Open House at RCN

Crozet, VA

I don't have all the specifics at the moment but remember that there has been talk of some folks trying to go to RCN Nursery during their Open House weekend May 31 and June 1. I would post a link to the nursery, but I have never taken the time to ask for directions to do it. So, if you are interested, you are on your own.

Do I have any possible takers?


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm hoping to go, but it'll turn a little on this-and-that with the kids.

Crozet, VA

Pretty much the same here Happy. It will be a last minute thing, if at all.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

It is a high priority on my list, but I think my daughter has a soccer tournament that weekend, and I'm not sure how we're going to coordinate things.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I was really excited to think some of you might make the trip this year to our Open House. However...I'm not sure this is the year to do it...I had high hopes that the gardens would be glorious with all the planting I wanted to do and the projects I had started back in March. With all my time being devoted to Phoebe's recovery these past two months and our show schedule, the gardens are an absolute disaster! Everything looked great last year but I'm afraid there are going to be some very disappointed visitors this year :( I'm not sure we're even going to have time to remove the branches from a December!!!! pruning that are still in piles and block portions of the driveway and garden paths :((( And the weeds! You can't even see where the paths are, let alone the plants! Although I would love to have everyone visit, maybe you should plan to visit next year when I WILL have my stairs done from the arbor I erected last fall, my copper arbor will be finished, hopefully my stream project will become a reality and I'll have glorious plantings of all the new Euphorbias :) I had so many ideas and plans earlier this year but unfortunately Phoebe has been my priority this spring.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

You are talking to gardeners here ;) We understand. I never went out to my gardens last year after mid July and you can't believe how bad they looked, the only things that grew despite the drought was the weeds. They're still here too! I've been scurrying this spring because the Delmarva hosta soicety is coming here this weekend for a tour and their meeting. I have been whining and complaining that it will never look good enough. So much to do that I don't even have time to think about pulling weeds.

I came to the conclusion that; gardeners have "vision" and can see beyond the weeds and what ever else mother nature may or may not have left for us; a garden is always a work in progress; no gardener expects to see perfection; and we all have life that sometimes gets in the way, keeping us out of the garden.

... it only takes meeting a friendly face in that garden, or one particular plant or gift of nature to light up a face. For any gardener; the beauty is still there regardless of the obstacles.

I really want to make it this year, but don't think I will be able to. So your weeds and trimmings will probably be unseen by me :( I would much rather see them though if it means I get to meet/see you too, and I think everyone on this forum feels the same.


Crozet, VA

They are really beautiful words Jody. Wow, you must be doing something right if your yarden is part of a garden tour. Do you have pictures to share?

Debbie, okay now the pressure if off of me for visiting your place during an already packed full schedule. Next year for sure, and actually John and I could ride down almost any old time. I say that knowing that we are pretty much tied down here trying too keep up with all the planting and maintenance involved in a garden.

I am sure that you visitors will love the place despite the condition it is in.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Jody, I agree with Ruby and especially like "no gardener expects to see perfection" :) I guess my frustration is showing huh? LOL I was just so excited last fall when I got my arbor erected and steps started leading to the new planting area. Over the winter I started even more projects and I hadn't even finished the planting near the arbor yet! What was I thinking?? I have a hard enough time taking care of what is already here and now here I am creating more? I just can't stop myself, but what gardener can? LOL We've already decided that we're going to cancel out on the the last show we've done for the past five years over Memorial Day weekend in Harrisonburg so that we'll have more time to prepare for the Open House next year. The show appears to be dying anyway - gone from 30 vendors initially down to only 11 this year. Even though it's close for us (only an hour away), by this time every spring we're exhausted after traveling every weekend since the first of April. So NEXT year will be THE year for everyone to come!

I certainly understand how busy everyone's schedule is, especially at this time of the year, and I'm sorry to report that I won't be able to make it to your swap Jody :( I was so looking forward to finally being able to meet you and I was planning to bring my best friend, another "Mainiac" :) One of these years...I promise!

Crozet, VA

Awww.....I know that things will go well for you Debbie. Next year for sure!!!


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Just thought I'd drop in and report I'm a weeding fool!!! Things won't look as bad as I thought, we're making progress :) As I was pulling weeds and finally being able to see what's under them, I've been able to check out what is missing. OMG, I lost quite a few of the Ferns, Hostas and Tricyrtis I planted last summer :( I have more to replace them, but sad nonetheless. I know the drought last summer was probably the culprit but I did make an effort to water them, guess it just wasn't enough! Also noted that the black sooty stuff that falls from our gorgeous Birch tree is making quite a mess of that area. May have to rethink my "stream project" as it's located within the canopy of this tree :( We're going to make every effort to bring a lot of plants up for a "bargain bin" at the Open House. I've been wanting to do this forever but just never seems like enough time to get it all together. We have some older Heucheras, perennials and trees and shrubs and we need to clean out some of the space at the nursery! If they don't sell, I'll find plenty of spots in my gardens :) Lots of planting to do after the Open House when I can finally take a "vacation"!!

Crozet, VA

I bet that you are a busy little bee buzzing around that place. Almost sounds like things that we need to do around here. Even though not gardening on the same level as yourself, we can become overwhelmed from time to time trying to keep up.

I hope that it goes extra special for you.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I'm happy to report that things are actually looking pretty darned good :) We have indeed been busy little bees and the scratches, bruises and aching muscles prove it! Still have a few weeds here and there, but overall a huge improvement. A friend stopped by last night who saw the mess just last week and couldn't believe what a difference we've made :) Now, if I just had one more day, I could get some of the plants in the ground I had intended to plant before the Open House. Oh well, there will be plenty of time after it's over :) I know gas prices aren't helping any right now, but still hoping that a few of you can make it this year!

Crozet, VA

I am sure that everything is lovely Debbie. It is not going to work for us to visit this year. I hope that some of the others who were thinking of coming, will be able to make.

Please give an update on Monday. I would like to hear how it goes. I will aim for next year honey.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I hope you have a great open house, Debbie. What fun it would be if we could all go. One of these years ...

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

hart, I keep saying the same thing about the swaps, "one of these years..." :))

Pleased to report that the weather cooperated this weekend and although it was a little 'sticky' we didn't get any rain and had lots of happy customers. Our 'bargain bin' was a hit and people were hauling out $5.00 trees and shrubs left and right - yay, now I don't have to water them all summer! We had one customer who really, really wanted some of our Black Bamboo - told her if she wanted to try to dig some she was more than welcome to it since it's way out of control! She had a couple of young studs with her that she put to work - they'll probably never come back with her again! LOL We had so much fun, even if it is a lot of work and pretty sure that we're going to have our first Fall Open House this year! We have an opportunity to travel to Alexandria the last of September but thinking it would be more fun to just stay here instead :) I'll let you know when our plans are solid - maybe a better time of the year for everyone to try to make it.

Oh yeah, almost forgot! One of our very last customers yesterday was a gentleman we had never met before who lives right around the corner from us - and he's a DG subscriber!!! I'm going to encourage him to come over to MAG and join in on the fun :)

Hope you all had a productive weekend in your gardens - I can't wait to get started in ours - lots to do out there and I'm really looking forward to it!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm so glad you had a good weekend, Deb. We do need to get you out to one of the swaps.

That's so neat about your neighbor. Tell him we'll be looking for him.

Crozet, VA

Debbie, I am so glad to hear that the bargain bin was a hit. Anything else in particular stand out about the Open House? I believe that you are correct about having a fall open house. I know that each of our weekends for the past three or four were planned for us already. Next two we have things going on too. Just busy, busy.

Get some rest now Debbie.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhhh a FALL open house....what fun!!! That would be a nice way to wind down the season!! I KNEW your 'bargin bin' would be a success. I'm one of "those types" of, love a good sale. Don't care if I gotta baby it...right price jumps right into my hands.
Your babies from Green Spring sale are happily in the ground putting on new year I'll think of you as I stand sniffing like a bloodhound in my yard!!!

Crozet, VA

Chantell, I love your description of things. "Sniffin' like a bloodhound. Have to love it. Again, you are such a cutie.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

And I agree! Sent the picture of Chantell and I to my mother in Maine - although she was critical of my appearance (Mothers!), she thought Chantell looked like a sweet lady - and she is :)

I'm sure we'll have a few of those "bargains" left in the fall :) We had beautiful 5' tall Magnolias - $5.00, kind of has a ring to it doesn't it? LOL Rick didn't want to "give" away a lot of these plants, but since he was determined to send perfectly healthy plants to 'compost heaven' just because they're getting too big in their pots I convinced him hauling them up here for the Open House would at least give them a chance at life! More work for us, but plenty of happy customers who will give them a good home :) Now if I can just secretly water the remaining bargains over the summer and hide them from Rick we'll have more for "those types" of shoppers!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Whooeee -- I'm with Chantell. I remember once mortifying my step-daughter as I rummaged through the trash bin at a plant store (with permission) to retrieve potted plants they considered too far gone to sell!

This message was edited Jun 4, 2008 8:20 AM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL Devon!!! My kids just avoid going with me (except the DGD's mama) when I hit those places...LOL - see that's why I'm training the baby to be my side kick - soon as she quits eating everything we'll be good to go.
Ya'll are too first thought when I saw it was OMG THOSE teeth...look like a close relative to either the Kennedy or Osmond families!!! ROTFLOL
Debbie - I'll admit it ~ cheap prices brings folks in...I'm sure plenty walked out with extras (at regular prices) after being drawn the the clearance bin. And I bet you'll get some of them coming back down if you have a fall open house "just in case" you have more in the "bin." It'll be like those early bird specials on Black Friday that bring everyone in at God awful times of the morning and night...LOL

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Can't you imagine the scene when we all show up -- we'll be elbowing each other, and doing tug-of-war with the plants! "I got it first, now just let go!"

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

now come on happy we're "better" then that - I'll just suggest we all meet down there at 10 and show up at 9....LOL Yeah, cuz I'm always early....not

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Well, you know my track record on arriving on time!!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey long as you do show up....we're all happy.....ha, I said a funny

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Brightened my day!

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