm in a container.....I thought them things were the most beautiful things I'd ever seen before, me and my wife went to lunch one day and a good blow came up and when we got home I went outside and nearly everyone of my bee balm had their stems broken......I was in a word, make that several words, I was not a happy camper.......:)

Thumbnail by PaulFromAL
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Pretty! I do a lot of perennials in pots myself - but that's kind of different up here, I guess. (To say the least.) But I don't like staking. . . .


Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Staking? a necessary evil with some plants if you want them in your garden....you can finesse them, cut them back, pinch etc....give'em lean and mean soil....etc.....but sometimes you gotta stake.....is it fun?......Is a root canal fun?.......:)

Paul from Alabama

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I didn't mind root canal when I was 13 and the doctor was cute.


Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

I thought his dental assistant was knockout, didn't you?......:)

Paul from Alabama

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Uh, no, I didn't notice him/her. But the endodentist was hot!


Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

You don't have to show out using big words like that......:)

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