Mystery thornless blackberry starting to bloom

Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

i am eagerly waiting for the blooms and berries!! a neighbor gave this to me and someone gave it to her so not a clue as what kind it is. I have it planted by my back fence behind a bunch of roses and i HOPE it will be okay there...too late now!!!!! haha!

should I fertilize it now? and what type of fertilizer?

anoyne else having a hard time waiting for their berries?? i know, i know...


Thumbnail by mysticmoonshine
Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

and here is a pic of the whole kit and caboodle....obviously I have limited spave but this seems to be working out *okay*
I can't wait for the day when I have enough property to let things stretch out.

anyone else have any pics of their set-up? I would love to see...i have just planted Caroline Raspberry and have not put up a staking systm yet...curious to see how how others do it and get some ideas...i need all the help i can get...hahah!

Thumbnail by mysticmoonshine
Steubenville, OH

They look great and your roses look like they will be beautiful too. I know what it means to need patience. After living in rental houses all of our 15 years of marriage, we were finally able to buy 82 acres (hooray!) and now I'm making up for lost time. We planted 21 fruit trees, 17 raspberry bushes, 24 blueberry bushes and 650 strawberry plants...but we don't even have blossoms on any of our things yet. We should have strawberries and raspberries next year, but it will be years before we're eating any of the other yummy things, so I'm jealous of your blossoms. Enjoy your berries!

Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

82 acres!!! wow!! what a dream come true!

i am hoping to have space of my own to stretch out too....someday....

and all those fruits you planted...very cool!!! are you planning on selling them?
please let me know how all of your babies turn out...i just keep thinking to are you watering all of this???

i just have the one blackberry. i just planted a caroline raspberry and I have 2 strawberry plants...pretty funny compared to your farm!!!!

hey, we all have to start somewhere!!!

here is a picture of last years blackberry thief.......

Thumbnail by mysticmoonshine
Steubenville, OH

I think it's really great when people use their limited space to the best of their ability. When we lived in the city, we had a 80 something year old neighbor who lived on the corner lot. He grew everything you could think of on his plot. In the front yard he had about five or six dwarf trees, huge tomato plants in the back,etc. He was ALWAYS out in his garden doing something...even in the winter. I really admired him. After we moved to the country I found out he had died, and when I drove past his house, all his fruit trees were gone...very sad:( It must have been too hard for his wife to keep it up.

Yes, the large acreage is way more than I ever dreamed well worth the wait. I'm not planning on selling any of the fruit since, as my user name implies, I have lots of kids (7!) so I'm just hoping to keep up with demand. I have a few more years before my boys turn into teenagers and with the price of food these days, I'll be very thankful to send them out to the orchard to eat all they want. I want to plant about another 20 fruit trees, but I wanted to see how things worked out this year. Patience is a virtue...

As far as watering goes, we've had a fair amount of rain lately, but when it's dry we are able to water them fairly easily with hoses and sprinklers, as long as the well isn't running low on water.

How did your berries turn out?

Orlando, FL

I am down here in Orlando, Fla and my sister gave me one of those thornless blackberries and I have fruit on them this yr and they bloom off and on also. The berries are big and the seeds are too. I mush prefer wild blackberries up in Miss. where I am from when small LOL. The chiggers and ticks are bad up there so I dont go hunting for them tho.LOL
The thornless berries are growing good and you should have berries the first yr. Fran

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