My Cinnamon Vine in PA is up & running

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

This is up & running. Lovely vine, non invasive. Here's a pix from spring last year.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

I've never seen tha vine, it has nice color stems, I guess that's why it is called cinnamon, is it hard to grow, Clemen

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

It's called cinnamon cause the flowers smell like cinnamon. No, not hard to grow. It's hardy in zone 6 and possibly colder.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

So how do i get seeds to grow it, I just love the smell of cinnamon, please post more pictures so I can see how it develops..........Clemen

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I have little "potatoes" you can plant. What do you have to swap?

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

how about a butterfly bush?

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Got too many of those. How about seeds of some sort. Do you have any of those to trade?

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Do you know the latin name of this one?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

buttoneer, i would love a potatoe to plant if you have extra. what kind of seeds are you looking fr?

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes b,what knid of seeds you would like? Let me think what I have and let me know......Clem

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Marie--I think it's this one, Dioscorea oppositifolia I'd do some research on it before planting it, I know many of the Dioscorea's can be invasive in warmer climates (and the PF comments suggest that this one is). I'm not sure if the Arizona desert conditions would keep it under control or not.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

wow i got a couple taters last year that were supposed to be cin vine but mine dont look like yours at all.

and you say flower? mine doesnt flower just produces taters but no flowers.

well ok on the hunt agian i guess. pretty plant

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I bet yours was one of the other Dioscoreas, some of them are called wild yam and there's one called air potato, I think those are more likely the one you had.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Anybody interested in these, please send me a padded SASE & I will be more than glad to share them with you.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

buttoneer, thanks. will get it in the mail today

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks buttoneer I will do the same. Would you share some pictures from your gardens. I miss Pennsylvania green!!

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

Buttoneer, I will do the same if you don't mind. I would love to grow this. My sister doesn't live far from you - she lives in Ephrata. I only go there 2 times a year now. I sure do miss going 2 times a month or more.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i will too as mine wasnt what i was expecting. thanks so much . Marie

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I brought them up out of the basement & they had mold on them but they were sprouting, so I sprayed them liberally with 70% alcohol & they look fine, now. I took the ones out that had roots. Will send those out first but all will sprout for you. Maybe I can start a PA Dutch thread, so I can share my pix from Lancaster County. I do have a thread started with spring flowers in the garden. It's under Mid-atlantic gardening.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

buttoneer, my envy went out yesterday. i put the stamps and addy label inside
thank you so much

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Let us know where you start the new thread. I am off to look up your other one!!

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

sent bubble envie label and stamps in side with reminder what its for thanks so much

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

My pleasure. These babies need a new home as they are "hatching."

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

You started trouble, Clem

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I love this vine. Mine will have small tubers and when I dug some up to replant, those in ground were finger sized.

If I may add, in the southern climates these are considered invasive (but I am still passionate about them). They grow fast and cover well. I have never seen nor smelled the blooms but find a lot of tubers later in summer.

Thumbnail by podster
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, I believe it is Dioscorea oppositifolia. I have tried smelling the very tiny clusters of white flowers but cannot determine any sort of smell, let alone, cinnamon. Probably because my sinuses are clogged.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

I guess it is time for an allergy pill..

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

I checked the plant files link above and one of the vendors that carries this plant has the plant listed as Dioscorea batatas rather than D. oppositifolia. It looks like the two plants are the same.

Dioscorea bulbifera also produces the tubers on the vine and that could be the plant some of you have if it does not match the description of D. batatas (oppositifolia).

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

My very hardy zone 6 vine has the deep purple stems. I also have Dioscorea bulbifera which is the nonhardy variety (mine are in hanging pots), that I collected in Florida, but the stems are not purple, the leaves are more rounded heart-shaped, and does not produce flowers, to my knowledger.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

post a picture please.C

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Pix is at the top of this list.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

has sase arrived yet? forgot when sent it and hate things to go in other directions. i got mail for fort jackson yesterday when i live in jackson. hehe

so just checking.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I have received 4 SASE's and all have been mailed out as of yesterday. Let me know when you get them. Thanks.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

I sent you the elephant ear on monday as well as some estra postage, let me know when you get it. Hope is well, Clem

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Clem, EE arrived yesterday. Your taters went out in this morning's mail. Thanks.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Enjoy the ee, Clem

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

button, got my taters! thank you so much

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Plant them RIGHT AWAY. They;'re raring to go. Good luck all & let us know (with pix) how your rampant vines are doing. Have a great & meaningful Memorial Day holiday weekend. Button.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

got mine yesterday planted today thanks so much!!! Marie

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Well Button went home today and there was your envelope! It said, plant now urgent, so I did, the potatoes were so cute and little. I'll promise to sent you a report of how they are doing soon. Thanks, Clemen

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